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View Full Version : Tap Sizes

09-15-2011, 08:00 PM
I normally use the 7/16 size taps for my tubing. I saw the 5/16 size and wondered how they compare. Do you get more with the 7/16, or are they close enough in sap yeield that it doesn't matter?

What do you guys use for your non vac gravity-taps?:confused:

09-15-2011, 08:07 PM
If memory serves me right I believe it's about a 5% sap loss going down to a 5/16" tap but the tree heals much faster. I would have changed from 7/16" except for that fact I can not find a cast spile with a hook at 5/16". My only option locally is the blue plastic spiles which do not match my marketing concept of "traditional methods".

- Bryan

09-15-2011, 09:13 PM
I normally use the 7/16 size taps for my tubing. I saw the 5/16 size and wondered how they compare. Do you get more with the 7/16, or are they close enough in sap yeield that it doesn't matter?

What do you guys use for your non vac gravity-taps?:confused:

I use 5/16ths for my sap saks. WORKED GREAT!

09-15-2011, 09:27 PM
If memory serves me right I believe it's about a 5% sap loss going down to a 5/16" tap but the tree heals much faster. I would have changed from 7/16" except for that fact I can not find a cast spile with a hook at 5/16". My only option locally is the blue plastic spiles which do not match my marketing concept of "traditional methods".

- Bryan

When I switched my cast bucket spout to 5/16 I just bought a bunch of these https://www.bascommaple.com/item/spgh/spout_bucket/. Worked slick

09-16-2011, 04:08 PM
Hey... not a bad suggestion at all. I still have to ask why D&G is not making a 5/16 version of their standard cast taps these days though.

- Bryan

09-30-2011, 03:03 PM
I use all 5/16 for all my tubing, clear disposable lapierre spouts, no vac and I did not notice a diffrence when i switched in production.

red maples
09-30-2011, 03:18 PM
Don't even bother with the blue plastic ones they are aweful they fall out easy if you get a warm day, they "might " hold a full bucket of sap. I have lost more sap because of those things.