View Full Version : Feedback for data collection app for sugar bush management/inventory

10-26-2011, 12:16 PM
I am writing some software for handheld device (Windows Mobile 6.5) for tree cutting services. It occurred to me that I can use this for inventorying my hobby maple trees.

The software is very preliminary and right now allows a picture and the Lat/Long. I've also set it to collect the number of taps and other information.

I would be happy to give he software out for free if people want to try it. The software would export a CSV/excel file with all the data on it - so you have to import into GIS yourself.

I am working on exporting to a gpx file as well.


If anyone has feedback or requests I can try to work on it.

Note that this is a side project - no promises, but I would be happy if it helped people with what they want to do.

If all you want is GIS overlay then just use a gps - but if you want to attach notes or other specific details about the taps or lines this could be useful.