View Full Version : Membrane Presevative

09-21-2011, 09:37 PM
I followed the preservative directions at the end of last season, but have some concerns.

I don't have off-season membrane canisters so I left the membranes in the RO and ran the permeate preservative solution to the membranes throught the wash tank. I left about 15 gallons of the solution in the wash tank with the idea that I would re-circulate the membranes once a month or so in the off season.

Anyway, I've noticed a little mold growth in the wash tank, thus it's obviously in the membranes as well. I'm hoping this will clean out when I wash and rinse them at the beginning of next season? What is the visible condition of your membranes when you pull them out of summer storage?

Haynes Forest Products
09-21-2011, 10:30 PM
Owning a RO but never seeing it I was told by Roth Sugar Bush that for $200.00 they will send it back to CDL for cleaning and that they will store it for me till next season plus I will get a report on its condition. Seems like a good plan.

09-22-2011, 05:52 AM
another word of caution Danno- are the end caps on your membrane vessels made of aluminium? If so, be careful using perservative and storing the membranes in the vessels as the caustic nature of the preservative will eat away at the aluminium. My end caps are so pitted now because of the perservative that I am having new ones made at a local machine shop. granted my end caps are almost 30 years old- so they don't owe anyone anything in my humble opinion...

09-22-2011, 06:40 AM
My machine was put away like that when I got it and I was told to just rinse it before use. The first run I made 30 gallons that was nasty, like I had someone taste that had tasted a lot of syrup and he spit it out. Wash then rinse the machine when you get ready to use it. My guess is that the stuff in the wash tank has been open to air and got bacteria from the air and your membranes are ok. I built storage vessels out of 4" green drain pipe, glued caps on bottom and fernco caps on top. Not much $ in them. I also think it is good to see what membranes look like when they come out.This year I had them "cleaned" and was told they cleaned up better than most.