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View Full Version : Distance from wall to stack

09-12-2011, 08:43 PM
Getting ready to take delivery of first "real" evaporator. Just finished up building the new sugar shack with vertical pine siding. What is a good distance to stay from the wall to back of stack? Do most of you put a shield up?

Bucket Head
09-12-2011, 09:54 PM
I don't know what a minimum distance could be, with or without a sheild, but I would have at least three feet back there. That way your plenty safe and you have given yourself enough room to safely walk around the rig. I think it would be inconvient at times up against a wall.


Dennis H.
09-12-2011, 10:04 PM
If you have the room put at least 4' back there. That way you can walk around it and not run the risk of burning yourself of the sugarshack.

As how close that you can get, all depends on how much protection that you are willing to put up.

My sugarshack is very small. I had to put the back of the arch a little less than 2' I installed a sheetmetal shield that is about 3" away from the smoke stack. That way there is air flow around it.

When I have the evap running full tilt I can put my hand about 1" away from the sheet metal shield and almost feel no heat. Now the sheet metal is hot if you touch it though. Oh by the way. There is a vinyle window right behind the arch and I have had no problems from heat.

If the window wasn't there I would have put the sheetmetal on the wall with it about 6" off the floor so air could circulate up the wall between the studs.