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AU Forest People
11-08-2011, 09:19 AM
So I'm with the Forest People club at Alfred University. We've decided to build a new sugar shack for a leader 1/2 pint evaporator we have. It's a 13'x14' pole barn shack with a cupola. We're using T-I-11 siding and metal roofing. Anyone have any suggestions as what to have in the shack to make life a little better while evaporating? Also, if anyone has this evaporator...how much wood would you go through on average?

Thanks everyone

11-08-2011, 12:24 PM
Hot water is great to have. So are good lighting. Sucks reading a hydrometer in low light.


Maple Ridge
11-08-2011, 01:56 PM
You will find all kinds of things you will need, and need to change as time goes by. I build my sugar house after reading many articals. One thing you will find is that a metal roof is not realy the way to go, but installing a steam hood will help with the water dripping. I have a wood roof, and water dripping was an issue from my rafters. This year I installed a steam hood with a 10" pipe to the coupla.
A floor drain by the evaperator would be nice so when you clean your pan's you have a place to drain them. As for wood consumption, I would guess a couple cord split small (the size of your wrist) may get you by this year. You want a good fire. I was filling my unit every 15 min. I have a 18 x 66 raised flue.
of course you will need all the small items, Hydromiter (for syrup), Hydrometer (for sap) is nice to see what your sugar percent is. Filters pre and main filter. These are just a few items for you to start with. Check out Bascom's web site for more it

11-08-2011, 02:48 PM
Hot water is correct, a good chair, a metal roof over wood is the only way to go. I have not had a drip. No Maintaince, good air flow, coffee pot, microwave, and oh yea a good radio, with a country station. Anything you can afford.


AU Forest People
11-08-2011, 03:35 PM
Awesome! thanks for the feed back everyone. I would love to have hot hater but on a club's budget along with help from the university i do not think it is viable. Thanks though everything is appreciated!

AU Forest People

11-08-2011, 06:16 PM
The simple (and cheap) things that make my life easier now that I'm inside are: space to stack a lot of wood, folding or stacking chairs, a table or shelves for all the crap that ends up out there, spoons for samples, and a radio. It also helps to go through a boil and realize good places to put a hook or nail for a testing cup or multiple hooks where people can put their jackets so they are not in the way or catching on fire.:)


11-08-2011, 07:06 PM
The simple (and cheap) things that make my life easier now that I'm inside are: space to stack a lot of wood, folding or stacking chairs, a table or shelves for all the crap that ends up out there, spoons for samples, and a radio. It also helps to go through a boil and realize good places to put a hook or nail for a testing cup or multiple hooks where people can put their jackets so they are not in the way or catching on fire.:)


So VERY well put Sean!

11-08-2011, 07:41 PM
So I'm with the Forest People club at Alfred University. We've decided to build a new sugar shack for a leader 1/2 pint evaporator we have. It's a 13'x14' pole barn shack with a cupola. We're using T-I-11 siding and metal roofing. Anyone have any suggestions as what to have in the shack to make life a little better while evaporating? Also, if anyone has this evaporator...how much wood would you go through on average?

Thanks everyone

The Big Question would be ---Have You Folks made Maple Syrup before? Or will this be the first time - that way we can tailor our advice a little and not tell you what you already know------Or -- Not tell You a few things You really need to know. Basic stuff like - A pan full of maple sap with a snorting fire under it and boil down approx. 40 gallons of sap to about 1 gallon of near syrup and then check it with a syrup hydrometer to know ---ta da--we have maple syrup. So - Fill Us in a little and the answers will flow forth----------

11-09-2011, 08:09 AM
Go Saxons! I'm an '87 grad and love that place. I was back last summer for a reunion. Welcome to the forum!

If you have a channeled hood over your evap, you can generate a little hot water from your condensate - at least enought to rinse your hydro and hydro cup.

AU Forest People
11-09-2011, 10:11 AM
Wow great to see the interest in my thread!

Ausable: We have never done this before. However we have a couple of staff members who have done this for a long time who are willing to help in the process and guide the club. Also, anything I decide to do I do at full force. Meaning that I have done a lot of research into this, to be able to correctly produce the syrup this spring and to not waste the time, money, and volunteering of everyone who has helped make this process a reality. However, everyone knows that things in theory either work or they don't but in practice it's a whole other ball game so any advice/ tricks are appreciated.

Danno: Great to see another Saxon on the forum! Small world. I like the idea of the channeled hood and I believe that it could be implemented in the future. But right now the funds are going to be cutting it close to build the shack, supply wood, and obtain simple shack necessities. Fell free to come visit in the spring; the shack is going to be open every Saturday to whomever wants to come out and check out the process. Just let me know.

Thanks again everyone,
AU Forest People

11-15-2011, 06:15 PM
AU - just curious, where on campus are you putting the sugarshack and where are you tapping trees? Plenty of great hillsides in Alfred to run a nice vacuum/tube system. Hum....

AU Forest People
11-21-2011, 10:30 AM
It is at the top of campus in the Joel's House parking lot. All the maples are right next to it in the woods and continue up the hill. We're just doing some tubes to buckets this year because of the investment made for the shack itself. However, depending on how this year goes, we are thinking of upgrading to all lines next year. We though of a vacuum but the hills there are steep enough that we may just run it by gravity. Still thinking though.

FYI: Got all the materials for the shack on Saturday and started painting the T1-11 "Burberry" by Olympic looks great. Will start framing this week.

11-22-2011, 08:12 AM
You will want to put in as many windows as possible because it is so dreary in the spring. Some nice comfortable seats ( I have a couple of mini van bench seats ) and a counter for bottling etc. I leave the wood outside , covered of course and bring it in as needed. Great project. good luck and keep us posted.

11-22-2011, 08:18 AM
Pictures please!!

11-22-2011, 08:38 AM
I would second the idea of covering the rafters with wood not slats before installing the tin roofing - did it on mine and have no dripping from the underside of the roof. A nice easy to clean work counter with a stainless top is invaluable - made one out of the top to a commercial chest freezer that was laying beside a dumpster. Also shelves up above head height to store your empty containers.

AU Forest People
12-01-2011, 02:05 PM

AU Forest People
12-01-2011, 02:06 PM

So we made some progress in 2 days haha...started it on Tuesday, going to hang T1-11 siding today, trusses tomorrow, roofing over the weekend etc.

12-03-2011, 12:22 PM
Built a new sugarhouse this July 2011 with my uncle. Were able to get it done in four days. Spent the next five months installing tubing every Friday/Saturday/Sunday. Now over 4,300 taps all rock maple on 218 acres.4901

Flat Lander Sugaring
12-04-2011, 06:13 AM
its going up




12-04-2011, 09:51 AM
If it was simple anyone could do it..... Keep pics coming. Vernon

12-04-2011, 10:01 AM
I think it is my favorite thing about Maple Trader. The ability to see everyones sugar shacks!
Keep the photos coming. There are sso many wonderful ideas and creations.
And unlike many business's most are built by the owners and very unique.

Thad Blaisdell
12-04-2011, 12:41 PM
Is that I beam food grade. (inside joke)

12-04-2011, 05:52 PM
Flat lander, what's the beam for? Combo garage?

Flat Lander Sugaring
12-04-2011, 07:22 PM
Is that I beam food grade. (inside joke)

Flat lander, what's the beam for? Combo garage?

It will pass FDA inspection once I wrap it with Asbestos and paint with food grade paint:)
yes its a garage/sugar shack. Limited property but at this time I dont plan on getting a bigger evap, if anything a RO that spits out non flavored syrup sap:o) and a steam away.

Thad Blaisdell
12-05-2011, 12:36 AM
forget the steamaway stick with the RO. That is by far the best bang for the buck.

Is the food base paint lead free?

Flat Lander Sugaring
12-05-2011, 03:55 AM
yea paint is lead free and the fire wrap on the steel beam is to keep it from warping if garage ever catches on fire