View Full Version : What Has Gone Wrong Here in Canada

Bruce L
10-08-2011, 12:01 PM
An interesting story here to read,no wonder our insurance is so high,jails are full,and so on,and so on,,,,,,,,,,,


10-08-2011, 07:24 PM
The Canadian court system is scewered up more than a Christmas goose, however the US system isn't far behind. Best wish and keep a gun.:lol:

Bruce L
10-09-2011, 07:06 AM
Luckily we have alot of swampland near our sugarhouse.If someone were trying to steal syrup,equipment,vehicles or whatever,one crack of the rifle and they could go far down under.Another interesting note my Father gave me this morning,a Farmer lost over $5000.00 in soybeans to Canada Geese,got so sick of them he ran his truck through the flock,guess what,someone saw him,his fine is $1000.00 per goose plus court costs!!!!!!!!!!!

10-11-2011, 12:27 PM
Go south of Ottawa and there are so many "rats with wings" at this time of year you'd have a hard time finding a farmer who wouldn't let goose hunters into their fields! We hunted in Winchester last December and saw so many Canadas and snowies that they couldn't be counted. I'm guessing we saw 10 to 20 thousand in a few hours but it could have been many times that number!

10-12-2011, 05:22 PM
In my part of Michigan - about fifteen years ago - The Trumpeter Swan was introduced to some of the Dam Ponds on the Ausable River. They are big, white and loud when they trumpet and they are the Canadian Geese worst nightmare. When a flock of Canada Geese come into a Pond chattering back and forth the resident Swans startup their engines. They are half again as big as a goose, fly faster, nip the goose tail feathers and trumpet all the time they are in pursuit. I've seen one swan chase 100 geese away. There is lots of wild rice for food and for some reason the swans don't bother the ducks or other birds and hold their own against Bald Eagles. But - they hate Canada Geese and do not want them around. Now - in another twenty years - The Trumpeter Swans could become a nightmare - but - so far - so good. ---Mike---

10-18-2011, 07:59 PM
Well! This evening - my Wife wanted to take some pictures of the Swans - now that the tourists are gone and the snow hasn't arrived. Darn Swans made a Liar out of me ---- Their they sit - six of them - along side about twenty Canada Geese - chatting away and sharing tea and wild rice cakes together as if they were all family....... I guess the Swans chasing the Geese off the Pond is just a show for the tourists.....So don't order no swans -- just more shotgun shells --------Mike-------