View Full Version : adhesive for arch board?

Stamford sugarmaker
11-15-2011, 11:10 AM
I bought some of the green arch board for my new evaporator. I plan to do the firebox by putting arch board next to the steel sides of the arch and then putting firebrick next to the arch board for protection. I'm pretty sure I can arrange the brick to have enough support to stand alone.

However, there are some vertical spots in the firebox (door end) that won't really need bricking. But I want to put arch board in those places.

So, my question is, will refractory cement hold the arch board in place on those vertical surfaces not requiring firebrick? If not, how can I bond arch board to vertical surfaces of the steel?

thanks, Peter

11-15-2011, 04:47 PM
I sprayed my archboard per instructions with water and used refractory cement. Worked great!

Stamford sugarmaker
11-15-2011, 04:57 PM
My archboard didn't come with instructions. Please advise...

thanks, Peter

11-15-2011, 05:01 PM
mine didn't either, I think I found info online…wet, or spray the archboard with water lightly to be able to accept the adhesive of the cement and use a thin layer of refractory cement to adher to the surface. keep above 55* for 24 hours and build a VERY SMALL FIRE TO CURE. Worked great for me, but than again, time will tell. Be sure to cover all archboard with firebrick as I have read on here somewhere that it is NOT fireproof believe it or not!
My archboard didn't come with instructions. Please advise...

thanks, Peter

warners point
11-15-2011, 08:17 PM
You could also drill holes through the arch board and the sides of the arch and fasten with stainless bolts and washers.

red maples
11-16-2011, 07:45 AM
be aware that arch board can burn it is heat proof but not fire resistant. as long as your bricks are secured correctly using refractory cement or the mortar for heat you shouldn't have a problem. follow the directions on the container bag etc. you can put a layer of refractory cement over the arch board but I find it will crack over time and flake off.