View Full Version : Early deer season

Greenwich Maple Man
09-28-2011, 05:08 PM
Just wondering if anybody has killed anything yet this season?

09-28-2011, 06:02 PM
"Just wondering if anybody has killed anything yet this season? "


Time and budget (in one shot, no less).

09-28-2011, 06:43 PM
nope, havent even been out yet. this weekend I will

09-28-2011, 07:08 PM
Do pigs count.And a few flies. I can't bow hunt in Quebec until I take the bow course and shoot at targets. I can't even rifle hunt yet due to my card not showing up yet to allow me to buy a license to hunt with a gun.That includes a shot gun for birds even.

Dan W
09-28-2011, 07:56 PM
Archery season begins Saturday here in Pennsylvania. The season lasts about six weeks so I don't go out until about the third week or so. Too many leaves out until then. I usually take the last week off-bucks are really on the prowl then. Best of luck to those that do get out!!!

09-28-2011, 10:01 PM
Hunted tuesday opener and it was 84 degrees out. Woke up this moring and it was 70 already. Put the waders on and grabbed the flyrod and caught 30 salmon instead, my shoulders hurt, my forearms are buning and my hand is stiff, oh well it was fun sure hope it cools down soon.

red maples
09-29-2011, 08:21 AM
Killed a wood chuck, and 5 chickens if that counts. bow season started like 2 weeks ago but its been too warm and not a buck in site being you can only shoot bucks in Sept in NH. Any sex startes sat. I will try to get out although its tough its my only day to sleep in and I have a cold on top everything else!!!

09-29-2011, 08:28 AM
Haven't been out with the bow yet.

Sunday could be the first day for me.

Rossell's Sugar Camp
09-29-2011, 09:15 AM
Archery starts here in Pa this saturday. went spotting last week saw 130 deer all does.

Flat Lander Sugaring
09-29-2011, 10:53 AM
Archery starts here in Pa this saturday. went spotting last week saw 130 deer all does.

cant eat the horns:D

maple flats
09-29-2011, 11:48 AM
Do pigs count.And a few flies. I can't bow hunt in Quebec until I take the bow course and shoot at targets. I can't even rifle hunt yet due to my card not showing up yet to allow me to buy a license to hunt with a gun.That includes a shot gun for birds even.
Ken, I don't know how Quebec works but years ago I lost my hunter's safety certificate and I contacted the instructor (who taught me 30 some years earlier) and he still had my records. He issued a replacement. Good luck.

maple flats
09-29-2011, 11:54 AM
I won't take the time to hunt til southern Tier opens for Archery. Then I'll only hunt short sits or still hunts. I used to hunt up to 35-40 days and several all day until I got into maple. Now I don't make the time. I did plant a food plot about 250' from my sugarhouse. However It is not huntable, too close to a neighbor. I will however try to intercept deer going to it.

09-29-2011, 06:33 PM
went out tues and weds nothing in sight to hot 73 out both day hope it cools down this weekend like they are talking about in the 50's for highs that will be good nice pics on deer cams one ten point and one 8 point and several other small bucks but i wont pass on a doe either meat is meat with 4 kids to feed. be safe and have fun

09-29-2011, 06:35 PM
friggen rain here. we got like 4" today

Rossell's Sugar Camp
09-29-2011, 07:26 PM
cant eat the horns :D

we feed them to the dogs here. They love them.

09-30-2011, 03:27 PM
Our bow season for deer opens tomorrow. Won't get out until next weekend. Finally got a buck on the trail cam but have far more pics of bears than bucks!

Duck and goose season opened last weekend. We got 4 ducks and a goose on opening morning.

09-30-2011, 06:55 PM
After hours on the phone today I found out I most likely will not get to hunt for another year yet. Turns out when I took the hunting course on the sunday I should have taken the firearms saftey course on the saturday even thou I have it already. I don't have to write the test just take the course since I passed the test already.Sounds stupid but it's the only way I can get to hunt in Quebec.They didn't get their $69 dollars from me so I get punished. I took the test in Alberta but never took the course since I had taken the course years before and wrote another test then.

09-30-2011, 07:18 PM
Dude, that sucks. what is the deal there in Canada????

09-30-2011, 09:51 PM
Here in CT sept 15th starts bow season. I took out my two boys 6 & 11 and we saw 6 deer, one son spooked one by moving to quick but we were able to connect on a 8 pointer. It wasn't a perfect shoot so we waited till morning to recover the animal but all we got were the bones and skin the coyotes got all the meat.

09-30-2011, 09:58 PM
Cut the head off and leave the body right there then come back with the boys for some yote killing. SO far I have not had this problem but my brother at our camp has. Its a tough call when a less than perfect shot happens and you have to decide to push your luck and or the deer or take a chance and hope the coyotes dont find it first. Sucks just plain sucks.

red maples
10-01-2011, 07:41 AM
OH man that does suck. too bad yeah I guess take the head. use the rest for bait:rolleyes:. maybe kill a coyote in the process. can't do that in Jersey anymore coyotes and bears just destroy the deer happened to my dad last year!!! with a big doe. there was nothing left!!! coyote tracks and bear tracks all over the place!!!

Bow season anysex opened to day but I didn't hear any shots:rolleyes::lol:

I think duck and goose and pheasent/small game opened to day too not sure. I did hear some shooting feeding the chickens this morning. I woke up felt like $%#$%# so I decided to not go maybe I will get out tomorrow for a little bit!!! We'll see. Still too warm for me. I hate the mosquitos buzzing in your ear and sweating in camo!!!

Greenwich Maple Man
10-01-2011, 08:12 AM
Here in CT sept 15th starts bow season. I took out my two boys 6 & 11 and we saw 6 deer, one son spooked one by moving to quick but we were able to connect on a 8 pointer. It wasn't a perfect shoot so we waited till morning to recover the animal but all we got were the bones and skin the coyotes got all the meat.

From a taxidermy point of view it looks like you could maybe still mount the head if you so desired. You could almost for sure do a neck mount . That is a horrible thing to have happen. Can't say that it has happened to me and I have left a few deer till the next day. I HATE coyotes. There is nothing good about them. I shoot everyone that I have a chance to. Sorry you had this happen.

Maple Hobo
10-03-2011, 05:04 AM
We have a fruit orchard here the deer tear up bad. So the game warden issues us the varmit permits. Been trying to thin out the antlerless deer for some while now. Just cant take any bucks with them.

Worked a bit on the squirrles too. My son in law loves to hunt the fuzzy tailed rats. Not sure whats thicker here, the deer or the squirrles though.

Looking forward to regular season on deer. Hopefully have time to get some regular hunting in.

Keep your powder dry guys...

Greenwich Maple Man
10-03-2011, 08:08 AM
We have a fruit orchard here the deer tear up bad. So the game warden issues us the varmit permits. Been trying to thin out the antlerless deer for some while now. Just cant take any bucks with them.

Worked a bit on the squirrles too. My son in law loves to hunt the fuzzy tailed rats. Not sure whats thicker here, the deer or the squirrles though.

Looking forward to regular season on deer. Hopefully have time to get some regular hunting in.

Keep your powder dry guys...

"Keep your powder dry" is going to be very difficult at best. I've never seen this much rain. Usualy hunt alot in NY for early bear but it has been so wet have gotten out only three days. Hope to go next week. Have to bale hay"hopefully" if this good weather comes middle to last part of the week.

10-06-2011, 05:14 AM
Last night, I'm sitting inside with the doors and windows open, when Chloe, (our dog) starts barking intensely. I look outside ( just at dusk) and there is a truck stopped at the end of our driveway. I walk out to "greet them, cautiously" when they move forward, they get out, and open the back hatch and get their bow, and SHOOT a deer off of the TAR! I hope it's not "Fuzzy" our friendly doe tht comes by each day for dinner with her family, but from the signs it may be. The sheriff came by and from my description of the vehicle, they caught them coming back to look for the deer. They were cited for an uncased CROSSBOW! Had to let them go, couldn't find the deer in the dark, They will try again this morning. :mad: I don't know if I'd be happy if they found the deer, or mad they didn't.

10-06-2011, 08:41 AM
that sucks Cindy, poachers around here are usually physically subdued until the authorities arrive

I got a nice doe on Tuesday night, she's currently being processed into summer and hot sausage as we speak! Delicious, only 2 more tags to fill

10-07-2011, 07:36 AM
GramaCindy, So Sorry to hear about this.

I want to thank you for not calling these individuals, Hunters, They are the people who give hunting a bad name. A violater does not deserve the title of Hunter.

Again sorry for your loss, BobU

Greenwich Maple Man
10-07-2011, 08:23 AM
Last night, I'm sitting inside with the doors and windows open, when Chloe, (our dog) starts barking intensely. I look outside ( just at dusk) and there is a truck stopped at the end of our driveway. I walk out to "greet them, cautiously" when they move forward, they get out, and open the back hatch and get their bow, and SHOOT a deer off of the TAR! I hope it's not "Fuzzy" our friendly doe tht comes by each day for dinner with her family, but from the signs it may be. The sheriff came by and from my description of the vehicle, they caught them coming back to look for the deer. They were cited for an uncased CROSSBOW! Had to let them go, couldn't find the deer in the dark, They will try again this morning. :mad: I don't know if I'd be happy if they found the deer, or mad they didn't.

Were they on your propery or was the deer?

10-07-2011, 11:16 AM
question for you hunters,will a 22 magnum be enough for coyotes.I have a 30-06 but the 22 mag is a lot lighter to carry.Just curious.

10-07-2011, 02:21 PM
Were they on your propery or was the deer?

They shot from the pavement, but the deer was on our property and the bolt was found the next day on our property. The deer made it, we saw her last night. THe perps got fined heavily, both by the warden and sheriff:D

10-07-2011, 02:22 PM
question for you hunters,will a 22 magnum be enough for coyotes.I have a 30-06 but the 22 mag is a lot lighter to carry.Just curious.

My husband hunts the rats as well. They are almost an epidemic up here. Not sure what he uses though

Greenwich Maple Man
10-07-2011, 06:41 PM
question for you hunters,will a 22 magnum be enough for coyotes.I have a 30-06 but the 22 mag is a lot lighter to carry.Just curious.

Yes a 22 mag. wiil work for coyotes. You will be limited to range ,however. A hundred yards would be a long shot with that caliber. Of course you can't beat a 30-06.

red maples
10-08-2011, 07:51 AM
got out inthe tree this morning. didn't see any deer, but a barred owl landed on a broken dead pine tree thats about 20 feet from my stand so we watched each other for about 10 minutes pretty cool. then I heard my rooster have a conversation with a gobbler. and then a crow that squacking at me from a tall pine above me!!! oh and the usual array or ground critters and tree rats!!! And a donkey wonder who the heck has a donkey it was quite far away heard it before the red squirrels and birds started singing!!

red maples
10-08-2011, 07:54 AM
Yes a 22 mag. wiil work for coyotes. You will be limited to range ,however. A hundred yards would be a long shot with that caliber. Of course you can't beat a 30-06.

.22 longs could take down a coyote even at a pretty long distance but you gotta be a good shot with a scope!!! and hit-em in right spot!!!

10-08-2011, 09:48 AM
Thanks for the replies guys, the rifle has a scope and I doubt there would be a shot over 60 yards any way so I guess it will work.