View Full Version : 24X60 Combination pan

10-14-2011, 10:09 AM
I'm struggling to make up my mind on building a new rig. Has anyone here used one of the all in one drop flue, syrup pan combs? I still have a few years of having a day job, so I'm not seeing buying a 2X6 set of pans for 3 grand, but would like something more than a big divided flat pan.

How did you like it? Did you have issues keeping the the syrup pan clean? Was it worth the money?

Thanks for the help.

10-14-2011, 10:59 AM
Look up Warners Point posts on here. He made a single divided pan with drop tubes in a back section that seemed to work really well.

Ed K
10-15-2011, 04:27 PM
I had a 2x5 leader for many yrs,it's a nice rig.Makes light amber real nice,easy to clean and dosen't use a lot of wood.It's ok until you get over 200 taps,then you spend a lots of time boiling.