View Full Version : October journal
10-01-2011, 05:45 PM
Well hell... if no one else is going to start it then here you go - October Journal.
All I can really say is I hope things are on a positive note with Jim Schumacher and his family.
Well, first half (400') of mainline wire is up and mainline too! Ran the 3/4" mainline today. Only twisted it on about every 4 feet or so right now. It looks good for this rookie! I had to add a few more side ties tha I thought I would have but no big deal. I only had one incident. When I was wratcheting to get it "fiddle tight" the hook that I have in the tree that holds the wratchet bend and the mainline went flying! I think I was lucky cause it really took off. Tomorrow I will pull the tubing hand tight and finish installing the ties every
12"...It is so nice to see some progress!:)
I do have one issue though. there are a few places that the mainline is like 1.5' off the ground cause the terrainis undulating. I have two small valleys that I had to cross. Fortunatly I dont rally have any lats to install in these two areas. Might have to shovel them though.
10-01-2011, 08:01 PM
spent this morning at the NH Tree Farm Field Day with tmeeh from the Trader. His tree farm was named outstanding tree farm of the year. Met up with gearpump there- always good to meet up with another trader. tmeeh has an impressive set-up. Seeing Tim's attention to detail in the woods has gotten me motivated to get back in to the wood to add some taps and re-work a set up to add a wet/dry line.
Have prepped the pad and done the site work to add a 4 ft bump out along the north side of the sugarhouse. Will make the main building a 16 x 30 and will make room for some barrel storage and a 3 bay sink. Lots to do to get it all tweaked before the snow flies...
Syrup sales are strong and need to find some light amber to do some blending. Never thought I would be looking for syrup after making so much syrup last season....
Have a good one...
Haynes Forest Products
10-01-2011, 09:53 PM
Got alot of calls about a tornado hitting Door County and ripping up the place. The sap shack is ok and will get word about the woods soon.
Gary R
10-02-2011, 08:14 AM
The first day of archery was yesterday. Even with long john's and coat I froze. It was 44 out. I guess I'm not used to it yet. I have been real busy with maple. I only have about a days worth of work to finish the new evaporator and new sugar shack. Test boil is next weekend:D Plenty of wine making going on also.
Tuckermtn, saw your name in FARMING magazine. Buckets out producing vacuum? I wish I had trees that produced well.
10-02-2011, 08:24 AM
Got alot of calls about a tornado hitting Door County and ripping up the place. The sap shack is ok and will get word about the woods soon.
How ODD Haynes. It was only around 55* here in NW WI yesterday, not a cloud in the sky and low humidity. I have heard nothing of a tornado. I hope all is well. You would think by OCTOBER 1st, you'd be safe from such crap!
IT was in the mid 50's here yesterday. 48 right now. supposed to be 45 this afternoon. OF course with rain pretty much all day. Might have to have a small fire in the woodstove. Would be the first of the year. Like to hold off till Nov 1 but the wood is free and oil isnt!
I've been burning the woodstove in the house all weekend. Its my only source of heat, unless I turn on the dreaded electric baseboards (which I only do if we are out of town during the winter). Had a fire in the sugarhouse woodstove yesterday also.
I was going to be on vac this season. I bought a nice used vac pump off of ebay. I have not been able to purchase the electric releaser and build a shed for it so I am just setting up my tubing for vac but running on gravity for this year.
I had 331 buckets out last season. I will probably only have around 150-200 taps on tubing this year. Maybe 100 aluminum buckets , too.
I have been able to upgrade to a steamhood with preheater. Also, I have my mainlines and pump line configured so I can pump from the low point in my woods straight to my head tank which will also be a holding tank. My dad about killed himself collecting buckets in the snow last year. Hopefully this will leave us more time to boil. Also, no more tractor tearing up the woods like last year. I still need to install my lateral lines which I plan (I sound like adk1;)) to do before winter. Also, I hope to have Jim Schumacher make me another syrup pan.
Oh yeah, I also added on to my sugarhouse for the 4th or 5th time to store about 4-5 cords of wood under cover.
10-02-2011, 10:19 AM
Gary R - yes I have some beautiful roadside trees that I got 35 gals/tap off this year. The ones across the street were disappointing in that they only did 30 gal./tap. My best vacuum run was 23 gal/tap. To top it off, my buckets also had the sweetest sap- including a 200 gal load of bucket sap I pulled in on April 7th that had 3.0% sap.
I will be lucky to see another season like that in my lifetime...
10-02-2011, 11:18 AM
We went from hot and humid on Friday to the woodstove is going! Temp at night low 40's and heavy rain. We've been hosting open houses for the alternative energy system and everyone likes to see the sap house(and buy syrup) If anyone has trouble getting power to their sap house go to Harbor Freight or Northern Tools and you can get a set up for about $300.00 for lights and radio, etc. Lots of options now. Lost some trees with hurricane Irene, so Ron is busy cleaning up, but just so wet! UGHHHHHH
We went from hot and humid on Friday to the woodstove is going! Temp at night low 40's and heavy rain. We've been hosting open houses for the alternative energy system and everyone likes to see the sap house(and buy syrup) If anyone has trouble getting power to their sap house go to Harbor Freight or Northern Tools and you can get a set up for about $300.00 for lights and radio, etc. Lots of options now. Lost some trees with hurricane Irene, so Ron is busy cleaning up, but just so wet! UGHHHHHH
Welcome to the great northeast! could have a dusting of snow on the ground tomorrow;)
maple flats
10-02-2011, 07:27 PM
I have solar, and at for lower price/watt than Harbor Freight. I have 1520 watts. My sugarhouse is off grid, I have the solar with a 48V battery bank and an inverter. When more power is needed or if the battery bank voltage drops too low I start the diesel generator which feeds in thru the inverter, charges the battery bank and supplies the additional power needed.
This week I'll be returning to the woods. Going to finish hanging the 1" and 3/4" mains and then run the laterals. Might not get to put in the drops yet but that is quick. Would have finished in Aug. but the grips I ordered in May just got delivered last week, kept being back ordered.
red maples
10-02-2011, 07:35 PM
I did get 5th place out of the 14 entries at the deerfield fair, they just ran out of 5 th place ribbons, tied with Amber gold and some other guy I don't know. must have been tight I lost 1.5 points on flavor...was too light I am guessing total score 98.5 out of 100.
Got 3rd for my honey out of 6 entries. scored 97 out of 100 lost 1 point because the bees didn't make it dense enough by .1% and lost 2 points honey on the inner part of the cap and there was a small foam ring on the top of the jar, I didn't know that the judging was as tough on honey as it is for syrup. Live and learn!!! and bring extra caps to switch out when you get there!!!
10-02-2011, 07:40 PM
98.5 out of 100 are you were 5th? Wow... that is tight judging indeed.
10-02-2011, 10:41 PM
Welcome to the great northeast! could have a dusting of snow on the ground tomorrow;)
A week ago a buddy told me in Lake Placid they had snow on the top of Whiteface mountain. YIKES I dont think it was manmade either.
that doesnt suprise me. We really havent even had a frost here yet. WIll be coming though, before you know it
10-03-2011, 08:26 AM
I too am off the grid, suppling power with either one of three generators
a coleman 10 hp 5000 watt, Onan 6500 watt, and Champion 2500 watt propane.
I use inverters in the cabin and the sugar shack is all electric usually powered by the propane Champion. One station in town is still selling 20 lbers for 11.00 100lbs for 60.00. I am sure that will change soon.
Runs about 24 hours on it.
You can see my on demand propane water heater I setup this summer on photobucket.
I don't know if I am ever done making wood but am about three years ahead right now.
Super excited for a new set of pans from Jim Schumacker.
Just purchased a gast vacuum pump off e-bay, if I don't get vacuum set up for spring 2012, then 13 for sure.
Finally shot the bow this week-end, will kill a couple whitetails next time I am up.
10-03-2011, 08:27 AM
After a truly brutal weekend... looks like a Beautiful week coming according to the weatherman down here in central Ontario.. The Thanksgiving long weekend shows sunny every day.
Got some wood cut yesterday without worrying about sweating...
Wife at work all long weekend... just need someone to watch the kids and I might actually get caught up on some chores without getting more assigned...
I might be slighlty over due to close the pool up... need to fill the sapwood shed... bottle some more syrup, have a few pops, go hunting, etc..
Surprised to find a few rubs & scrapes in the woods given how warm it has been.
red maples
10-03-2011, 03:15 PM
Debating on weather or not to drive up to the Sandwich Fair. Diffent judges might turn in different results. but really don't wanna drive 4 hrs on fri and 4 hrs on monday afternoon. hmmm anybody in south eastern NH going up??? could take up my syrup and honey???
My buddy dropped off his (now mine) 275 gallon plastic truck tank. Has a crack in the top of it, will need to tape that off or something.. Needs a real good cleaning too!
Will use a mixture of bleach and water. Cant remember what the micture should be though..
10-03-2011, 08:18 PM
Alot went on this weekend. Went on the Pa maple tour Friday and Saturday. My girlfriend was crowned the 2011-2012 PA Maple Sweetheart Friday night. Won a 500 foot roll of 5/16th and Maggie(girlfriend) was given a 200 dollar Lapierre gift certificate to Brookfield Maple. Picked up Filter Aid, filter papers, 300 taps, vacuum guages, mainline punch, and one of those automatic wire tie things. Sunday split and stacked the second cord of wood for the shack (Have 8 cords for the house now), made up 25 more drops aswell. Hoping to hook the vacuum pump up to the new bush this weekend and do some leak patrol. Also picking up a releaser saturday from BUD. Still waiting on the roof jacks for the new evap and need to finish putting in the sink and counter. Hopefully get a little bit of archery in there at some point. Starting to feel the pressure of getting everything done before season.
red maples
10-04-2011, 07:28 AM
My buddy dropped off his (now mine) 275 gallon plastic truck tank. Has a crack in the top of it, will need to tape that off or something.. Needs a real good cleaning too!
Will use a mixture of bleach and water. Cant remember what the micture should be though..
I use 100 ppm or 100 parts per million. which is approx a cap full per of bleach per gallon of water. and the I rinse at least 3 times using a shop vac (that its only purpose is fro cleaning the tanks) to remove the majority of water before the next rinse.
I use 100 ppm or 100 parts per million. which is approx a cap full per of bleach per gallon of water. and the I rinse at least 3 times using a shop vac (that its only purpose is fro cleaning the tanks) to remove the majority of water before the next rinse.
ok, sounds like a plan. I like the shop vac idea. never thought of that.
red maples
10-04-2011, 02:47 PM
Yeah thats the only thing I use it for. It doesn't get used for cleaing the floors or anything!!! just the tanks !!!
Oh, I use mine for everything from cars to garage floor. But I will clean the wand first before using it in the tanks!@
10-05-2011, 06:05 PM
Not enough maple getting done lately. Been thinning out the tree rats from one side of the woods. Today the heigh temp paint came for my evaporator. Last sunday I got a half cord of slab wood and cut it up. Mostly softwood but some hard wood mixed in. I need to split and stack it.
10-05-2011, 07:10 PM
I'm finally getting the Sugarhouse floor poured!! Should be done tomorrow. Hemlock slabwood is hauled. Completed all the electric in the shack to last month. I think I'll start making the sap trails a little wider next. I have to make time for bow hunting to!
10-06-2011, 04:59 AM
Well I'm getting a little closer top having a completed loft in the saphouse. We finished framing around the steam pipes last night, and hopfully we can finish the floor this weekend.
10-06-2011, 07:34 AM
Been wiring things up in the sugar house. Wired and plumed in a 6gal 120v electric hot water tank. Also ran wires so i can have my AOF/AUF on a switch so i can turn it on/off from next to the evaporator rather than have to run around back and unplug it. Ran another wire for a shallow well pump so i can offload sap to my head 600gallon Head tank.
10-06-2011, 08:13 PM
Trying to get caught up on the trader news!
Completed two honey and syrup orders tonight. Have about 25 gal of syrup till spring.
Wow! new evaporators, new sugar houses, boil off parties, great!
red maples
10-07-2011, 11:22 AM
Well finally finished sap wood. way more than enough but I had the wood and the space to put it. just over 11 cords split and stacked, (still have about 2 more cords not split and still a bunch in the woods) almost twice what I had last year, but came across alot of wood for close to nothing. SO that combined with house wood puts me at about 17.5 cords for the year!!! Chilly start this morning 33*. but suppose to be in the 80's sat and sun too hot for me especially since I am getting used to the cooler weather now!!!
It could be VERY DANGEROUS but there is finally a Tractor Supply going in in Brentwood, NH. about 10 mins from my house!!!
My Wife has an art show out in Hollis NH next weekend so I figured I place an order and go out to bascom's and pick it up. (So if there is anyone that lives near me that needs anything please let me know)
Some outdoor chores to get done to get ready for the winter...feeding my bees now and then start on building a hood for the Evap so I don't have a rain storm in the sugarhouse next season!!! and need to build a little addition for the wife's gardening stuff as I pretty much took over the shed/ sugar house which is predtty much all sugarhouse now!!!;)
Apple picking tomorrow, Then maybe kankamangus on Sunday. Wanted to smoke some ribs on sunday but guess I have to wait 'til the Fall Family Weekend stuff is done!!!
3 more chickens to process (13 Already done just need to cut some up and freeze) tomorrow morning after hunting!!!
thats it for now!!! Hope everyone is getting the fall projects done!!!:)
Dennis H.
10-08-2011, 01:50 AM
It looks like I will be all sold out of syrup this weekend.
Put an ad in the local paper and got a call from one of those co-op's that grow fruits and veggies. They have been getting asked from its customers for local made maple syrup. That is where I come in.:D
She wants to buy the rest of my syrup, about 3 gals worth. Luckily I will be able to get syrup to my past customers that wanted more for the end of the year and the rest will go to the co-op. She would like to have a lot more for next year. I am also going to call a guy that makes ice cream locally here and find out if he would ever like to make maple ice cream, I know someone who can supply him with some locally made maple syrup!!:lol:
My name is finally getting out there and that maple syrup can be made down here in the lower part of PA.
Also just ordered a Lapierre Hobby releaser from Dave Y here on the trader. I am slowly replacing the Bender milk releasers. Maybe replace the other Bender next year.
Well I best get my act together and look for even more trees.
Gary R
10-08-2011, 06:59 AM
Well that's good news Dennis. I think your going to have to put those camp trees on vacuum now:)
I'm cleaning everything up. Getting ready for the big test boil tomorrow!
maple flats
10-08-2011, 08:08 AM
Right now I'm waiting for my carpenter so show. He will be installing a new double door unit at our rear deck into the family room. Normally I would do my own, but this was part of a deal where he bought my old truck. After that I'm headed to the woods. Trying to finish tubing before bow season opens next Saturday. Likely to add drops during Christmas break. Hope to have everything else done ahead of that. Will have 3-3 helpers this afternoon in the woods and 1-2 helpers on Monday. Lines are strung, 1.5/1.25 conductors are hung, 1 /7 3/4" mains are on ground. will hang today, then the laterals start. The weather will be good, or maybe a little too warm, better than the rain we had all too much lately.
Haynes Forest Products
10-08-2011, 08:18 AM
Woke up today to snow falling. The grass is white and Im going to be winterizing sprinkler systems for the next 6 weeks..............................I think my phone will need a car battery for a back up:D
red maples
10-08-2011, 10:13 AM
Woke up today to snow falling. The grass is white and Im going to be winterizing sprinkler systems for the next 6 weeks..............................I think my phone will need a car battery for a back up:D
snow....geez gonna be 80's here today tomorrow. but after 50's it gonna feel like 100's:( had a freeze yesterday. crazy
10-09-2011, 05:38 PM
WOW, with 80* temps in OCTOBER, we managed to get a good weekend's worth of work in….Hung side door to sugar shack, built 6' front doors, (thanks to help from brothers Mike and Ken) stained and painted doors, worked in the bush to make more trails and found enough trees to more than double my taps, (not sure I'm going that far, but the trails are made) Waiting for more flashing to finish cupola next weekend, and place chimney from evaporator, then I can rebrick, may be line with archboard first.:rolleyes:
Amber Gold
10-09-2011, 06:02 PM
Had a good time over Dill's house yesterday pressing cider. It's our annual event on Columbus day weekend and made more than 50 gal. I pressed again and finished off the apples...about 15 gal more.
Got most of the sugar wood stacked and working on house wood now. After that's done, it's to the woods to get some woods work done. Minor improvements there and the sugarhouse for next season.
Haynes Forest Products
10-09-2011, 09:43 PM
Amber have you ever used the press to clearify the cider?
10-10-2011, 05:55 AM
Your shack is looking great. Very nice!!!
Perfect weather to work in.
Going to check for cranberries this week-end.
maple flats
10-10-2011, 06:12 AM
I got back into my new lease on Sat. The mains were there but on the ground. We installed the SS tees in the 1.5/1.25 wet/dry conductors and hung about 2000 ft of 3/4 & 1" mains in the 3.5 hrs we were out. Today we return to finish the last 1700' of hanging and tensioning the mains and will then run a few thousand feet of laterals. I'm going to ask the landowner if he or any others bow hunt this woods, if yes, I'll stay out til Christmas, if not I'll go back in and finish everything except start tapping before gun season starts in about a month. He does gun hunt. Then I've got to make an RO room and decide how I'll heat it. Somewhat limited in choices, because the RO is gas powered and gas fumes must be considered. I postponed my plan to make a cellar and set an existing insulated shed on it til next summer. Now I'll make a small RO shed, insulate it well and heat that. Trying to decide it I want to move the insulated shed to where the cellar will be next year and then just partition off a room to heat or if I'll just build a small addition on the end of the sugarhouse for 1 year. If I do that the addition will not be open to the sugarhouse but will attach and would just be big enough to fit the RO. Then I'd roll it out to use it, and back in when done, it has large wheels to move it around (guessing 6"). If I do that I'm thinking I might make a ramp door sililar to an enclosed toy hauler trailer. lower door and roll the RO onto it and start it. Still in design phase on that.
Amber Gold
10-10-2011, 06:28 AM
Haynes, Clearify the cider?? The press Dill has grinds them into a filter/pressing basket where we then press all the juice out. The mashings go to his pigs and the cider goes into gallon jugs.
Haynes Forest Products
10-10-2011, 08:35 AM
Amber Gold like clarifying beer run it through the filter press just like syrup just cold.
Amber Gold
10-11-2011, 06:15 AM
Got it...we just run it through a filter blanket to keep the mash in the basket.
10-11-2011, 12:02 PM
Hot weather here all weekend as well... happy thanksgiving to the Canucks on here.
Got slabwood split/stacked and picked up another wagon load of slabs. woodshed about 1/2 full at this point.
Got the pool drained a bit to start winterizing it... although we probably could have swam in it this weekend..
trailer plumbing winterized..
kids to the park
flipped my 4 wheeler off the truck when one of the ramps slipped and almost severely wounded myself... leaped to safety and learned a lesson I already learned....
Several pops consumed sitting on the deck enjoying the sun
10-11-2011, 12:20 PM
We got all the siding and the steel on the roof of our new sap house on the weekend. All that's left is a bit of plumbing and electrical and we're good to go!
Yesterday we re-filled a drum of syrup to get some stock back on our shelves.
I've never seen a nicer Thanksgiving weekend! I spent almost every daylight hour outside and managed to get the kids out duck hunting with me a few times. Lots of birds around but they were flying very high due to the bluebird skies. Got surprised by a bear yesterday - it walked up to 30' behind my duck blind! I have a bear license and was tempted to let him have it but didn't want to wound him with #2 steel shot!
My update is that my copula has been delivered. It looks awesome! Now I need to cut the hole in my roof and we will install! Its coming together!
10-13-2011, 12:03 PM
GramaCindy, NICE new shack!!!
For me, cutting wood like a madman. This year I'm going to use a homemade ss flat pan over turkey friers. Currently drawing ideas and picking up steel for a custom firebrick "bed" over the burners and under the pan. Not sure if/how I will use my ss 20gal stock pot from last year. Maybe ill put a valve on it and use it as a finishing pot.
10-13-2011, 04:56 PM
GramaCindy, NICE new shack!!!
For me, cutting wood like a madman. This year I'm going to use a homemade ss flat pan over turkey friers. Currently drawing ideas and picking up steel for a custom firebrick "bed" over the burners and under the pan. Not sure if/how I will use my ss 20gal stock pot from last year. Maybe ill put a valve on it and use it as a finishing pot.
THANKS holey_bucket! We are having a blast making things up as we go!!!:o
Here is a pic of my cupula! IT will be installed tomorrow! He has the boards to finish off the ends and trim the flashing. IT is 8' long. Will stain it to match the sugarhouse. Was thinking though that I wont stain until next summer. Dont know if that is a good idea or not, but I need to do the entire sugarhouse anywyas.
Greenwich Maple Man
10-13-2011, 06:56 PM
Here is a pic of my copula! IT will be installed tomorrow!
Looks very nice!:)
10-13-2011, 06:59 PM
Very nice --that will be fun to get up and paint. Lets see the next photo installed. It is really fun the first time you fire up in the spring and see the steam go out that baby,
Looks like you and I are about in the same stage of maple evolution.
10-13-2011, 07:35 PM
CONGRATULATIONS! Looking forward to seeing this baby in action!
10-13-2011, 07:48 PM
Here is a pic of my copula! IT will be installed tomorrow! He has the boards to finish off the ends and trim the flashing. IT is 8' long. Will stain it to match the sugarhouse. Was thinking though that I wont stain until next summer. Dont know if that is a good idea or not, but I need to do the entire sugarhouse anywyas.
Looks great! I would stain this year. I had some pine board on a shed that I did not stain over the winter, and due to the moisture it started turning black at the bottom.It looks like fresh pine on the one side so this would absorb the stain much better than if you wait till next year. It will look much better too.
well, if they dont get it up today (which it is raining here) I will stain it on Sunday. Tomorrow I will be in the woods all day with smoke pole in hand!
maple flats
10-14-2011, 05:14 PM
I've got to put up more syrup Saturday. Might bottle up to 45-50 gal, maybe more. Getting ready for Christmas season and I have orders now to fill too. On Sunday my wife and I are going to visit fellow trader "highlandcattle" and see their solar set up. We are big on solar and love seeing all different set ups and size systems. Each gives us more ideas.
red maples
10-14-2011, 07:40 PM
Honestly getting tired of the rain should be a nice weekend though.
10-15-2011, 07:40 AM
headed to vermont, today, to visit inlaws. always stop at harlows sugarhouse in putney for apples and cider.they make some of the maple cream. they use an old cast iron, water cooled cream machine. i have never seen one like it. i would love to have one,some day
10-15-2011, 07:41 AM
headed to vermont, today, to visit inlaws. always stop at harlows sugarhouse in putney for apples and cider.they make some of the best maple cream. they use an old cast iron, water cooled cream machine. i have never seen one like it. i would love to have one,some day
10-15-2011, 11:55 AM
Lovely another wasted day that should have been spent in the woods. Will the rain ever stop?:cry:
10-15-2011, 04:29 PM
I too am preparing products for christmas so I spent the day in a kitchen I rent making some candy and cream.
10-15-2011, 06:54 PM
Made a trip up to Myersdale and Salisbury, PA yesterday to Henry Brennemans. Picked up my new steamaway and then went to Elmer Beechy's and picked up three stainless tanks with lids he made for me for the woods. Wanted to make the trip much sooner as the steamaway has been done for 2 or 3 months but the tanks didn't get finished until a couple of weeks ago.
Tanks are really nice and they stack down inside themselves as each one is a little smaller so three tanks store and only take up the space of one tank and they have custom domed shoebox type lids. He does nice work for about 30% of the evaporator companies. Wish he made steamaways too! LOL!
10-16-2011, 08:31 PM
Planned on hunting this weekend but with rain and really strong winds it didn't happen. I did however have a few rolls of tubing left so I went to the last section of woods and put up 500 feet of 1 ich and 300 feet of 3/4 inch 30P in the rain on friday. Got all the laterals run on saturday and ended up with somewhere between 100 and 125 additional taps. Still have to install saddles and cut in drops and then Ill have an accurate tap count on this section. New tap count is 800+ taps total excluding the 75 buckets I could hang. Look at a 3HP Atlantic Fluids ring pump this morning but my 5000 watt generator just doesn't have the juice to run it, looks like the old SP22 and BB2 will have thier work cut out for them. Still need to pick up a few more bulk tanks and such but I think it will all come together by season start.
Copula being installed this am when I was leaving for work. cant wait to get home and check it out tonight.
10-17-2011, 12:38 PM
Started plan for 16 foot bridge to cross the creek. Will give me ATV access to 10+ acres of bush. Was given 2x25' foot steel roof trusses, which will turn into one 16' bridge and one 9'.
10-18-2011, 04:33 PM
Split a little over a half cord of pine and slab wood yesterday. Slowly thinning out the squirrel population but pretty soon I will switch over to turkey and deer till after chrismas. I have most of my arch painted and I need to give Jim a call and give him the go ahead on a new shiny front pan.
I like the new format! We're going to rebuild the old bridge that we put in about 10 years ago. It leads to most of the sugarwoods, so we need to have it back or we don't really have access to the majority of our woods.
We are going to put in about 100 more taps when we get around to it as well.
We're cutting part of the lot again, so we'll need skidder bridges as well. I hope the ones we made for the last cut will hold up. They are hemlock and were made about 5 years ago, so they should work...
red maples
10-19-2011, 10:27 AM
not much going on here for maple...need to start on making a plan for fall work in the sugarbush and plans for a homemade hood. not adding on more taps yet. also need to plan on a new spot for the farm stand. closer to the house with a driveway alarm and maybe a smartly placed camera. SOI don't have anymore theft issues. or at least major ones like last week anyway!!!
Stilling cleaning up from splitting wood lots of bark off that pine. cut a few nice length wise boards back in early spring and dried them slowly. Getting a new TV for the family for x-mas can't see spending $300+ for a nice TV stand when I can just make a really nice one that would cost more than $500 if you bought it in the store. also cut out a few pieces on an angle for some nice new end tables for the living room. don't know if I will get to them this year in the basement they will be nice and dry!!! hopefully they don't split.
10-19-2011, 11:14 AM
Revi- we have a skidder bridge design that we hold workshops on- two different styles- one made out of 6x8s and one out of 6x10 hemlock. happy to share the design we build with you if you need to build a new one...
the 6x10s are pretty beefy- will hold a loaded 40K lb skidder or a 70K lb forwarder.
10-19-2011, 11:49 PM
Hello, i haven't been on here in a wile. hope everyone is good, well the last few weeks i been working in the woods taking the old tubing down and getting ready to install a wet dry system this fall and hopefully try an get my tap count back up from the damage from hurricane Irene 4674467546744675
10-20-2011, 12:57 PM
Howdy ADK1 - How ya been doing? Sounds like You are getting closer and closer and thats great. I've got a pile of slab wood to finish cutting up if I plan on boiling in the Spring -- Catch up with ya again later.........
10-20-2011, 04:49 PM
Howdy ADK1 - How ya been doing? Sounds like You are getting closer and closer and thats great. I've got a pile of slab wood to finish cutting up if I plan on boiling in the Spring -- Catch up with ya again later.........
Yeah adk1, I for one of many I'm sure would really like to see that cupola!
10-21-2011, 03:37 PM
i haven,t had much time to work on sugaring stuff..but,with each passing day i get the fever more and more.i have piled some firewood,worked on my flat filter,and little arch.this week i have to go look at 21 acres with maples on it..the owner wants to lease the trees.i also have another landowner i need to talk too.
now my dad on the other hand has been working on maple steady.last spring he had a brain fart and burned up his flue pan..we patched it up enough to get thur last season but it,s beyond hope for another season..he got sick of trying to fix it and bought all new.leader will be bringing a new 2x8 with max flue pan and revolution front pan and a 500 gph ro.he,s also put out 1000 feet of inch mainline,moved the 1000 feet of 3/4 inch it replaced,changed a bunch of old droplines and is adding two hundred new taps.he also replaced the mainline that melted by a lightening back in the spring.the wire got so hot it melted into and cut right thur the mainline..right now he,s down in the sugarhouse changing things around for the new equiptment..not bad for a guy that turned 70 on oct 15th..
red maples
10-22-2011, 03:13 PM
Took a walk in the woods with the shot gun to move the trail cam. Got 2 squirrels missed 1 but it was a long shot. Although they are a PITA with tubbing but they sure are fun to shoot. I am the only one that eats 'em though. my Daughter might, but my son likes meat but doesn't like the killing part. I hope he gets over it or my daughter will be my hunting partner!!!
maple flats
10-22-2011, 04:59 PM
I too am off the grid, suppling power with either one of three generators
a coleman 10 hp 5000 watt, Onan 6500 watt, and Champion 2500 watt propane.
I use inverters in the cabin and the sugar shack is all electric usually powered by the propane Champion. One station in town is still selling 20 lbers for 11.00 100lbs for 60.00. I am sure that will change soon.
Runs about 24 hours on it.
You can see my on demand propane water heater I setup this summer on photobucket.
I don't know if I am ever done making wood but am about three years ahead right now.
Super excited for a new set of pans from Jim Schumacker.
Just purchased a gast vacuum pump off e-bay, if I don't get vacuum set up for spring 2012, then 13 for sure.
Finally shot the bow this week-end, will kill a couple whitetails next time I am up.
Woodsman, are you in a location where you could put in a bulk tank for propane? 2 yrs ago I went to a bulk tank rather than run 20#ers. The cost dropped considerably. They put in a short squatty tank that I think holds 50 gal but it only gets filled to 45 gal. I have 2 such tanks. One to feed the sugarhouse for my canner, finisher and my lighter for the arch (that is a 500,000 BTU weed burner, lights real quick, no kindling needed). I also have one parked next to my 5th wheel camper to run it while parked in my permanent site, when I tow the 5th wheel the bulk tank stays and I use 2 x 30# tanks. The bulk tanks cut my propane bill by about 50%, however I was paying more than you to fill 20's. 3 yrs ago it cost me $14 to fill each.
10-22-2011, 10:06 PM
Not alot of maple going on this weekend. Yesterday the girlfriend and I got 111 drops cut in so now I think I will have close to 750 taps on vac for this year. 500 plus will be hooked up to the SP22 and the double vertical while the other 200 plus will be hooked up to the BB2 and the little hobby releaser. Prolly hang a few buckets on the lower side of the logging road by the collection tanks plus the road side trees down by the house. If all goes well mught be able to break the 900 tap mark for this season. Jusy got back to the hotel from the Flyers game down in Philly, headed back home tomorrow and hoping to get to the woods for a few hours before I have to head back to school for another week.
10-23-2011, 12:51 PM
After a recent unexpected move I've been scrambling a bit to find new trees to tap while I can still easily identify them by leaves. Big change is I'm going almost all native this season, only one norway maple.
Looks like I'll be tapping four sugars for 10 taps. All are field trees with three being 80+ circumference. The three large trees will be making up half of my total taps, so I'm hoping for a lot from them. I might add a 5th tree big enough for 2 taps, but unsure right now.
Four more trees will be reds for 7 taps. Two are single trunk big enough to tap twice(one might even support 3, but I haven't measured it). One has many trunks of tappable size but I'll only be tapping the two largest. The last one is only big enough for 1 tap.
Last is the norway I tapped last year at my fathers house.
Should have all the wood I'll need all split and stacked. Later on I'm going to have to see how many of my old cinder blocks are usable before I go to get more to build my improved arch and give it a test fire.
Really hoping for a better year than last year. I knew it was a good year for many but I ended up with only a gallon out of 10 taps, pretty sad :( Probably due to how crowded the trees were.
maple flats
10-23-2011, 03:50 PM
Canned up 35 gal from bulk. Now I'm out of most size jugs. This is the right time to study the custom jug idea. I am out of gal, 1/2 gal, and qts. Have very few pints and half pints left to fill. I got prices from Sugar Hill and Bacon for custom printed jugs. Will decide no later than mid Nov. After that I'd need to get a shipment of State Jugs and wait another year. I have always used Bacon jugs. Can anyone give any comparisons between Bacon and Sugarhill jugs. I have learned the quirks with Bacon and now get along well, is there anything to get familiar with for Sugarhill?
red maples
10-23-2011, 04:31 PM
I personally like the bacon jugs they seem a little thicker. I also like the lids better. (althought last fillinf I had a little trouble with lids for the first time!!! ) I don't care for the sugar hill lids at all. actually it would be nice for them to come out with a nice flip top!!! but for the bigger jugs there seems to be more flex on the bottom with the sugarhill.
10-23-2011, 07:53 PM
No problem with Sugarhill over here, Dave. I like them. With 1/2 gal or gal, when you set the jug down to cap, the sap will rise a 1/2" due to the flex in the bottom, but this causes no problem. I will get a leak from the cap in like 1 out of a 100 jugs. You notice the leak right away when you lay them on thier side to cool. Usually my fault, over or under tightened.
10-24-2011, 08:32 PM
Ray and I split and stacked 7 cord in the sugar house on thursday and 7 cord friday, think we are up to 23 cords,,just another 20 to go...gonna concentrate efforts in fixing the Hill woods this fall and winter,,adding 2-300 taps and fixing the lines,,embaressing set up,,,not proforming to its potential,,,lots of sags and dips in the main lines,,,lots of very long lateral lines...would like to add a 2 story tank room 20 feet long off the end of the sugarhouse this fall, but time is getting short
10-25-2011, 08:27 AM
My Father in -law works for hillside plastics in Turners Falls Mass where sugarhill jugs are made. Last year I had an awful time with leaking caps on the sugarhill jugs. I have been using the jugs for over twenty years and never had problems with them. We always flipped the jug upside down, placing them on there caps for a couple of minutes then flipped them back over. Two years ago started to have problems with the caps not seating, just spinning and popping off while upside down. I complained to my father in-law and he checked with Hillside R+D guy, and he said we no longer have to flip or put the jugs on there side any more because they have changed the material inside the cap and just the heat and the suction from the jug cooling will seal them. I was sceptical, but did it and had no problems last year. I also checked with the big producer in my town and he said he hasn't flipped his jugs in years. Also the spinning problem is because it took to long to fill the jug, and the plastic got to hot and to soft so the cap won't grip it the rightway
10-25-2011, 06:43 PM
i just got back from looking at a lease.i need to go back and get a tap count and some idea what it,ll take for mainline,ect to set it,s only 300/400 taps but it,s a start.
10-25-2011, 06:46 PM
i just got back from looking at a lease.i need to go back and get a tap count and some idea what it,ll take for mainline,ect to set it,s only 300/400 taps but it,s a start.
NICE~ Good start for the next season twobears1224!
10-26-2011, 06:59 PM
Got some more wood stacked today and a few squirrels taken care of. Once I finish stacking the last bit of slab wood I should have 5 cords. I might have to split a few more hemlock rounds I have cut. Five cords is more than enough because I burned 3 cords last year and I have the same # of taps as last year mabey a few less. It seems everytime I take a squirrel out of my bush 2 more come into it!
10-26-2011, 08:08 PM
My copula installed.4724
OH BOY….You're rollin' now! WAY TO GO adk1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can see my mainline in the back that is installed, and my 200gal tank in the foreground (still need to clean and set in place behind the sugarhouse)..
Thanks, I'd like to see your skidder bridges. Our old ones might or might not hold up. I think they are built with 6x6 hemlock. We have 2 of them, so it one fails we can put the other in. Sorry to hear you were ripped off Redmaples. We have security cams and all sorts of things at our shack, because of criminals. I guess it's the way we have to go nowadays.
Dennis H.
10-28-2011, 03:54 PM
Finally got to meet the lady who will be selling my syrup in here farm co-op store.
She told me that I can tap the maples that are on her farm! Not sure how many are there and if they run down to a road, I am hoping on putting tubing in there. The good thing about these trees are they are on the way home from work so I can collect the sap almost everyday without going out of my way.
Well it sounds like snow is on the way for us. They are saying 4-6" of snow! this will be earliest snow that I can remember let alone be this large amount possible.
10-28-2011, 04:18 PM
Started putting up mainline and lats this past week. Lots more to go and still have a few things to do inside sugarhouse but getting there slowly. Putting up mainline takes awhile by yourself and that when you are suppose to have someone in on half the operation but dont ever see them to help and the only thing he will do is watch what kind of partner is that? Well hope everyone is getting ready not to much longer and it will be here cant wait looking at 1500 for this year.
10-28-2011, 09:04 PM
Thanks for the tip, that is very useful information!
My Father in -law works for hillside plastics in Turners Falls Mass where sugarhill jugs are made. Last year I had an awful time with leaking caps on the sugarhill jugs. I have been using the jugs for over twenty years and never had problems with them. We always flipped the jug upside down, placing them on there caps for a couple of minutes then flipped them back over. Two years ago started to have problems with the caps not seating, just spinning and popping off while upside down. I complained to my father in-law and he checked with Hillside R+D guy, and he said we no longer have to flip or put the jugs on there side any more because they have changed the material inside the cap and just the heat and the suction from the jug cooling will seal them. I was sceptical, but did it and had no problems last year. I also checked with the big producer in my town and he said he hasn't flipped his jugs in years. Also the spinning problem is because it took to long to fill the jug, and the plastic got to hot and to soft so the cap won't grip it the rightway
10-29-2011, 07:02 AM
yesterday,i stopped at tractor supply and picked up a 4000 foot roll of wire to hang my mainlines on.last weekend i bought one of thoses unwinding reels for it.we had a new tsc store open and i got the unwinder at the grand opening..savin a few bucks on it.this morning i,am headed to the big blue lumber yard to get plywood for my sugarhouse floor.
sunday morning i need to go to the new lease and do some looking around and counting taps.
i,am building a new furshed and once the shell is done on that it,s both feet on to maple..everyday as suguring gets closer i get more excited. ;)
10-30-2011, 05:39 PM
After building our new sugar shack, today I finished the "rebricking" of my Mason 2x4. I used insulation board from Anderson's Maple Supply and then added brick, I know there are some boards out there that are much more efficient, but this was accessible and was very easy to install with cuts made to fit. I hope that it helps a bit to keep the heat IN the arch, not radiating out. Time will tell. One step closer to sugaring weather. YAHOO!
10-30-2011, 07:56 PM
Wood is done! But the real reason for this post, best of luck to our Easter Brethern with this latest not so funny joke from mother nature. Hope you guys are doing OK. I've heard of reports of 30" snow in western Mass/NH, awful tree damage and extensive power outages. I'm thinking of you guys. First the floods, now this. Time for you guys to catch a break.
Split and stacked another row of sapwood. should have plenty (I hope!).. yesterday cleaned out and disinfected with non scented bleach my 200 gal saptank that my buddy gave to me. triple rinsed it. Need to build a stand for it and set it in place at the right height for my mainline to feed into. that will be the next step.
10-31-2011, 05:06 PM
Split and stacked another row of sapwood. should have plenty (I hope!).. yesterday cleaned out and disinfected with non scented bleach my 200 gal saptank that my buddy gave to me. triple rinsed it. Need to build a stand for it and set it in place at the right height for my mainline to feed into. that will be the next step.
You are WAY ahead of me adk1! I just did the rebricking yesterday and fired the badboy up today for a gentle fire to cure the cement. I still have to add the preheater feed tank!
10-31-2011, 05:29 PM
You are WAY ahead of me adk1! I just did the rebricking yesterday and fired the badboy up today for a gentle fire to cure the cement. I still have to add the preheater feed tank!
Grama Cindy
Your shack is looking great.Sounds like you are ready to go!! I am awaiting my new pans from Jim Schumacher around Christmas. Still making wood now for 2013.
Ran 400 foot of 3/4 inch mainline this past week-end for vacuum. Also ran last week-end 400 foot of 1/2 inch for gravity.
Snow coming soon by the looks of everyone around us!!
10-31-2011, 06:20 PM
Woodsman, you are working on your wood for 2013? WOW! I am waiting for a preheater from Jim myself. should make a major difference. I have to say, after a small fire today in the arch, I can see a difference in the insulation value of the archboard under the bricks. But I do have to say….my bricking job IS NOT PRETTY! But it works!
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