View Full Version : Selling an evaporator for scrap-it would make you cry!!!!!!!!!

Bruce L
10-14-2011, 05:02 PM
Took the 3' x 10' stainless crimp pan and 3' x 4' syrup pan to the scrap metal yard today,nothing wrong with them,still shining so you could see to comb your hair after 21 years of use.The problem,they were lead soldered,and in order to get a grant to replace the pans with ther new tig-welded counterparts they had to be destroyed.The hard part to swallow-------
$61.20 for the two pans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

10-14-2011, 09:17 PM

I thought the grants for food equipment initiative was over this past May. Were you approved before this date?

10-14-2011, 09:48 PM
Took the 3' x 10' stainless crimp pan and 3' x 4' syrup pan to the scrap metal yard today,nothing wrong with them,still shining so you could see to comb your hair after 21 years of use.The problem,they were lead soldered,and in order to get a grant to replace the pans with ther new tig-welded counterparts they had to be destroyed.The hard part to swallow-------
$61.20 for the two pans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

That TOTALLY SUCKS. Sorry:mad:

10-15-2011, 03:03 PM
Federal government for you. About like the cash for clunkers program. Hundreds of thousands of good cars got destroyed.

10-15-2011, 04:08 PM
Federal government for you. About like the cash for clunkers program. Hundreds of thousands of good cars got destroyed. Yes, that did suck very badly, government run amok.:rolleyes:

Brian Ryther
10-15-2011, 05:25 PM
Yea just terrable, the govt getting the lead out of our food supply.

10-15-2011, 05:58 PM
well said Brian...

10-15-2011, 06:56 PM
Yea just terrable, the govt getting the lead out of our food supply.

And probably majority of Americans drinking water out of pipes that are full of lead.

Flat Lander Sugaring
10-15-2011, 07:01 PM
And probably majority of Americans drinking water out of pipes that are full of lead.

awwwwwwwww dnt no whaj u tlkn about west, o led in my pips:lol:

Haynes Forest Products
10-15-2011, 07:19 PM
Yea it sucks to scrap it BUT don't we want to improve our equipment till its the best. Yea plenty of water pipes made out of lead. Big difference is cold water only not boiling sap that is acidic. Then you clean with acid removing the protective niter. We cant move forward using old equipment. If you want to compare it to Cash for clunkers the government would have leader take the pan in on trade for a new SS tig welded pan and screw the tax payer for the difference so lets all morn the loss of the pan and celebrate the new one you will get.

10-15-2011, 07:56 PM
i know a producer who is scrapping his evapator because he could not sell it. it is bigggg. I am scared I might scrap mine because it is a 5 x 14 and no interest.

10-15-2011, 08:09 PM
Took the 3' x 10' stainless crimp pan and 3' x 4' syrup pan to the scrap metal yard today,nothing wrong with them,still shining so you could see to comb your hair after 21 years of use.The problem,they were lead soldered,and in order to get a grant to replace the pans with ther new tig-welded counterparts they had to be destroyed.The hard part to swallow-------
$61.20 for the two pans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

How much was the grant for?:confused:

maple flats
10-16-2011, 06:01 AM
Where's the scrap yard, someone will buy the pans. Back when I had lead soldered lead pans and used old lead soldered galv. buckets I was tested for lead by the NYS Ag & Markets. My lead was less than 1/3 of the allowable and I had lots of taps on old roadside trees that would have had some lead from leaded gas from years and years of traffic. Personally I think the lead issue is blown out of proportion. If someone still used lead soldered pans you just need to know how to clean them and know not to clean the solder to a bright finish, exposing the lead. Unless you saw the scrap yard destroy the pans I'll bet they will be sold for far more than the $60 something you got and they will again be in use.

Bruce L
10-16-2011, 06:03 AM
Grant is for $5000.00 I realize the lead soldered pans have to go,just seems like an awful shame when you take the value of the pan and demote it down to this amount.On another note we have been checked for lead and checked ourselves many times,our reading is only a slight percentage of allowable lead content,but better safe than sorry,as a producer 30 miles from here had a high lead concentration,his name was plastered over the radio and newspaper for dangerous lead amount in syrup-guess what,he can't give syrup away.

Bruce L
10-16-2011, 07:43 AM
Dave,I couldn't agree with you more.We have alot of roadside trees,we still use some old rusty buckets with the white paint on the base(probably containing lead).These buckets keep sap far better than aluminum buckets.The aluminum buckets constantly blow off the trees,colour the sap when it starts to get warm,and ding up very quickly when they hit the ground.
Now back to the grant before I get jumped all over.The grant is for 50% of the cost of the pans up to $5000.00.Did I need to spend that kind of money-no,but this is the last year for the grant,so I either upgrade now and keep the health board off my case,or wait until I have to upgrade and pay full price.When these programs first came out the grant was for 85% of the cost of the pans,but people abused this by replacing their equipment,then selling it to other producers.One neighbour was bragging this to me this past spring when I was at Leader's open house.He also went on to tell me I could not produce quality syrup without hoods on the pans.I have been making syrup for over 40 years now,had hoods on the pans once and NEVER will again.He has been making syup for 5 years now and knows more than everyone else around.By this time I had had my fill of him and told him you had to look at the end product,not the equipment or the individual.
Our syrup has always tested well below the acceptable levels for lead,so no worry there.An inspector told me that it is not necessarily the equipment,but rather contact time.When there are small runs or none at all,the sap contacting the pans begins to draw the lead out of the solder joints,then it is concentrated into the syrup.Even if we have a small run,I still boil the 1 hour or whatever to keep it cleaned up,this is the way I was taught and the way my kids will do it also.

10-16-2011, 09:28 AM
And probably majority of Americans drinking water out of pipes that are full of lead.

However most water is not very acidic, and thus won't leach much lead from pipes.

10-16-2011, 09:34 AM
Where's the scrap yard, someone will buy the pans.

The old pans replaced under the grant are supposed to be destroyed. The first year of the Ontario program I don't believe they were, but soon realized that pans weren't being taken out of use, just moved around. They corrected that in subsequent years.

There are some BIG differences in the way things are done in Ontario and in the U.S. In the U.S., blending is allowed (in most places) to bring syrup over the lead action limit to below that limit. In Canada this is NOT allowed. Secondly, in Ontario, if your syrup tests above the action limit, it is recalled, and notices must be placed in newspapers about the high lead levels and asking that syrup purchased from this producer be returned.

Therefore replacing lead-soldered pans has a bit more urgency in Ontario than in other places. On the other hand...they do provide economic incentives (grants) to help defray the cost of replacing equipment as well.

One other difference....in most places the lead action level is 500ppb. In Vermont (and perhaps 1-2 other places), the action level is 250 ppb.