View Full Version : stack height with forced air

09-19-2011, 10:38 AM
If I put forced air (AUF and possible AOF) into my evaporator, do I still need a stack that is twice the length of the evaporator?

During my first season with the 2x6 I'm building, I may need to boil outside. I don't have a good way to secure 12' of stack. But I do plan to have forced air - at least Air Under Fire. I would think that would create enough draft.

09-19-2011, 11:44 AM
WE have a smaller evap with forced air some day it boils like crazy other days you fight the whole while. We will be adding to the length of our stack next season,after looking @ many pics of sugarshacks and their flu len we are convinced this will solve our problem Good Luck

09-19-2011, 01:03 PM
I think it's hard to give a specific answer without knowing how much air you are going to be blowing in.

I got real good efficiency on a 2 x 6 with a couple of small blowers AOF. I never created a positive pressure in the arch. I could open the doors to add wood without turning the blowers down. So I was relying on the natural draft and stack height ... which I had lots of about 12'.

This last year I got a 2-1/2x8 with an Inferno arch that had been modified to AOF and AUF. When that think was blowing I had to add stock just to get the embers high enough that they would burn out before the landed on the roof of the wood shed. Other than that, with the positive pressure, you don't need much at all.

so it depends.....

Flat Lander Sugaring
09-19-2011, 05:51 PM
i think u can cut down the height because of the blowers, I'm redoing my arch adding prob 12 to 18" to the stack end dropping it down then back up to stack, I saw a 2x6 at maple rama had a 10" stack on it. Where I make the drop im going to run my AOF/AUF tubing to pull some heat into the air before it gets blown into front of arch.

just think about if a 3x12 lap has 1900+ rear temp before it goes into stack and the stack temp is 700 where is all the extra heat going????? being transferred into the air going into front of arch so your not blowing cold air into a hot area which would cool it.

maple flats
09-19-2011, 06:38 PM
Never tried shorter. My 3x8 has 16' stack.

09-19-2011, 09:09 PM
Bill, I am suprised that Longmeadow doesn't have a bylaw against sugaring (smirk).

09-19-2011, 09:27 PM
I know your comment was made in jest, but you are not far off the mark.

I read the bylaws from cover to cover, several times, to be sure I wasn't going to be fined. Although I cannot have a fire outside for recreational purposes, like a campfire or fire pit, you can if it's for cooking.

I cannot put a temporary sign at the end of my street, when I have an event - the police took it down when I had a Maple Syrup sale last season.
And I cannot put a perminent sign in front of my house unless I'm a doctor or "blood sucking" lawyer.

I'm also concerned that I cannot go door to door asking my neighbors if I can tap their roadside maples, unless I get a solicitation license.

I might have to convince my daughter to let me boil at her house, in Agawam. It's a much more agri-friendly town.

09-19-2011, 09:32 PM
Hi Bill. Yes the comment was made in jest. I am from West Springfield but now live in Ware and I am involved with land development. Hence my comment about the bylaw. Its a shame that you have to deal with all those hassles but that is the price you pay for living in a very upscale community. :)

And there are a lot of huge roadside maples in your town! Better get on that solicitation license Bill!


09-21-2011, 05:43 PM
Papa Smiff,
I would think that with increased air being forced into the fire box either AUF or AOF you could reduce the stack height to may 1 to 1.5 times the length of your evaporator? For safety sake make sure what ever height your stack is that you have it secure in some way.
BTW I did not reduce the stack height on mine when I added both.
I sometimes turn both air charging systems off and boil in stealth mode and yep there's plenty of draft still there at 20 feet of stack on the old 3 x 10 King.

09-22-2011, 02:05 PM
question, in anticipation of my Leader 2x6 Classic Wood Fired Arch, anyone know off had the dia of stack it requires? 6" or 8". Need to get my stuff to go through the roof. IT is a pitched roof..anyone have any ideas on how to do this? I would imagien that I need a collar that tucks under the peak..IS ther a particular insulating collar I would need?

Flat Lander Sugaring
09-22-2011, 03:19 PM
question, in anticipation of my Leader 2x6 Classic Wood Fired Arch, anyone know off had the dia of stack it requires? 6" or 8". Need to get my stuff to go through the roof. IT is a pitched roof..anyone have any ideas on how to do this? I would imagien that I need a collar that tucks under the peak..IS ther a particular insulating collar I would need?

I saw a brand new 2x6 with a 10" stack, mine is 7" going to be 10" because of the AOF AUF.

Greenwich Maple Man
09-22-2011, 05:19 PM
question, in anticipation of my Leader 2x6 Classic Wood Fired Arch, anyone know off had the dia of stack it requires? 6" or 8". Need to get my stuff to go through the roof. IT is a pitched roof..anyone have any ideas on how to do this? I would imagien that I need a collar that tucks under the peak..IS ther a particular insulating collar I would need?

I had a 2by6 several years ago. It had 8in. stack and we ran 16 ft. Any of the suppliers sell roof jacks that will fit any roof. Just tell them what you have. There units come with the "collars".

09-22-2011, 06:25 PM
thanks guys. much appreciated