View Full Version : Wanting to learn from Worcester, MA
10-14-2011, 06:51 PM
Hi everyone, I am very new to maple sugaring. *I have been reading and researching the past few months and I am getting very excited for this coming season. *I was wondering if there is anyone around the Worcester, MA area that could help with advice or overflow sap if I can't handle cooking all that I collect. *
10-14-2011, 08:08 PM
I'm about 45 minutes away from Auburn, but I'd be willing to help you out. I've only been sugaring for 4 years, on a small scale, but have been reading everything I can get my hands on, and have been talking to other sugarmakers.
I'm having trouble finding trees to tap in my area, so I'll help you get started, if you like. Send me a PM if interested.
10-15-2011, 06:03 AM
I'm located in Bellingham, about 25 minutes from Auburn, and would be glad to help you out any way I can. Your most welcome to visit anytime.
Fivesaps' Sugar House
10-15-2011, 06:38 PM
On your way to Bellingham, you can stop by my place with the extra sap. They have more than enough already.;)
Seriously, they are good guys and you're welcome to visit here too.
11-16-2011, 05:26 PM
you can also come up to westminster 30 min. away, and check out my operation. going to be setting up a new bush with tubing soon.
11-16-2011, 07:08 PM
:D:D:DThere you go again….aren't the sugarmakers on MT AWESOME!!!
Yup, this site is awesome! WIthout out, I would still be thinking about planning! haha
11-17-2011, 06:48 PM
There are a few around the Brookfield area which is a little to the west. The Wentworth's and Shaler Coombs might be able to help. Also as a board of director of Mass Maple producers association I'd encourage you to join the assoc. if you are interested. We have our annual meeting in January
11-18-2011, 09:01 PM
Welcome to the Trader and the great world of making syrup! If I can help let me know.
11-19-2011, 07:49 AM
Yup, this site is awesome! WIthout out, I would still be thinking about planning! haha
Howdy adk1 - You were starting to scare me for awhile. You were thinking about planning so much - I thought You would be getting older and slowing down - before Ya ever got started..... LOL. From what You have been posting - sounds like 2012 is gonna be Your Year in a big way. I'm glad You are in the Doing Stage and wish You the best in the coming Sugarin Season -------Mike------
11-19-2011, 04:17 PM
Hi everyone, I am very new to maple sugaring. *I have been reading and researching the past few months and I am getting very excited for this coming season. *I was wondering if there is anyone around the Worcester, MA area that could help with advice or overflow sap if I can't handle cooking all that I collect. *
Well Randav - Welcome to the Crazy and Wonderful World of Maple Sugarin. As Ya already know - making Maple Syrup is easy - Maple Sap - In a pot - boil the heck out of it and know when to take it off. Takes about 40 gallons of sap to make a gallon of syrup. Now - to make a lot of high quality maple syrup is a whole different ball-game - as you will learn on this site..... Ha - Too much sap is a worry - after about 15 years I'm still waiting for that worry. Good Luck -- Mike--
12-07-2011, 04:22 PM
Hi Randav,
I'm right next door to Auburn, in Rochdale, which is just a village in Leicester. I'm just down the hill from Cooper's farm, near where Rt 56 and Stafford St. cross.
You've got 2 months to get ready before the sap flows, if our weather doesn't get any weirder. What kind of advice you'll need pretty much depends on what size operation you plan to start with. I only tap a few trees and boil small batchs, maybe 50 gals of sap or so, and make a little over a gallon at a time. If your set up is small like that I can help you out. If you're starting larger, with an evaporator, you'll be better off talking to some of these bigger producers who can show you how the evaporator runs.
Extra sap only happens if you have too many taps, don't have enough storage, and/or can't boil fast enough or often enough. Sap will keep if it's cold and out of the sun. You can always boil it later.
There's some good equipment on Craigslist right now, search under "maple syrup". There's buckets and covers, a small wood stove evaporator, and a much larger wood fired evaporator, amongst other stuff.
Some parts of Auburn have ALB now, make sure your trees haven't been injected.
Nothing like making your own syrup! Good luck.
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