View Full Version : MP&C 450 - 600 GPH Sap RO

Mitch Hoyt
10-25-2011, 04:34 PM
Hey if anyone is interested I wanted to share our website with you guys. We have one page that shows our current design for 450 - 600 GPH Sap RO. If you would like to know the cost of this sytem please private message me. We also are building 3 extra 225 GPH systems that are designed for easy expandablity. The cost to expand the 225 GPH system to a 450 GPH system is approximatley $2,000.00. We also design systems that run off of gas motors and I can give you pricing on those if you request. We are not the cheapest RO out there but we build our skids out of stainless steel and have had years of experience building industrial quality systems. When you compare pumps and materials you will see why ours may cost more money. You are getting more of a machine. Let me know if I can help any one. We do custom equipment every day.

Mitch Hoyt

link to our webpage for the pic of the RO.


10-25-2011, 07:55 PM
Ordered one of these in August and will get it in January, Other producers i know also ordered. Before i made the $$$$$$ leap, I checked with the commercial r.o equipment sellers as far as price and output. I talked to 3 producers who actually own and run this type from mp@c. Seems this design can run 900 gph and the wash/rinse times are also cut down for some reason. I will get a in house demo and instructional on how to run it and then i can answer more. On a earlier post when i ordered one, MP@C had 2 commercial units to be repaired so they could show me the difference compared to their units. Everything is just more "heavy duty" industrial used components. And quiet....I could not believe the diff. in the amount of noise between the units. I hope you don't mind Mitch but i'm gonna throw the price out there I had to pay.......You know us traders are a close knit family that shares all our secrets........$16,300......I know i could of spent less and i know i would of got less also. Close freind took his to a large producer who had 8000 gal. of sap to run through last season and the numbers he got out of it were my selling point. Again Mitch, sorry if you are upset about me throwing the price out there in cyber space but i know the traders out there realize any r.o's are expensive and hopefully will give MP@C a look. Can't wait to run the juice through and cut all the extra time and labor down. I hear the expression on traders made alot that once you cook concentrate....you won't ever want to cook raw sap again.

Mitch Hoyt
10-27-2011, 09:27 AM
No Ryan i am not angry. Life is to short to and I do not have anything to hide with our prices I don't get paid a comission any how so we sell them for what we sell them for. If anyone looks at the equipment and parts we use they would be able to figure out our price is not marked up much. We just want to build a reliable machine and support it. I will see you this winter when you pick yours up I hope. Keep in touch.

Mitch Hoyt

Mitch Hoyt
10-28-2011, 07:08 AM
If anyone is interested I created a group for discussion regarding MP&C and the machines we make. I have 4 pictures uploaded to that group. I have the NHG 9 which is a very small system that will remove 9GPH. We built that for a local hobbiest who cooks 100 gallons of sap per year. He just sets it to work 4 -5 hours before he cooks his sap. Anyway I also have a picture of our MP&C Model 250PM it is the skid with 4 tires and a wagon tounge. The other model that is there is one of our 225 GPH systems that will process 2 - 6.5% one pass. We built that system with 2 wheels on and a couple of handles so it moves like a wheelbarrel. I also have a picture of one of our cranberry RO systems. It is large but it gives you a small sampling of some of the stuff we do. If you want to contact me please feel free to do so.

Mitch Hoyt

maple connection
10-29-2011, 08:11 AM
I also would like to put in my to cents about MP&C. I have been working with Joel Stencil and Joel R. and I have to say when I have a issue or a concern about a R.O. machine they are just down the road and they have parts to get the machine backup and running. Your not waiting for parts for 5 days. They are always willing to share there Knowledge.
If you in need a upgrading your R.O. or you need chemicals for cleaning your R.O. give them a try I am confident you will be very happy with there service. They also have good pricing on R.O. membrane. I just bought a 4" xle 4040.

Mitch Hoyt
10-31-2011, 07:23 AM

Thanks for your kind words. We are very glad to help people when we can. I know we didn't build your RO Kevin but we have fixed several of the CDL and Lapierre systems. For those of you who desire local support we are located in central WI. Look forward to hearing from more of our WI friends and hearing the stories about how your MP&C RO's are running. We would also like to help where we can with your other needs such as pumps, valves, and membranes. Check us out if you have a need we are very willing to help.

Mitch Hoyt


Mitch Hoyt
11-09-2011, 08:58 AM
I have created a group on this website for the discussion of our RO systems. I have uploaded 4 photographs for people to see what our machines look like along with offering an opportunity to ask questions about them. Everyone is welcome even if your not going to discuss anything and just want to keep track of the discusstions. The link below will get you to the group page.


Thanks for all the private questions up till now I look forward to answering new ones as well.

Mitch Hoyt

Mitch Hoyt
11-29-2011, 10:14 AM
Cut Off Date for ordering a Sap RO.

Due to the demands placed on our Welding crews in the begining of the year we will not be able to process any orders after December, 16 2011. If you would like us to build you one we need a purchase order no later than 12:00 noon on the 16th of December. On orders placed after the 16th MP&C will not be able to commit to a February 17th Delivery. I hope you all have a great sapping season and I look forward to reading about all the sweet success you have this comming season. Thank you and God Bless you all and God bless America. Have a merry Christmas and a Happy new year.

Mitch Hoyt

715-352-3206 office

Link for the MP&C RO Group Below.


Mitch Hoyt
01-30-2012, 10:11 AM
Hey Everyone,

It was very good to see many of you at the Maple Show in Neilsvill WI. It was a very good turn out this year I guess they had about 200 people show up on Saturday. I enjoyed the show speakers and talking with a number of you about our RO. If you are still in the market for an RO for this season as we finish up the manufacturing of the systems already purchased we are building 2 others for those last minute calls. We will have a 600 Gallon per hour and a 225 gallon per hour system availible end of February. Take care and thank you for the private messages. If you need membranes as well we sell those too. May your sap come in all season clean cold and 3%.

Mitch Hoyt