View Full Version : maple cotton candy

10-09-2011, 09:03 AM
I want to purchase a cotton candy machine for making maple fluff. I'm in NYS. I've sent a message to the Dept. of Ag. to ask about rules and regulations. I want to set up at our local farmers market. Anyone have any ideas? I already make maple syrup and need to add to our product line.. thanks

maple maniac65
10-09-2011, 04:40 PM
I bought my machine from Gold Medal Flour in Lawerance MA. I paid about $1200 for it new with a plastic top that goes on the sugar pan to keep other people out of the candy and stops the wind from cooling off the machine. I bought a new one because used was close to new price. I have only made about 1500 bags in 5 years but a an avarage price of $3.00/bag, I think I have done well. I now sell for $4.00/bag or 3 for $10.00.

10-09-2011, 04:49 PM
Thanks. This is the price that us around here. I was jsut wondering if there was a specific tyoe or if any kind will do. Do you have to get a special license or food permit? I am looking to add to my maple syrup items and this might be it. Did you order supplies on-line or locally? Thanks

10-09-2011, 06:19 PM
I can't comment on the regulations in NY State, but in Massachusetts I think you would need a Residential Kitchen license because you are "cooking" something that is made up of two different ingredients (cane sugar and maple sugar). I could be wrong, but that's how it was explained to me.