View Full Version : Flu insolation question

10-24-2011, 02:02 PM
Can one insolate the flu area of an arch with Archboard alone?

I have tried searching for this answer but with no solid luck.

My plan was to use archboard and brick in the firebox area and just use Ceramic blanket or archboard in the flu area. Will this idea work? Has anyone else insolated that arch in this way?


Flat Lander Sugaring
10-24-2011, 05:32 PM
sure it will no need for brick no insulation value there anyways. only need bricks were you throw wood. put arch board or blanket down then cover with brick in fire chamber anyplace else only need to insulate to keep heat in

leader vortech is only blanket past fire chamber

Maple Hobo
10-25-2011, 06:45 PM
Fire brick does insulate some. I use it on my forge to hole the heat in and off of me. Not sure why you would insulate the flue though? its past the pans and is exhaust. Most people would like to reclaim the heat out not try to make it hotter and the top of the stack.

10-25-2011, 07:01 PM
I wonder if he means the area under the sap pan, the longer stretch between the firebox and the stack. I dont know yet what that area is actually called either, and I have kind of the same questions.

I see a lot of pictures in old threads where that area is bricked up, and I planned on doing the same if nothing else to fill in the space I think I made too deep. So I guess I need to invest in some blanket or archboard too. would a layer of sand under the bricks work for insulation? I mean a couple of inches between the metal and the brick.

10-25-2011, 07:06 PM
Maybe i am refering to the area wrong, when i say flu i am refering to the area under the pans behind the firebox. My rig is about 8 feet long, but the firebox only takes up the first 2 feet, the rest tapers up towards the rear when it exits up to the stack. Maybe i need to lean my Evaporator biology.

10-25-2011, 08:59 PM
Maybe i am refering to the area wrong, when i say flu i am refering to the area under the pans behind the firebox. My rig is about 8 feet long, but the firebox only takes up the first 2 feet, the rest tapers up towards the rear when it exits up to the stack. Maybe i need to lean my Evaporator biology.

Your terminology is fine. There is no need for bricks there. Just need something to fill the space to get heat close to flues and insulate from bottom of arch.

Maple Hobo
10-25-2011, 09:14 PM
Whats the name of the fire proof tiles they used on the space shuttle heat shield?
Its nothing but airated (fluffed up) sand if I recall.

They are out of work now... I wonder if they would start to make liner panels for evaporators...lol
I think they would more then stand up to our use...

PS: We have fire blanket insulation in that part of our oil fired evaporator. I know some guys just fill it up with dry sand beyond the fire brick in the box of the arch.

10-26-2011, 07:04 AM
The tiles from the shuttle might hold in the heat nice, but would they not just keep falling off?