View Full Version : Not sure where to post this (Looking for a place to sell my syrup too)

10-28-2011, 04:22 PM
Hello fellow mapletraders,
From ny wondering if anyone knows where i could sell finish product for the 2012 season? If anyone has an idea please let me know, I'm hoping to produce a few hundred gallons to sell so i can turn it back into more sugaring equipment. thanks in advance cpmaple you can pm me or email

11-03-2011, 06:27 AM
Hello! Are there any updates on this? I think that you can try some web sites like ebay or craigslists. Maybe they will help. Good luck to you anyway!

red maples
11-03-2011, 07:33 AM
I don't know the demigraphics of your area, but get out and market your stuff. Retail prices are much better than bulk as we all know!! but selling some bulk might move some product. and set up a contract for wholesale (I am just getting into that now!!!) If you can get into a local supermarket that would be great, although most supermarkets require a min. $2 mil liability ins. as far as I know. check larger local farm stands, find out what they are paying for wholesale and try to beat it if possible. set up a system for wholesale discouts, 5%, 10% 15% etc based on the amount to be sold. I just did a really small farm stand for the end of the season, it is a small local farm next town over but they plan on triplinging things for next year, which gets me in on the ground level and I can grow with them. only took 5% discount on wholesale and I agreed to buy back unsold product. We will renegotiate terms next year possible to 10%, also check with local CSA's and see if you can get in on one of those. you might break even but it gets the word out and your product out to local folks. If there are any local tourist traps you can hit. Bigger "grand" type hotels often real maple syrup. thats a big one, you could move a 100+ gallons there.

Set up a website and move stuff via e-commerce, there are some cheap websites that are very easy to setup I used godaddy.com. sell out of your house or sugarhouse thats always good for 50 + gallons, local town county stores, Set a facebook account, I have sold a few gallons on there to friends. Its basically free advertisment. and people check back all the time!!! make sure you are a member of your state maple chapter/ assoc what ever, participate in open houses during and farm weekend during off season you can move alot of product that way too.

There are alot of little things out there, if that is what you are looking do (best bang for the $$$) a little more work but obviously the closer to retail you can charge the better. Hope this helps...its all about the footwork. See if there are any Agriculture Commissions in the surrounding towns, also farmers markets and flea markets!!! Craft fairs. I could really go on there are so many options anymore its just crazy really!!! SO many people are making stuff from home its hard not to find the venus.