View Full Version : I need some advice

10-30-2011, 08:47 PM
Ok, here it is. Last year we had 150 taps on a 3/4'' pipeline (gravity). The mainline is 500' long with an estimate of 2 to 3 degrees of pitch. It worked good. Now for the upcoming season we want to extend about 600' to a logging road and pick up another 250 taps along the way and it will be on vacuum. Thats the reason for extending the line. The problem is that last 600' is rather level. I've heard talk of the sap ladders but, have no idea how to build it. Also where would you put it? Back where the new 600' line starts or near the vac setup. More than 1 ladder needed?
Pictures would be wonderful if possible.

10-30-2011, 09:10 PM
You want to maintain 2 to 3 deg consistently. Go as far as you can go coming off the pitched section before you get too low in the snow, etc. and put the ladder there. Figure for every 100 ft you need to drop 2 or 3 ft. So if you still have 500 ft to go, you can do one 10-12 ft lift or two smaller 5 ft. lifts. Two main types- the star fittings or two pipe style. If you google image "sap ladder" there are some pictures of the star type. I think Russ Lampron or sapman had some pictures of the two pipe system. Also check out royalmaple's youtube videos. Pretty simple to do.

10-30-2011, 09:17 PM
The collection point is being relocated the 600' and thats the part that pretty flat. Yes, the original pipeline way back in the woods has good pitch. Hope that clarifies it a bit.

10-30-2011, 09:27 PM
yes- I re-read your original post and edited my reply...

10-31-2011, 07:54 AM
Have you tried a sight level? You may be surprised to see that you have some slope. What sometimes looks level to the eye is not level at all. If you want good vacuum transfer you should go with one inch main. Running 1100 feet on 3/4 with 400 taps is pushing it. Your going to lose a ton of CFMs at the end of the line using 3/4 inch. 400 taps on a tight system with proper vac/CFM could get you 8000 gallons of sap. Running the 3/4 for 1100 feet with 400 taps could restrict you and only give you 4000-5000 gallons per year. How big is your pump?


red maples
10-31-2011, 03:03 PM
SAp ladders yes but do check it with a site level, the other thing to consider is that if its pretty flat to go with bigger diameter mainline because the less of a slope you have then the more sap you will have in the line and more chances for a slight dip here and there and you wanna have enough room for air and sap to travel. the possiblilty of a wet dry line migth be really goos in your case as well.

10-31-2011, 04:17 PM
Spud, the pump that we will use is a Delaval 76, rated at 34 cfm. I really don't want 8000 gallons of sap. We couldn't boil it all. No r.o. and the evap. will do 30gph. This is just a hobby thats starting to get alittle out of hand. Thanks to John B. for that. LOL

10-31-2011, 05:16 PM
You are welcome!
John B

10-31-2011, 07:47 PM
Spud, the pump that we will use is a Delaval 76, rated at 34 cfm. I really don't want 8000 gallons of sap. We couldn't boil it all. No r.o. and the evap. will do 30gph. This is just a hobby thats starting to get alittle out of hand. Thanks to John B. for that. LOL

Around here there are alot of sugarmakers that will buy sap.