View Full Version : Hood preheater pipe setup.

09-29-2011, 07:56 PM
Hey, all, just wondering, if I get my hood and wan tto get my sap warm before it hits the actually preheater tank on the evaporator, could I put copper tubing/ pipe, throughout the hood? I hear some people do this setup, and I had a guy talk to me, and he said don't do it, because you wnat your sap hot or cold. I don't know what is right, but I'd just like to know what is the best way. I heard that if the sap is warmin the copper tubing, it will develop bacteria more quickley if it's not boiled or boiling right way.:confused:

Josh Nickles
09-29-2011, 09:05 PM
If your talking about the little pan that sits on top of the boiling pan then don't worry about it getting warm. They don't work at all. Biggest gimmick in the maple world. Of coarse you want the sap warm if you can do so...

09-29-2011, 09:46 PM
What you are describing is exactly the way most efficinent evaporators work. If you use a hood then you can recover the wasted heat in the steam. Make sure you have a drip tray under the pipes so the condensate doesn't drip back into your pan. If you look around here for preheaters you can find some good photos. I know Brandon has some good photos.

I agree with Josh that the little tanks on half pints don't really work very well.

09-30-2011, 06:04 AM
If your talking about the little pan that sits on top of the boiling pan then don't worry about it getting warm. They don't work at all. Biggest gimmick in the maple world. Of coarse you want the sap warm if you can do so...

I have heard that they, don't work well to get the sap warm, but last season I had about 2-3 gallons left in it, and to much surprise it was steaming heavilly. It wasn't at 200 degrees, or anything, but the rest of the season, my preheater contributed to the steam coming out of the sap house