View Full Version : Maple Ice Cream

Dennis H.
09-28-2011, 06:44 PM
I made a batch of maple ice cream and have to say that it was just awsome.

I have one of those ice cream makers that you put the bowl/container in the freezer so that you do not need to deal with ice and salt.
My maker will make about 1 1/2 quarts at a time

I used 1 cup milk, I use 2% but whole milk will work just as good
2 cups heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup maple syrup, I used dark syrup.

Dumped into maker and ran it for 25 minutes.
Put into another container and placed in freezer to firm up a little.

Great stuff, I tried a secon batch and added a little more maple syrup. just as good but with a stronger maple flavor. I did use Dark Syrup for this

09-28-2011, 06:47 PM
now that sounds like my style. My favorite ice cream is Maple Walnut hands down. I have made maple wisky at our hunting camp. I have found that a 1/2 cup for 1 liter of wisky works pretty well. You dont want it overpowering.

Greenwich Maple Man
09-28-2011, 07:40 PM
now that sounds like my style. My favorite ice cream is Maple Walnut hands down. I have made maple wisky at our hunting camp. I have found that a 1/2 cup for 1 liter of wisky works pretty well. You dont want it overpowering.

Wow!!!! That nice ten pointer must have been sleeping if you shot him after a night of maple brew!!!!!!:lol: