View Full Version : Hanging tubing

09-10-2011, 06:48 AM
Okay, this will sound funny to all you guys with 5,000 taps. When you set up your tubing for the next year if your adding taps, how do you hang the tubing? I know people use wire, but I was wondering because if I put all my taps on laterals, I don't want to rely on the tap in the tree holding the lines up. Last season, when I'd pull the taps the lines would come down too.

Just need some pro tubing advice for next season.

09-10-2011, 06:53 AM
Clark - you should do a search on this site for hanging lateral lines or just lateral lines. there are hundreds of posts on it and how everyone seems to do it. So you are not needing a mainline then I take it. I would think that you would just need to tension the beginning and end of the lateteral somehow

09-10-2011, 07:00 AM
There are end line fittings. Loop goes around tree, and up to tap, or down to collection barrel.

09-10-2011, 07:02 AM
Yeah I don't think I'll need a big mainline. There will be only, at a max, 10 to 15 taps per lateral. So I shouldn't need a mainline. I get most of my sap from sugar bushes not on my property, so I couldn't really run the sap to the sap house, because it would be a long run of tubing. :o

09-10-2011, 07:15 AM
gotchya, then yeah, one end line fitting and then back and forth through the trees and then to a tank. Just keep tension at the tank as well. Maybe the hollow braid poly rope. I ahear that it can be used like a tubing puller.

09-10-2011, 09:07 AM
All joking aside, the smartest thing you can do is find someone local to you that has an established system and go introduce yourself to that person and have them go for a walk in the woods with you. Better yet, offer up a few days of "volunteer" labor and spend some time helping them hang some tubing. Admittedly, you run the risk of picking up some of their bad habits (we all have some), but you will gain first hand insight into whatever knowledge they have gained through years of stringing up tubing. Just my thought, but a few days trade, is worth thousands of man-hours of mistakes.

09-10-2011, 08:47 PM
All joking aside, the smartest thing you can do is find someone local to you that has an established system and go introduce yourself to that person and have them go for a walk in the woods with you. Better yet, offer up a few days of "volunteer" labor and spend some time helping them hang some tubing. Admittedly, you run the risk of picking up some of their bad habits (we all have some), but you will gain first hand insight into whatever knowledge they have gained through years of stringing up tubing. Just my thought, but a few days trade, is worth thousands of man-hours of mistakes.

Also by doing this you might see things that you would NOT do.