View Full Version : Shipping pints and quarts

11-28-2011, 02:15 PM
I'm a small producer in Maine and would like to ship some syrup to other states. I have had good luck with the flat rate boxes but was wondering what the most cost effective way of packaging the syrup containers. Is store bought bubble wrap the way to go? I saw some bubble wrap bags for sale , are they good. If so what size should you order? Thanks

11-28-2011, 05:47 PM
I think Flat rate boxes are they way to go. It is easy for customers to calculate on my website. I pack all mine with small bubble wrap, seems to work well for me. Chris

Mike in NY
11-30-2011, 08:50 AM
shipped a bunch of syrup this yr both USPS and UPS. Had one sent USPS arrive w/ 1 out of 4 quarts arrive damaged and leaking. I know it was sealed tight when I boxed it up. Offered to ship customer another qt to replace but he said no; make it good on my next order. only 15 bucks out of my pocket but I will not use USPS again unless specifically requested