View Full Version : what to use for a sap hauler?
10-31-2011, 11:48 AM
i am expanding my small operation this year to just over 50 taps and am tired of walking around the woods with two five gallon buckets.:mad: i need some kind of sap hauler. i have a snowmobile and 2wd atv. but about half the snow on my yard melts and the other half has about a foot of snow on it. if anybody has made anything or has an idea it would be great if you could post some pics.
Bucket Head
10-31-2011, 06:29 PM
Do the neighbors have any kids that need something to occupy them? Problem solved!
Seriously, how about a small trailer that would hold a plastic 55gal. drum on its side? I have seen trailers that had both wheels and ski's on them. The ski's were mounted so they were a few inches off the ground when there was no snow. When there was snow, the ski's supported the trailer and the tires just dragged slightly in the snow beside each ski. Just like the landing gear on planes that land on both bare and snow covered surfaces. If possible, try to position the ski's so their in line with the one's on the sled. It will be easier for the sled to pull it if the ski's can follow in the tracks made by the sled. Although that might make for a narrow trailer, depending on what size your sled is.
A full barrel may or may not be too much for either vehicle to pull, but you could make a few trips with a partial load if you had to. Several trips will still be easier than hoofing it!
10-31-2011, 06:46 PM
thats a good idea of having my neighbors help me with it. i should of thought of that. i could also do the trailer idea i think my sled could handle the load. and i do have a set of skis that i was gonna use for an ice fishing sled but ended up using something else. i will probably go with those two ideas. but others are also welcome.
10-31-2011, 07:26 PM
thats a good idea of having my neighbors help me with it. i should of thought of that. i could also do the trailer idea i think my sled could handle the load. and i do have a set of skis that i was gonna use for an ice fishing sled but ended up using something else. i will probably go with those two ideas. but others are also welcome.
I slapped this together for behind my ATV, same track width. Either a 30 or 55 gallon drum worked fine. Pulled almost to easy.
I will be using it again and will add in the back a box for a pump and battery with inverter.
You can't see it but I screwed a old set of cross country skis to each runner. A ten year old could pull it.
10-31-2011, 08:00 PM
thats what i planed on making. how does your atv do on snow? i have a 1884 honda fourtrax that is 2wd and does not do very well on snow.
10-31-2011, 08:30 PM
I run the trails a few times a winter with the snowplow on the ATV lowered about half way just to keep them passable. Buy syrupin time with the days getting longer it is no problem. In the photos if you get off the trail its about 2 feet deep. Just enough to keep the ATV high centered and on the trails until a week or so later and then I usually can go anywhere,
11-01-2011, 06:08 AM
do you think ripping around on my trails with my sled to pack it down and dig up the snow would work? it worked after this snowfall a couple days ago when we got 18 inches.
11-01-2011, 06:15 AM
I don't know how much snow you get but it would work until you get a big dump and get high centered on the machine. Between the snow settling and my plowing the trials get a good base. I make sure after a big 12 inch or more snow fall to get up and skim off a layer.
11-01-2011, 02:27 PM
mmmm. i dont have a plow for my atv nor do i think i will buy one or build one. what do tou think i could use as an alternative?
11-01-2011, 04:05 PM
thats what i planed on making. how does your atv do on snow? i have a 1884 honda fourtrax that is 2wd and does not do very well on snow.
Put very good tires at rear wheels (ex:Bearclaw, dirt devil), it will make a big difference. Some years ago i put Dirt devil on a Bombardier Rally 2wd, and we can pull a sled on snow after.
11-01-2011, 04:13 PM
its got decent tires on it the lugs are proboley about an inch tall and are like wavy paddles the whole way across. they do great in drin and mud but not that great on snow. the dirt devil tires seem really expensive to. i just took it out in about an inch or two of snow and it got grip but not alot. in the spring the hard pack turnes into that corn snow and everything gets stuck in it or dosen get a ton of grip.
11-01-2011, 05:31 PM
its got decent tires on it the lugs are proboley about an inch tall and are like wavy paddles the whole way across. they do great in drin and mud but not that great on snow. the dirt devil tires seem really expensive to. i just took it out in about an inch or two of snow and it got grip but not alot. in the spring the hard pack turnes into that corn snow and everything gets stuck in it or dosen get a ton of grip.
My standard tires will go through any amount of snow until I am high centered, then it doesn't matter what tire or chains you have on..
Keep running the trial and packing it and you may be ok.
11-01-2011, 05:47 PM
thats what i plan on doing. the problem is when we get like 2 feet of snow in one storm. :)
11-01-2011, 07:31 PM
Buy a beater snowmobile for $200-$400. When I used to haul sap, I used to pull a sled similar to the one in this thread with a snowmobile and when the snow melted I used the tractor to pull a cart. I just fabricated a pretty basic hitch out of a U bolt for the rear bumper on the snowmobile to hook to the sled.
I just re-read your post and see you have a snowmobile too. I've got a similar situation, my field by the sugarhouse turns to mud, while my trail to my sugarbush stays snow for a week or so longer. At times, I've left my snowmobile where the snow trail starts and have my tractor across the field to get to the snowmobile. If trail was too bad for the tractor, I'd use the snowmobile to get up the trail. I use old downhill skis on the bottom of my sled. I can pull that sled across snow or mud, just a little more friction on the mud. I usually have to replace the skis every or every other season. I just pick em off the road, people are always tossing old skis.
11-01-2011, 08:55 PM
I use my Suzuki Mini Truck. It has a 660 cc, 3 cyl motor, 4 speed, 4 wheel, Hi and low range. Carrying capacity of about 1000#. I usually run my trail all winter as there are 2 local bars located near it. Keeps the trail usually open for sugaring season. :cool:
11-02-2011, 06:14 AM
thats kinda what i was thinking of doing last year. i might buy an 87' skidoo safari for $100. it needs oversized rings in it but that should be it. anyway i think that would be a good beater sled to collect sap with? btw what do you guys use to store sap before u boil it down?
11-07-2011, 06:59 PM
Up until yesterday I had been using one of those 275 gallon palletized food grade tanks... last 2 years I guess. Yesterday I found someone unloading a stainless bulk dairy tank and you can't get much better than that (IMHO). Bottom drain, opens up wide so you can clean it and it's stainless so there is no odor or taste to contaminate your sap.
With respect to your sap hauler question, how far away is the collection point to your evaporator? I wound up running ~200' of 100PSI water pipe from collection point to the sugar house and pumped it up there with a gas powered water pump.
11-08-2011, 08:52 AM
My collection point is about about a hundred feet from where I would haul it to my sugar shack. I'm not going to get a pump this year due to my budget, but I will next year. This year I am looking to make something that I can tow through the woods.
11-11-2011, 06:32 AM
Last year I used a Ford 8n with a carryall on the back with 5 seven gallon buckets with lids on them. Most of my taps are along our dead end dirt road with easy access - all hanging buckets. This year, I'll be using this with a few 55 gallon barrels and transfer pump I picked up at auction. It's a John Deere 2020 Pro Gator. I love this thing!! Gonna put lug tires and chains on it!
Here's a link to it since I've met my limit on photo uploads.
11-11-2011, 07:13 AM
I was thinking about that in the future? How much does a ford 8n go for? Do they do good in a little bit of snow? Are they reliable? I will eventually get somehonk like that to haul sap.
I am going to use a Kawasaki TransMule 4010 actually.
11-11-2011, 04:33 PM
The 8n does a great job. I used one of those 3pt carryall platforms on the back with welded sides. I got about 20 seven-gallon white pails off of craigslist for $2 a pail last winter and with those and like 5-7 of them across the back with lids, works like a charm. This year I plan on putting them into the Gator doing the same thing, just I'll be able to haul more. I might put one of my 275 gallon totes or my 5 fifty-five gallon barrels in the gator and use the buckets to fetch from the pails.. we'll see. I have another 275 gallon tote that'll be in the sugar shack that I'll store.
11-11-2011, 05:18 PM
How much does a 8n typically run for a price on craigslist?
11-11-2011, 06:30 PM
a good 8n would be between $2,000 and $2,500. The one I used, which is my dad's, is for sale and it's probably one of the most original 8ns out there. He's asking $2,500 for it. Here in central NY. Here's a link to it in my shed. Stored inside.
11-12-2011, 12:08 PM
I have seen non restored ns go for about 1500 and some even 1200
11-12-2011, 02:23 PM
Well that's most likely in he budget for next year. How well do they do in some snow?
12-27-2011, 09:37 AM
what about a bolens biablo or bolens hus ski? heres some pics.
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