View Full Version : Cleaning 210gallon poly tank, use bleach ?
11-21-2011, 09:28 AM
So I just got a 210 gal pickup truck water tank from the bro and he only used it for hauling water so it's pretty clean. Hasn't been used in a while so I want to clean it up and store it clean. I have heard on here that bleach is a no-no:( for cleaning tanks, so what is safe to use ? I don't have a pressure washer so I will be doing the brush on a pole method. Also how should I store the tank to keep stuff from coming back on the inside ?
11-21-2011, 09:34 AM
I have three poly tanks and have been using about a cup of bleach to 5 gal of water to clean. No ill effects yet. I rinse w/ plain hot water in Spring before use. In the fall I put plugs in all openings. Works well for me.
Father & Son
11-21-2011, 12:08 PM
I clean all my poly tanks with bleach. Mix up a weak solution of bleach water (not sure of the ratio) and I buy $2 or $3 rag mops and by rolling the tanks around mop all interior surfaces. After the inside is done you can even remove the stains by doing the same to the outside surfaces. Then rinse with lots and lots of water.
red maples
11-21-2011, 02:33 PM
bleach can and should only be used to sanitize not for cleaning. 2 different things. I use about a tbsp basically a cap full of bleach per gallon of water. or about 1/4-1/3 cup per 5 gallons water this will be about 100 parts per million or ppm. I don't use any soap or anything to clean stuff I scrub it with a stiff brush wipe it out very good rinse a few times then wipe it out with the bleach solution and rinse very good 3 times.
I got a 200gal used poly truck tank from friend of mine. It had a big drack in the top and was pretty dirty/green inside. I removed all of the fittings and took my saws all to the crack making about a 15" dia hole in the top. This made for easier cleaning that is for sure. then I mixed up regular dish soap and water and scrubed the heck out of the inside of the tank. Hosed it all out, then added water again and rinsed out. hoseed out again. then I mixed up bleach and water solution following the directions on the bleach. Filled the tank with water and let it sit for 20 minutes or so. with a clean long handles brush, I sloshed the solution around, scrubed the insides out good, then let it drain out. I then triple rinsed, covered the big hole and that is where it has been. I will do anotehr bleach mixture before the season and triple rinse again. Does this sound good? I am a first timer.
Monster Maples
11-21-2011, 09:50 PM
I use 1 step. It is used primarily in brewing and is a cleaner and sanitizer. It is odorless and tasteless and works good.
11-22-2011, 10:28 AM
Great tips on cleaning ! I will fill and scrub it first and then do the sanitizing. Should have thought of the one-step as i know a brewer who uses it, I like the fact that it is food safe. I don't want any lingering bleach smell if I can avoid it. Next step is buidling a stand for this sucker in the woods ...
11-23-2011, 07:47 AM
I use about a tbsp basically a cap full of bleach per gallon of water. or about 1/4-1/3 cup per 5 gallons water this will be about 100 parts per million or ppm.
Red is right on with this ratio...bleach is a really powerful sanitizer and there's no need to go crazy with it. If you can easily smell bleach inside your tank after you rinse it you used too much. If you've used the right amount you should only have a very faint bleach odor when you're done. You should also let the bleach solution sit in the tank for about 30 minutes so it can do it's job fully before rinsing.
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