View Full Version : Putting in wood/starting to think about 2012 season

buckeye gold
11-16-2011, 09:57 AM
Hey all, a rainy day and I'm in the house bored. So what's all the Maple gang doing this time of year? I been putting in wood. I learned a big lesson last year about wood quality, as if I didn't all ready know. So this year I have a season's worth inside and been drying since last April. I think when your sure you have enough you should just cut at least 30% more. Since I went way over board with wood cutting this year I decided to sell some and now buyers have cut into my stock pile, geesh more work. Oh don't worry the sugaring wood is hidden away and only the best Ash, Hickory and locust went in that shed. I think I'll inventory the left over supplies and build a need list by the end of the month. I seriously would like to upgrade from my half pint, but a daughter in college abroad has put a dent in the finances, big time. I now have people wanting syrup and all I have left is my home stock for the family and holidays. Funny how in June I thought, "will I ever sell this stuff", LOL. The glazed peanuts are a big request going into the holidays, I may just have to purchase some syrup to glaze nuts.....ohhh that made me shiver, BUY SYRUP! Oh well that's enough rambling, here's hoping for a good sap run come spring.

11-16-2011, 06:40 PM
I got alot done this year, poured the floor in the sugarhouse, completed the electrical wiring, widened all the trails in the woods. I'm soon putting in some windows and making a permantent pump station to transfer sap. Cleaning the creasote of the bottom of the drop flues was a chore to! I'll be rebricking the arch soon, but I'm thinking of a larger evaporator now. I better get moving if I do that. What is everyone else up to?