View Full Version : Wireless Pipeline

10-13-2011, 12:26 PM
Here are a few shots of some wireless 3/4" lateral mainline pipe. This is not rapitube, just regular CDL Blue. I use tension grips at each end, a wire spool tensioner at the end of the line and side tie strapping along the way. I do have a few supports in a couple flat areas.

I'm not saying this will work for everyone but works well for me as I have good slope and lots of rugged terrain where the pipe needs to twist and turn.

All my 1" wet/dry lines and on wire. I contemplated doing everything without wire, but decided go with wire for the straighter and heavier lines. I think it was a good decision though. I do have more lateral mains to expand in the next couple years and will keep going wireless for those.

10-13-2011, 01:24 PM
I have some set up just like you did it and it works fine, I did put in a few side pulls. Looks good. Are you all rested up, thank you for your help, it was much appreciated

maple flats
10-13-2011, 04:36 PM
I have also done that. I pull it tight with a come -a-long (winch). It works fine and much faster than if using wire. I use it on 3/4 and 1". It also stays flat better. Back when I used wire and ties, it was near impossible to keep the main from rippling from tie to tie. It must either be 1 piece or must be super well clamped. I use SS barbed Lappierre fittings, they grip the tube very well and I use pinch clamps from Lowes, 2 on each joint. Never had any come loose, but I did have a plastic fitting pull apart. The clamps I use are not for PEX, but rather are found in the area where they have black poly pipe and insert fittings. Get their tool to crimp also, I tried a pair of HD end nippers and the clamp failed because the crimp was damaged and weakened. The clamps are like 34-39 cents each depending on size (3/4 or 1"), the tool is under $20.

10-13-2011, 05:03 PM
I understand that these clamps work very well. I don't have conections in my line so I have no need for them. We always get our mainline on a reel and cut to length.