View Full Version : Maine regulation?
10-25-2011, 05:56 PM
We are planning to sell syrup next year an I can't find the current regulations if sOmebody could help me out I would appreciate it
Check out the Maine Dept. of Agriculture. They come and check out your sugarhouse and then you need to fill out a form every year and send in payment to sell maple syrup.
10-26-2011, 05:15 AM
I found those but is that really all I need the roof over the evaporator for a building or is there anything else for the sugar shack
10-26-2011, 06:23 AM
Contact Kathy Hopkins at Somerset County Extension office in Skowhegan. Kathy can help you with the details.
Maple Ridge
10-26-2011, 06:14 PM
I went to a maple school at Bacons and one of the hand outs was Maple Syrup Quality Control Manual. In it was just about everything you need to get set up and licenced. You might find some good information in that if you could fine one. Kathy is also a good resource.
Now let me inform you about insurance (eye opener). Today I received a call from my home owners rep and was informed that if I don't sign off on my policy that I will not sell or participate in any maple activitys, that they will drop my home owners policy. I need to purchase a seporate policy from them for selling maple syrup. I can not purchase a seperate policy from anyone else. I also had to sign a form that I will not use my truck for any syrup related activities. For those of you who are not insured, be carful about selling your syrup to the public from your sugar house. My agent told me that they will be watching Maine Maple Producers site to see if there is any activity of me selling. I am fit to be tied.
Dose any one know of a insurance co. that will sell just liability insurance. I am just a small producer and can,t afford $500.00 for insurance when I only made $600 to $700 a year on my product. I am state inspected and licenced. This is what happens when one try's to do things the right way. Is there a group of maple producers out there that may have a group insurance that someone can join.
Bucket Head
10-26-2011, 07:59 PM
Maple Ridge,
What an interesting post! I can see where your angry. I got angry reading it.
Why can't you purchase a separate policy from someone else? Why can't you use your truck for maple? What if you were not selling syrup and just making it for yourself? What else can't you use your own truck for? What if I asked you to move a sofa for me- will they allow that? And their going to monitor the state Producers site too??? You gotta be kidding!
Where did the $500 figure for insurance come from? Is that a qoute for product liability, sugarhouse, evaporator, equipment, etc. combined? I would have guessed $500 would have only covered product liability.
Keep us posted on how your situation turns out.
10-27-2011, 04:09 AM
I have my insurance through Farm Family, they will cover everything,Haven't found anyone who can beat their rates if you insure everything with them. I deal with the Nelson Agency , in Augusta 1-800-839-4435
Maple Ridge
10-27-2011, 07:23 AM
Bucket Head
I can make it for myself, but can not sell it. I can not use my property for any Maple related buisness, or they will cancel my home owners. They have some sort of thing with another insurance co. for the sugar house. I need to look into LLC. They showed up last night and took pictures of the inside of my sugar house for the insurance company. The agent did't even know what she was looking at or what to take pictures of.
As for my truck, I had to sign a form that I would not use it for any maple related buisness. They also informed me that because my garage was not sided, that I had to sign off on that. If something would happen to the garage that they will not cover anything in it. The Insurance Co. is Partiot Ins. I was so mad last night I could not sleep. I will be calling around today for another company. I told the agent last night that I hope you understand that I did not just build the sugar house just to look at. She told me that they may stop by once in a while to make sure I am not doing anything with the maple operation.
Thank you for your reply and intrest. I also asked Maine Maple Producers to remove me from there web site for now.
Maple Ridge
10-27-2011, 07:24 AM
Thank you for the information. I will be calling them today. Thanks again.
10-27-2011, 08:18 PM
I had a similar situation in that I wanted to do maple and other farm / ag activities and my insurance company was not into that. I joined Farm Buerau and also ended up with Farm Family insurance. It has worked out very well for me. Farm Buerau membership is $75 per year but it is money well spent, they are actually doing alot to help out those of us who want to do agricultural activities and enjoy the rural life. Farm family insurance is very good and the agents actually understand ag type activities.
Maple Ridge
10-31-2011, 07:59 AM
I called Farm Family Insurance. I hope it works out. They sounded very understanding of my situation and told me that they would work with me.
Bucket Head
10-31-2011, 06:41 PM
Let us know what they say. A lot of us are eager to hear what they have to offer. Thanks.
11-01-2011, 06:17 AM
This has a been a long standing issue here in Maine, the insurance companies RULE every aspect of life in this state. I fell your pain on this issue. I would find the best company to go with and see how they handle it. The crash in 2008 could have brought all this back to normal, but what do I know about my money!!!!
I went to a maple school at Bacons and one of the hand outs was Maple Syrup Quality Control Manual. In it was just about everything you need to get set up and licenced. You might find some good information in that if you could fine one. Kathy is also a good resource.
Now let me inform you about insurance (eye opener). Today I received a call from my home owners rep and was informed that if I don't sign off on my policy that I will not sell or participate in any maple activitys, that they will drop my home owners policy. I need to purchase a seporate policy from them for selling maple syrup. I can not purchase a seperate policy from anyone else. I also had to sign a form that I will not use my truck for any syrup related activities. For those of you who are not insured, be carful about selling your syrup to the public from your sugar house. My agent told me that they will be watching Maine Maple Producers site to see if there is any activity of me selling. I am fit to be tied.
Dose any one know of a insurance co. that will sell just liability insurance. I am just a small producer and can,t afford $500.00 for insurance when I only made $600 to $700 a year on my product. I am state inspected and licenced. This is what happens when one try's to do things the right way. Is there a group of maple producers out there that may have a group insurance that someone can join.
11-02-2011, 10:12 PM
Maple Ridge,
We have Arcadia Ins for our farm operations. Similar coverage to Farm Family and was a better deal for us.
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