View Full Version : Largest producer # of taps in NH.

red maples
10-13-2011, 01:42 PM
Not sure where to put this so I stuck it here.

I know Bascom's is big but do they have the most taps in NH? and how many do they have? round number please.

And does anyone know the biggest in the US # of taps and Canada# of taps.

Who is the winner of the biggest maple farm???

10-13-2011, 02:06 PM
Bruce from Boscom's told me they were around 70,000 when i was there a few weeks ago.

10-13-2011, 02:36 PM
I think the largest in North America is in New Brunswick with about 150,000 taps.

I have heard that Crown Maple in the Hudson Valley of NY is trying to become the largest producer with 500,000. http://www.crownmaple.com/

Bascom's website says largest in New England, so they must be the largest in the U.S.

Greenwich Maple Man
10-13-2011, 04:10 PM
I think the largest in North America is in New Brunswick with about 450,000 taps.

I have heard that Crown Maple in the Hudson Valley of NY is trying to become the largest producer with 500,000. http://www.crownmaple.com/

Don't be fooled by Crown Maple. They may be big and have all the toys but the owners couldn't make syrup to save there life. I know the guy who ran the whole setup and they are nothing but a bunch of rich city boys with to much money. It maybe a big tap count but there is very little expiernce other than the hired help. Really bugs me how big money is now seeping into sugaring and everybody falls all over these guys.

10-13-2011, 05:26 PM
Just to clarify, I am in no way any kind of supporter if Crown Maple or do I think they make good syrup. Clearly they have their objectives as any business folks do. I am merely stating that their goal is to become the biggest. Biggest in no way means best.;)

And yes, they do seem like they have too much $ to throw around.

Greenwich Maple Man
10-13-2011, 05:31 PM
Just to clarify, I am in no way any kind of supporter if Crown Maple or do I think they make good syrup. Clearly they have their objectives as any business folks do. I am merely stating that their goal is to become the biggest. Biggest in no way means best.;)

And yes, they do seem like they have too much $ to throw around.

Know need to clarify. I'm in 100% agreement with you. They just don't fit with the sugaring business. I'm sure that they have the best and do "everthing right" except how they treat there help. You want to be called a sugarmaker than make your own syrup and tap your own darn trees. Or at least be part of the whole operation. Not just when the press shows up. Don't know why but it just realy bugs me how they are trying to just buy there way to the top.

10-13-2011, 06:03 PM
Bascom's website says largest in New England, so they must be the largest in the U.S.

There are larger operations in northern maine. I guess somerset co. is the biggest maple syrup producing county in the world. but I dont have a tap count. I had heard that lapierre up in quebec had a couple hundred thousand or something. Anyone else know?

10-13-2011, 06:37 PM
The world biggest is Érabliere Nord-Ouest operated by Gerald Turcotte in
St-Quentin, New Brunswick whit 162,000 in 2010. Lapierre in Milan Qc (where i live)is now at 150,000.

Greenwich Maple Man
10-13-2011, 06:40 PM
The world biggest is Érabliere Nord-Ouest operated by Gerald Turcotte in
St-Quentin, New Brunswick whit 162,000 in 2010. Lapierre in Milan Qc (where i live)is now at 150,000.

Those are some mind boggling numbers!!!!!:o When do they start tapping?

10-13-2011, 07:59 PM
There are larger operations in northern maine. I guess somerset co. is the biggest maple syrup producing county in the world. but I dont have a tap count. I had heard that lapierre up in quebec had a couple hundred thousand or something. Anyone else know?

A quick Google search turned this up: http://www.mainemapleproducers.com/chapters.asp

"Somerset County is known for producing more Maine maple syrup than any other county in the United States. Currently there are 43 members in this MMPA chapter. These sugarhouses have over 1.2 million taps for an average of almost 30,000 taps per sugarhouse. Most of these sugarhouses are operated by Canadian citizens that work very hard in the northern Maine woods to produce an extremely high quality Maine maple syrup. They must produce their own electricity and border restrictions can be daunting at times."

My question is, how could any county outside of Maine produce Maine Maple Syrup? If there is one producer larger than 70,000 taps than they are larger than Bascom's, but something tells me Bascom's is the biggest in New England.

I'm especially interested in the producing of electricity part. What is going on here?

10-13-2011, 08:03 PM
I read about crown maple on their web site. On one of the news releases it says they have new technology and are able to make 3 times the amount of syrup from a gallon of sap as opposed to other methods. If my figures are correct it will only take 10 gallon of sap to make a gallon. What do they know the rest of us don't? Also sounds like the government is backing it with something in a farm bill.


Greenwich Maple Man
10-13-2011, 08:19 PM
A quick Google search turned this up: http://www.mainemapleproducers.com/chapters.asp

"Somerset County is known for producing more Maine maple syrup than any other county in the United States. Currently there are 43 members in this MMPA chapter. These sugarhouses have over 1.2 million taps for an average of almost 30,000 taps per sugarhouse. Most of these sugarhouses are operated by Canadian citizens that work very hard in the northern Maine woods to produce an extremely high quality Maine maple syrup. They must produce their own electricity and border restrictions can be daunting at times."

My question is, how could any county outside of Maine produce Maine Maple Syrup? If there is one producer larger than 70,000 taps than they are larger than Bascom's, but something tells me Bascom's is the biggest in New England.

I'm especially interested in the producing of electricity part. What is going on here?

I believe Bascoms is the biggest in NH, not New Eangland.

red maples
10-13-2011, 09:12 PM
I read a little about crown maple myself. The person that wrote the article (I think it was in the Maple News) was a little skeptical about being able to handle that many taps. it would take an army!!! and the environmental impact alone with all that tubing in the woods for how ever many squarre miles of land that would be taking up. I wanna say they said over 8 square miles if that sounds right!!! 1 little rainy windy spring day and the cleanup is a pain for even me with my 300 taps I couldn't imagine having 500K.

10-13-2011, 10:38 PM
Where ae you guys getting this 500,000 tap count number from. They have 800 acres and 25,000 maple trees and if you look at their photos you will see some pretty darn small trees with 2 taps in them. I would be guessing they have 50,000 taps not 500,000. They are being backed by good ole Chuck Shumer and Im sure for libtard donations for campaign money. Early in the spring I sent them an email in regards to some of their wording and claims. claiming they have the purest maple syrup in the world. 19.95 for a 12oz bottle. Yeah big heads small minds.

Greenwich Maple Man
10-14-2011, 04:15 AM
Where ae you guys getting this 500,000 tap count number from. They have 800 acres and 25,000 maple trees and if you look at their photos you will see some pretty darn small trees with 2 taps in them. I would be guessing they have 50,000 taps not 500,000. They are being backed by good ole Chuck Shumer and Im sure for libtard donations for campaign money. Early in the spring I sent them an email in regards to some of their wording and claims. claiming they have the purest maple syrup in the world. 19.95 for a 12oz bottle. Yeah big heads small minds.

3RDGEN you are right. That have alot of taps but not near 500k. I think they were in the 20ks last year with plans for expansion. From what I was told by the man who ran the whole operation(that you never hear about) it is a bunch of estates that are letting this big wig tap and "help the forest". Never thought you would see the day when NYC people are now buying there way into sugaring. It would be different if they didn't make such stupid comments about having the best purest syrup. Many of us on here have sugared when this guy was eating Mrs. Butterworths on his pancakes. Plus you are right the pricing is absurd. I'm sure the eqipment dealers like him though.

red maples
10-14-2011, 08:31 AM
um how can there syrup be purer than anyone else's. We all do the same darn thing boil sap!!! there is nothing added to it except the D. Earth for filter presses(by the way I believe is not an organic product although could be wrong) and a defoamer of some type!!! I use Organic Canola oil!!! I remember reading that 500K tap count too n the maple news I don't have the paper anymore but I am gonna see if I can find that article.

oh yeah and 3 words here with them MArketing marketing marketing!!! and over priced comes into play!! just because its expensive doesn't mean its the best!!!

10-14-2011, 09:08 AM
Where ae you guys getting this 500,000 tap count number from. They have 800 acres and 25,000 maple trees and if you look at their photos you will see some pretty darn small trees with 2 taps in them. I would be guessing they have 50,000 taps not 500,000. They are being backed by good ole Chuck Shumer and Im sure for libtard donations for campaign money. Early in the spring I sent them an email in regards to some of their wording and claims. claiming they have the purest maple syrup in the world. 19.95 for a 12oz bottle. Yeah big heads small minds.

Their goal is 500,000 over many years. They are trying to lease adjacent lands and pipe it all to their sugarhouse.

10-14-2011, 09:17 AM
I believe Bascoms is the biggest in NH, not New Eangland.

From their website: http://www.bascommaple.com/about/

"Bascom Maple Farms is the largest producer of pure maple syrup in New England. We are a major supplier of maple products to packers, distributors, manufactures, retailers, and others in the food business."

I don't see a tap count on their site after a quick search, but it seems that 70,000 is about right based on others' reports here.

10-14-2011, 10:54 AM
bascoms might be able to claim that since they produce a lot of syrup that they buy in bulk and then repack and private label sell. as far as producing the most syrup from their own taps, they may not be in the lead...Sam could probably clarify...

All the marketing that Crown Maple does as well as some other folks about "unique flavors, and differences per batch" I think is trying to tap in to all the fuffy wine flavor write ups..."its got a complex bouquet of this and a delicate finish of that..."

220 maple
10-14-2011, 12:53 PM
Apparently Crown Maple is the operation that my Amish Equipment Dealer had referenced this past Spring. He told me that they was looking at 200,000 taps. I don't think they will get 200,000 on 800 acres. As a side note I was approached by a gentleman at a Festival in September where I was selling Maple Products and displaying Mapling items. He has 1200 acres that he said is 85% Sugar Maple. I mentioned this to Henry, he always figures 80 taps per acre if there is a lot of Sugars. That would be 96,000 taps! Imagine That. Just like the specialist from Cornell's Maple Research said, West Virginia has more Maple Trees than one of the Northern Producing States, I believe he was talking about New Hampshire?

Mark 220 Maple

10-14-2011, 01:00 PM
Apparently Crown Maple is the operation that my Amish Equipment Dealer had referenced this past Spring. He told me that they was looking at 200,000 taps. I don't think they will get 200,000 on 800 acres. As a side note I was approached by a gentleman at a Festival in September where I was selling Maple Products and displaying Mapling items. He has 1200 acres that he said is 85% Sugar Maple. I mentioned this to Henry, he always figures 80 taps per acre if there is a lot of Sugars. That would be 96,000 taps! Imagine That. Just like the specialist from Cornell's Maple Research said, West Virginia has more Maple Trees than one of the Northern Producing States, I believe he was talking about New Hampshire?

Mark 220 Maple

Too bad West Virginia doesn't have the climate.;)

red maples
10-14-2011, 02:02 PM
bascoms might be able to claim that since they produce a lot of syrup that they buy in bulk and then repack and private label sell. as far as producing the most syrup from their own taps, they may not be in the lead...Sam could probably clarify...

All the marketing that Crown Maple does as well as some other folks about "unique flavors, and differences per batch" I think is trying to tap in to all the fuffy wine flavor write ups..."its got a complex bouquet of this and a delicate finish of that..."

only my second year and my syrup has tasted different both seasons. I have a fuffy food and wine pallet you learn flavors from being a chef for 25 years. I like to buy little 1/2 pints or pints from different places to taste the different flavors never have had 2 exactly the same.

10-14-2011, 02:09 PM
Everywhere I have read it says NY has the most maple trees than any other state but most are on stateland and untouchable. I think someone was pulling someones leg.

10-14-2011, 03:52 PM
I attended the Tour After The Tour, following the NAMSC/IMSI meetings in Bar Harbor, ME, in 2009. We spent two days in buses visiting sugarbushes in Somerset County, ME. Two of the operations were over 70,000 taps and most were certified organic. One outfit (Sugarcamp #95) has 4 generators and 9 pumping stations.

10-14-2011, 06:10 PM
Those are some mind boggling numbers!!!!!:o When do they start tapping?

They started tapping in february each year..and it is more a "industrial" place than a commercial place, lots of people work there. Lapierre still using some wood fired evaporator in is site, probably for testing..Meet a guy this summer that work on it, he injured himself when a caster break when he move a big cart of wood. i will try to visit the operation next spring...:)

Greenwich Maple Man
10-14-2011, 06:11 PM
Everywhere I have read it says NY has the most maple trees than any other state but most are on stateland and untouchable. I think someone was pulling someones leg.

NY at its finest then they wonder why they have so much debt.

10-14-2011, 06:14 PM
Everywhere I have read it says NY has the most maple trees than any other state but most are on stateland and untouchable. I think someone was pulling someones leg.

It is true that NY have the most Maple trees, but the real potential for maple syrup is a lot of tree and good conditions (temperatures), thats why in Quebec we could have a more consistent production.

220 maple
10-14-2011, 10:17 PM
I couldn't agree more that the weather is the stopper for increased production in West Virginia. For example there is a 2500 tap operation one hour south of me, he only made 1371 gallons of syrup this past Spring, what could he have made with better weather????.
I was told of a Amish Family operation in the Southern part of Kentucky that made 2000 gallons last Spring, very poor considering they have near 8000 taps. Only a quart of syrup to the tap hole.
As for when the big operations tap, this is what I was told when I was in Vermont. The first operation is a 72,000 tap Farm. I asked them when they started tapping trees for the season, answer Jan.3. Next Question. If you have a thaw in Jan. what do you do with that sap. Answer. We did on the 13th thru the 15th, showed me in his book where they made 50 barrels of syrup. The day I asked the question the trees were still producing, April 14th.
They gave me the honor of setting sample bottle 454 in the window kitchen display. I have a picture to prove it. The reason the trees was still producing was weather, they had only had one 50 degree day from Jan.1 to Apr. 14. We had two 70 degree days in Feb. so yes the climate will stop the show.

Mark 220 Maple