View Full Version : Tapped in Belchertown
03-01-2006, 05:44 PM
Well I have 157 tapped so far on buckets with another 60 + to go, then I'll tap the woods this sat, should put me around 330ish . it was pretty cold out and I didn't think anything would run, but a few trees that were in the sun ran with a good rhythm of drops in the bucket. I may even have to collect some tomorrow..doubtful though, I'll most likely wait and collect on Friday for the first time.
Also stopped at an embroidery place here in town, they will do my logo on a shirt for like 5-6 bucks per shirt, I'll probably do a barn coat and a few hats too.... gotta look good right?
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
03-02-2006, 06:09 AM
Hey, it's all a tax write off. Good luck this season.
Take care
03-02-2006, 09:22 PM
Bout time you get off your duff and get something done! 8O :wink: I was beginning to think the season was going to pass you by this year. :wink:
03-04-2006, 10:19 PM
who does the sewing ? I'm not to far away, care to share your secret.
03-05-2006, 06:55 AM
Russ I'm trying a place here in town called Great Threads, they have a good reputation , and the prices are right . I'll post how they do on mine when I get it back.
03-05-2006, 08:17 AM
Any embroidery place will do it. One of my Christmas presents this year was 8 hats and a sweatshirt for me, wife and two kids embroidered! :D
03-05-2006, 09:36 AM
Yes I am going to do that too :wink: Well yesterday I ended the day with just over 220 roadside taps done so far, today I have maybe 12 left then tap the woods... may end up near 350 if I'm not careful 8O it's still cold here I may wait a few hours, right now I'm working on my dump station on the truck, I was going to run a wire back from the battery for my 12 volt pump, but instead am going to the auto store to get a small battery.. it will be easy for the kids to dump into the smaller rubbermaid tub and let that pump into the bigger tank, I don't want to get up on the truck a couple hundred + times each day 8O
Well heres hoping for a good run in the nest few days :D 8)
03-05-2006, 08:06 PM
Whew, Done tapping, and got a little run, not enough to go collect though, I'll do that tomorrow, should have enough to sugar the pans, got the woods tapped, and vacuum on, quite a few chew leaks, now running at 19" vac.
total all said and done,
337 taps
183 trees 96taps on tubing/241 taps into 153 buckets(metal and 5 gal plastic)
03-09-2006, 07:26 AM
Fixed my split sap transfer line last night during boiling, now I can turn the woods on again, hated not having the Vac system running for 2 days, collected only 120 gals on buckets yesterday,so boiled from 6:45-10:15pm 3.5hrs, getting 35gph, I was canning at the same time, bottled up 5.5gals lightA hoping with the rain/sleet today and lower barometer maybe get more sap today. need a big run tomorrow for may Sat boil, I figure I'll bottle syrup and clean the pans Fri night to get ready for folks to stop by on sat. I'd love a 6-8hr boil
03-09-2006, 08:50 PM
2.75% at the feed tank, 31+ gals sap/1 gal syrup not too bad, drawing off a good amount tonight, had about 200 gals to boil off, better than yesterday, guess the low pressure system helped a bit, but still not the 300+ gallons I should be getting, buckets should run through the night. I'll still shut the vac off tonight so I don't keep the neighbors up, and also let it cool down since I run the ole milker at 19" steady! the fan running over it does help alot!!
03-09-2006, 08:54 PM
Lucky dog, I can't even average 1.75% down here on all sugars. :( :( :lol: :lol:
Brandon, I'm averaging 1.5 % on my sugar bush. I thinned it 3 yrs ago but it'll be another 3 yrs before I see any improvement.
03-09-2006, 09:02 PM
If Jim is boiling it means it is not far for me, giddyup!
03-09-2006, 09:21 PM
Of my 3 bushes, they don't need any thining. The trees are large and very well spaced with large crowns. My problem is just being so far south. The further south you go, the lower the sugar content. :?
03-09-2006, 10:38 PM
get ready scott, the weather is a changing!!
Hey Jim, Have you made any syrup yet?? I finally got the vacuum set up right.....20 lbs at the pump and 18 lbs at the farthest point. About 3000 ft.....I can get it up to about 23 lbs....I hope to have a big run this weekend....I have to work...Trying to get some time off sunday to boil.....If not ill be REAL busy monday and tuesday.... 8) 8) .......Take care.....Say Hi for me........Mike
03-10-2006, 07:17 PM
Mike, I made 13 gallons of real light so far, 4 nights of boiling, tonight I gathered about 285 gallons, nice run, the sap must have run through the night, I will boil tomorrow morning, I was hoping for a good boil for customers :wink: I worked on cleaning the evap tonight, got her all back clean and shiny inside , put back the sap and partial syrup in their respective pans, all nice n filtered.. she's good for another week till the next cleaning. I'm going for friday night cleanups Hope your first boil goes well, I couldn't believe the 65 deg weather today and the same tomorrow, not sure how much sap wil run.. but by tuesday it will be back cold again :D
03-12-2006, 08:53 AM
Sitting here waiting for the canner to get to temp, have only about 3 hours or so of sap to boil, which will start soon
03-12-2006, 04:17 PM
well after canning and boiling, figured I'll go and see if anything ran, sure did, got another 180 today, boiling it off for the second boil today, and why not, sitting in a good comfortable chair watching the nextel race.. it don't get much better than this.. oh wait, gotta go get a beer!!! :D :wink:
03-12-2006, 04:47 PM
oh sure you oil burning guys are all alike ...I had to drink 2-16 glasses of water between each beer! Firing the 6x 16 got a little old today,sweat was coming off of me as fast as syrup off the rig! The good news is the folks I work for are ordering an air tight arch right after this season. I think they want to keep me happy so I won't build my own sugarhouse...
03-12-2006, 04:55 PM
I know that is a ton of work, but I would love to be able to fire a 6x16 a few times and see how fast it boils off liquid! :D
03-12-2006, 05:08 PM
man a 6 x 16 has to be a site to see boiling.. And firing too 8O
03-12-2006, 05:13 PM
It boils off fast, everyone is usually to busy to do the math for accurate numbers. It's really fun firing when the rig is so hot that you have to feed with your backside to the rig so you don't roast yourself, then you sit on the stool for a 3 minute rest and the rivets on your bib overalls burn you right through your pants!
03-12-2006, 05:52 PM
Brandon- come on up and fire my 5x16,,,I stuffed 1 1/2 cords in it last night 8O
03-12-2006, 09:54 PM
How ya been?
I think Goulds put in a new inferno arch this year. Definately know that you wont get as hot with an insulated door. My old arch doors use to get cherry red and burn your legs if you were not careful. Now everbody complains that it is cold inside.
03-13-2006, 07:14 AM
Keith, THATS the main problem with oil, less heat into the sugarhouse, no more just wearing tshirts, most of the time an insulated sweatshirt or coat is in order.....
03-13-2006, 12:29 PM
Hi Keith, I'm sore from firing,to much overtime @ work sitting @ my desk =out of shape for sugering! Edgar's needed a new arch or 2 for 10 years, but big air tight arches aren't cheap. His place is only 10 minutes from here so I'll have to stop in and check it out. I'll try and stop in sometime,but you know how it is during the season. Craig
03-14-2006, 02:27 PM
Thw weather is Looking great starting tonight, 20's then 39 although a bit windy but a trend for sappin weather for the next week or so. hopefully we'll get a run, havn't had THE run yet, My lovely wife just stopped by here at work and picked up my truck and will collect on her way home and maybe pick up the kids so they can help... looks like she'll do that tomorrow too since I have to bring her van in for a windshield.... How cool is that? I won't have to work as hard the next 2 days.. sweet... Gotta love that woman!! :wink:
03-14-2006, 02:43 PM
Sounds like she is looking for a pair of BIG diamond stud earings! 8O 8O :wink:
03-14-2006, 03:18 PM
Shhhhhhhhh :wink:
03-16-2006, 07:24 PM
AHHHHH SAP>> SWEET SWEET SAP, Had a god run today, around 260 gallons from the buckets, I don't think the vacuum came on, I think I had the thermostat around 35 to come on and I don't think we hit that today, Maybe I should set it for 33 deg. anyway I was amazed that I got that much today, it was cold and windy, my bukets were all over this morning, some of the buckets were full today.... so I'm boiling, then taking tomorrow off and canning, cleaning the evap for sat morn, and getting the barn ready for the scouts pancake breakfast Sat morn. Sweet!!
maple flats
03-16-2006, 08:27 PM
I'll consider myself lucky on sugar %. Have only tested 2 times, Monday and today. Mon was 2.5% and today was 3.0%. All i lack is sap qty, but think that will come real soon. The woods ran for the first time today. Only tested tank total % after putting 15 gal from roadside and 42 gal from woods to get 3.0% for today. Will test each day I get much from here on. At my roadside they are all sugars and in the woods about 70% sugars, 6 taps on silvers and bal of 160 in woods are reds. Have not tapped the reds before nor silvers. May test some reds individually at some point.
03-16-2006, 09:42 PM
I've been holding at 2.5 %, I'm happy with that, although on tuesday when I boiled the rate was much better, barometer was at 29.4 tonight it's at 30.15 which make the boil point about 1.2 deg higher.. so it takes more heat to boil off the water, isn't science fun :lol:
03-16-2006, 11:14 PM
looking like it will be around 2am when I'm done boiling, should make 7+ gals bringing me around 37+ gals, I haven't checked to see how it's gradeing but it looks lighter than the past few days. yawn, just a few more hours Jim... you can do it :wink:
03-17-2006, 05:34 AM
Time to upgrad that evap so you can get done by 10pm! :D
Though, I still had to go to 5am the other day due to a marathon run. Can never have enough boiling capacity, i guess.
Take Care.
03-17-2006, 06:28 AM
if it keeps up like this I'll have to rethink my stratagy :lol: I know a hood and preheater is a definate for next season!! right now I'm at about my max for taps.. maybe a few here or there, we'll see
Gotta Luv it ! :wink:
03-17-2006, 09:35 AM
What has the sugar content on your sap been?
03-17-2006, 11:58 AM
pretty much 2.5%
Jim, When I had your rig my max taps was around 500.......Best i did with her was 100gals..........A preheater hood is nice....Mike...Oh yea, did you say you used canolla oil for defoamer????
03-18-2006, 07:10 AM
mike I should be at appx 55 gals by tomorrow, and maybe only 1/2 way through the season... The Locomotive has a full head of steam were rolling down the tracks toward 100 gals!!! yes Iuse 100% canola oil, works great!!
03-18-2006, 04:42 PM
Great day today, The Pancake Breakfast for the scout pack went flawlessly, appx 45-50 people, sold out of most of my syrup on hand, mostly the quarts, but a big $$ day... boiled for 7 hours, 6Gals syrup. sugar was only 2-2.25% at the times I checked. I'm tired but still have to go collect.. then crash in the Lazy boy. and do double boiling tomorrow. all depends on sap from today and tomorrow.
03-18-2006, 08:17 PM
Go Jim go as I am pulling for you to leave me in the dust! :D :D
03-19-2006, 08:20 PM
I'd leave you in the dust if Today wasn't a bust!! 8O Last night after boiling I went out to gather around 5:30 pm, things started getting real cold and half way through collecting all I was getting was Ice.. I collected only around 80 gallons, so I stopped figuring I would boil a bit on Sunday (today) and then collect while the sun was still warming things up... Yeah right.. it stayed cold and all the buckets are still frozen.. what sap comes out tomorrow may just add to it... may not get to gather until tuesday who knowss... such silly weather.. I've made it to 45 ish gallons and sold out of almost all of it this weekend so the break in boiing is ok.. little time to rest for this weeks runs.
03-19-2006, 09:26 PM
Yeah, these days are frustrating. Was just above freezing and had about 100 gallons of sap in the woods tank from the last two days. So, went to pump it up the 175' line to the sugarhouse and guess what...froze up! Had one dip in the line by the sugar house. Crazy weather indeed.
Carried the sap by hand in buckets, and boiled it off. Didn't even get enough to draw off. Sap was 1.2% :cry:
03-19-2006, 09:37 PM
Better too cold then too warm as it was here this year. It was what people call too cold all season down here until the 6th week last and and sure was a good year. I had 500 to 800 gallon of sap every week for five weeks and then the big run, 2000 gallon the 6th week. It was warm 2 to 4 days or more every week down here for 4 weeks this year and 5th week went to 70's. Take your pick, me I would go for the cold every year. :D
You're over 50% of a normal crop in 2 weeks, sounds like a banner year to me! :D :D :D :wink: :wink:
03-21-2006, 06:47 AM
The next week and a half look fantastic.. it should be a banner year for Us.. no sap yesterday but thats ok , gets my body rested up for the rush!!! looking forward to boiling tonight, My Wife has the truck and will collect for me again tonight so I should be able to start around 6pm.
Just called my wife only about 80 gallons today, ice still thawing, but at least they started running again, will boil for a few hours tonight and hope for more sap tomorrow!!
Only ran for a couple hours late this afternoon. Tomorrow looks like a good run. Maybe we'll still get a 2 week run.
03-21-2006, 06:56 PM
Ed Lets hope so... :wink: with the woods I got another 20-30 gal, still not much, my wife chucked the ice as she was collecting today, I have 3% sap right now, so with the 100+ gals at 3% I'm not complaining.. take what I can get
03-22-2006, 06:50 PM
I hope everyone got the same run I had today!!
Collected 130 gallons and probably have another 150 back in the buckets again. I think they ran over a gallon per tap, and thats big for me.
Up to 13 gallons finished, which is only a few short of last season.
03-22-2006, 07:23 PM
Yes.. best run so far for me.. 350+ .. I say + cuz the vacuum is still dumping sap in my tank, so I'm boiling now since 5:30pm.. probably till at least 2am if all goes right.. man if I have that again tomorrow.. whew I'll be busy!!
03-22-2006, 08:13 PM
You deserve it complaining about no sap for 2 whole days! :evil: :evil: :evil: I hope you get 2000 gallon the next two days. :evil: :evil:
03-22-2006, 08:40 PM
ok, I'm sorry :lol: , I am just amazed that others in the area aren't piping in.. although they may be full too!! Hopefully!!
Wise guy :wink: 8) :lol:
03-22-2006, 09:50 PM
Had to have a little fun! I am so excited your having such a great year! :D :wink:
03-22-2006, 11:58 PM
just got in the house, it's just about 1 am too tired to continue, still have maybe 100+ left in the bulk tank, ran out of room for syrup so I bulked up 5 gallons and 2 gallon jugs.. darn if it aint all light 8O this boiling right away is not allowing me to make medium or dark, I'm just around 52+ gallons and I bet 3/4 of it has been light, may be a light year for me... not that thats a bad thing... just alot of my customers are waiting for the other grades... but I'll bet they'll buy it anyway
03-23-2006, 08:04 AM
We had very little in the buckets yesterday, maybe 20 gallons out of 50 buckets. I was hopeful at work here in the CT River valley, but it appears to have stayed a bit colder up in the hills where I live. By the time I got home and made the rounds, around 7PM, it was already 25 and the taps were iced over. Maybe today will be the day.
03-23-2006, 07:31 PM
Got 400 gallons today, working on boiling off as much as possible tonight, glad it's thursday, at least if I don't finish tonight I have tomorrow night and all weekend, I better start thinking of a second tank for next year, I have a square 275 gal . I'm wanting a open top round bottom.. It is for sale if anyone wants it.. STainlessSteel ... $200... well back to work :wink:
03-23-2006, 08:35 PM
Jim looks like your going to beat me this year. I'm stuck at 60 gals this year. weather slowed everything up, shut the trees down. Going to be one of the worst years on record for western Ny porducers.
03-23-2006, 08:46 PM
Wow Joe you have to be kidding? whats going on over there? is it a warm spell or cold? here it's perfect right thru next Tuesday.. may start changing after that, I am thankfull for a great season here for me.. maybe due to more taps is all...
I hope things change for the better for you
Well boys & girls, the saps flowin now. I boiled for 12 hours and never got ahead. It'll be an early start at 4:30 tomorrow morning. Days like this make me wish for an RO.
03-23-2006, 09:50 PM
Way to go Ed... Looks like this is the week!!
03-24-2006, 07:02 AM
Ed, I hear ya talkin'. We boiled wens. night, last night and I worked 10 hr. @ my regular job first both days... took a vacation day to boill today. Woke up more tired than when I went to bed. Still had 4000g to run through the RO last night,came up from dark to light last nght.Oops it's 8:01 I'm late already!
03-24-2006, 01:18 PM
I boiled till almost 2 am last night and still have another 280 left.. that not including todays catch which may end up around 350-400 gallons if it ran through the night... not sure if I'll boil tonight or early to bed and getup for 4am and boil till night... 8O I hope the oil deliverey came today or else I'm Screwed 8O :oops: It made it through last nights boil but not sure how much is left in the tank.
03-24-2006, 05:33 PM
I'll remind you of that next year when you are complaining about not getting enough sap. 8O :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink:
I started at 5:30 this morning and had a batch by 7:00. Boiled till 7 pm. I'm totaly wiped out. Still have 270 gals in one tank but cleaned out the other 2. Big problem now is the wood shed, its kinda low on slabs :( .
03-24-2006, 06:59 PM
Sound like the day we had Ed.Fire going @ 8 am. called it quits @ 7 pm.Still 3500 gals. to run through the RO tonight.Talk about tired...Didn't run as much today as yesterday,not as hard of a freeze.I think I hear my pillow calling...
03-24-2006, 07:05 PM
What kind of wood do you fire the beast with, hardwood, softwood or slabs??
03-24-2006, 07:19 PM
Brandon,Usually soft wood slabs,cut them 4-5 feet long and toss them in.Had a bunch from monster butt logs today that I could barely lift,lookin' foward to the new airtight arch next year. I think the farmers I work for want to keep me happy so I don't build my own sugarhouse! But I will eventually,did a tap count this past weekend on our property and came up with a little over 500,I've got to get going so I can teach my 8 yr. old daughter the art of syrup making!
03-25-2006, 08:01 AM
Well we had a freeze last night maybe 26-28deg, gathered 200 yesterday, so today I have 400+ to boil, I took last night off for family time and SLEEP !! hopefully today will be a good sap day, getting warmer this week, may be getting near the end... we'll see!!
John Burton
03-25-2006, 11:13 PM
good dry poplar works good for me burns hot fast and leaves almost no coals good combo of good sugar wood ... not only that if its alittle green just knock the bark off before firing and it will out burn most other greenwoods
Russell Lampron
03-26-2006, 05:23 AM
Poplar also burns cleaner, doesn't leave as much soot on the bottoms of the pans.
03-26-2006, 02:22 PM
Well the weather has been good to me.. even though no freeze last night, I was tired so I didn't collect yesterdays sap until first thing this morn. got 240 gallons, been boiling since 10am, bottled up dark from yesterdays boil, todays sap looking like a medium to light again.. hold sap for a day or so and it goes dark.. boil same day and light!! still have to go collect todays sap and boil that 8O guess I'll be out here late tonight... thats ok I will be around 80 gallons syrup by tonight 8)
03-26-2006, 04:17 PM
went out to gather... looked and didn't bother.. very little, I'll let it get cold tonight.. won't get to 80 tonight.. maybe around 76+ gallons so far
03-26-2006, 06:16 PM
Tossed in wood for 9 hrs. today,had to come home before I fell over,still 4 hrs. or so of sap to boil. Went from med to dark after the 2nd drum.Looks like a couple of good cold nights coming up.Good night!
Boiled till 4:30 yesterday, had enough and called BIL to come take the last 400 gals. I took today off :wink: .
Tomorrow's another day.
08-21-2006, 06:56 PM
Black pinstripes! 8O 8O 8O
08-21-2006, 08:48 PM
Ahhh a wise guy huh? hehe yeah yeah I know SWEPT like dirt under a rug... poor saps don't even know what hit them.... thats what they get for not going after better pitchers :?
08-21-2006, 09:28 PM
:mrgreen: :wink: :wink:
08-22-2006, 05:38 AM
I had a foul ball go right thru my fingers in game one,,,One of the fellows we were with caught it,,,Took the train and the T into the city,,,How can people live like that?
They dont know what they're missing do they Parker. Hey, some folks like the city. Some appreciate the country. The city folks dont think there is anything to do out in the woods do they? Well...maybe its best they think that!
And I think you must have jinxed the sox by missing that ball. Bring a glove next time!
Frank K
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