View Full Version : Fall Seminars

Amber Gold
10-04-2011, 11:50 AM
Has anyone heard anything about fall seminars? Last year Bascom's had one, but I just called and she didn't know anything about one for this year.

10-04-2011, 12:36 PM
Cornell is having a webinar this week..

A reminder for an upcoming maple webinar Thursday evening....

Maple Webinar Scheduled for October 6, 7 pm

The Cornell Maple Program Invites Your Participation in a Cornell Maple Webinar on October 6, titled “Maple Vacuum Systems” presented by Stephen Childs, NYS Maple Specialist. This webinar will cover the basics of using vacuum with a maple tubing system, review research conducted on vacuum systems, the benefits of using vacuum, sizing a vacuum pump and associated tubing system and system management.

The Cornell Maple Webinar Series uses web conferencing technology to provide research-based and unbiased information to maple producers and others interested in maple syrup production. Broadcasts occur on the First Thursday of each month, at 7:00 PM, Eastern time. Each broadcast is scheduled to run an hour, although questions and answers may take additional time. There is no charge for participation. There will be a brief survey, participants will be requested to complete with each webinar.

To register for this webinar please contact Debra Welch at Cornell Cooperative Extension at 585-786-2251 or email wyomingcountycce@cornell.edu

__________________________________________________ _______

For a full listing of upcoming events, you can always go to http://counties.cce.cornell.edu/wyoming/calendar/index.htm.

Cornell Cooperative Extension-Wyoming County
Agriculture Program
401 N. Main Street
Warsaw, NY 14569
tel: 585.786.2251
fax: 585.786.5148



Building Strong and Vibrant New York Communities
Cornell Cooperative Extension in Wyoming County provides equal program and employment opportunities.

10-04-2011, 04:00 PM
Bascom's is having a fall seminar the date i believe is Nov 18th. Just started working on details, and will send out a flyer in a few weeks.

10-04-2011, 04:19 PM
Keep me posted on that one too Sam.

- Bryan Ex

10-04-2011, 06:23 PM
New Hampshire Timberland Owners Assocation and UNH Cooperative Extension are hosting two "Intermediate Maple Sugaring" workshops in mid november and early December.

One is in southern NH at the Maple Guys sugarhouse, and one is up in Berlin at Bisson's sugarhouse.

I think this link will work: http://www.nhtoa.org/2011%20Fall%20%20Maple%20Sugar%20Class%20Brochure. pdf

We have hosted this in the past right around sugaring season, but based on feedback from participants we have moved it to the Fall so producers can attend rather than be out tapping, etc.

Amber Gold
10-05-2011, 10:20 AM
Glad to hear it Sam. I look forward to these every year and it saves me from having to make a separate trip to sell any bulk syrup and buy supplies.

Eric, what level of sugarmaker is the intermediate level good for?

10-05-2011, 06:25 PM
Josh- the seminar is designed for someone who might have 50-100 taps and wants to learn about tubing, vacuum, filtering more than 2-3 gallons at a time, raised/drop flu evaporators, etc. Lots to cover, but thats been our target audience. Having said that, we have had folks with 200-300 taps participate...

I can say that I have learned something at all the ones I have been to...we had 40+ folks at the ones we did last February.

10-05-2011, 06:57 PM
Josh- the seminar is designed for someone who might have 50-100 taps and wants to learn about tubing, vacuum, filtering more than 2-3 gallons at a time, raised/drop flu evaporators, etc. Lots to cover, but thats been our target audience. Having said that, we have had folks with 200-300 taps participate...

I can say that I have learned something at all the ones I have been to...we had 40+ folks at the ones we did last February.

Does anyone know of any fall seminars in northeast Ohio/western Pa. Not sure I could make a trip to VT or NH but this is exactly what I need.

Amber Gold
10-25-2011, 12:22 PM
Any updates from Bascom's on a Fall seminar?

10-28-2011, 08:26 AM
Was there yesterday, November 18 9:30am-2:30pm boiling seminar presented by leader, with lunch.

Mike Van
11-05-2011, 05:31 AM
I phoned Bascoms yesterday to sign up, I need a day off & the trip will save the postage on 3 cases of jugs plus............ Who knows what else. 130 miles from me if I remember.