View Full Version : September Journal

08-31-2011, 11:02 PM
For the first time ever I started one of these and for the first time in about a year there is now a maple classified online. Been burning the midnight oil for the past two weeks and completely missed last weekend but with a little help from a few regs here got things done. Having some wine tonight to celebrate even though there's still much to be done and I will certainly feel it given it's a "school night". Check out Sugarbush.Info if you haven't already.

- Bryan

Dennis H.
09-01-2011, 12:34 AM
Thanks for starting Sept's Journal Bryan.

Well it is now T-5 months for me. I took almost the entire summer off from maple stuff and it is about time for me to start getting things together for this coming season.
There will not be any expansion this year for me. I am going to try and improve what I have and increase the gph that the evap will do. I am adding a hood with preheater.
Once that is done then maybe looking at adding more on vac.

I am looking to head on up to Patterson's next Sat, Sept 10th for the Open house at the new CDL dealership. Who else is going. I have a few things that I can pick up but mostly wanted to look around, maybe bump into a few Trader's while there. Maybe even run into Theron, anyone know where he has been hiding??? I guess I could always swing over his way, just to make sure he is still kicking.

Haynes Forest Products
09-01-2011, 07:09 AM
I will be adding a 600 GPH CDL RO it's used but I'm told it looks brand new. I'm waiting for the membrane report. will be heading back this fall to upgrade to a 200 AMP service to the sugar shack. Looks like I will be looking to add on after I figure out the bulk tank needs.

lakeview maple
09-01-2011, 08:30 AM
Well I recieved my order from Maple Guys ,very happy with everything from tubing to taps and tees. I recieved the ceramic blanket from the refractory depot as well and Im going to line the arch this week. Poured footers for the front addition on the sugar house last week and then got held up a little by Irene and all her glory,lost a mainline wire to her as well,at least I didnt have any main line pipe up .Had to trade in truck as well just to many nickels to keep the old ford running any longer ,so busy chasing a new sap hauler as well,does it ever end ? So im going to build the addition this week ,thats my goal , ill post pics as it goes ,good luck and God speed to all ,Al

09-01-2011, 06:42 PM
Back to school today for me, Just a cook, thank GOD! Working on the sugar shack 14x14. Looking good. Taking the weekend off for company. Ordered a preheater from Jim Shoemaker. Got wood yesterday for the house, still need more sugaring wood tho'! YIKES is it really September already.:o

09-01-2011, 07:14 PM
I hear yeah, and hunting season is only 26 days away! Have lots to do. First, is finish stacking sapwood. Next weekend I will be rocking on that stuff.

Haynes Forest Products
09-01-2011, 07:32 PM
GramaCindy who is this Shoemake guy does he do good work. Im looking for a preheater myself;)

09-01-2011, 07:37 PM
who is this Shoemake guy...
LOL... I do believe it's Schumacher - Jim Schumacher.

09-01-2011, 09:36 PM
Not alot done. Got a quote from the local dealer and Jim for a pan. Wow Jim is half the price of Leader. I wonder who I'm going with? It's a shock leader still sells pans at the price they wanted for a front pan. I got my sugar shack stained with two coats of semi transparent gray. Tommorrow I have the day off is school so I'm going to finish my evaporator wood hopefully. I have pine that's been down for a few years and cut for a year so it won't take much to season. I might see if I can get a load of slabs for free so I have some extra wood because I like prossesing and burning slabs better. Lost 5 maples this summer. Two were from a lighting strike two were from wind and one was rotten and near the house so it came down. All my lines are fine though just a little squirrel damage but I will solve that problem this fall. School started this week which severely limits my time. But I purposly made my second semester easier than the first so I don't have much school related work during maple season.

Greenwich Maple Man
09-01-2011, 09:44 PM
GramaCindy who is this Shoemake guy does he do good work. Im looking for a preheater myself;)

Does he make Steamaways?

09-01-2011, 09:47 PM
Not a lot happening on maple related items for several months. Busy with those little tractors. (Only Cub Cadets forum)
I am looking forward to maple auction on Sept 10 at Evans maple in NE OHIO.
Put a bid in on a new somewhat maple related toy. I will let you know if that happens.
Looking forward to a good 2012 season which will not be that far away! Syrup wood is cut and in wood shed. Those old Amish built ans are repaired again and ready!
Jim (father and son) says I need to enter syrup in the PA state farm show this coming Jan.
Cheryl and I work the Erie County fair maple booth tomorrow night. Listening to the truck pulls and making maple shakes! Does it get any better than that? Yes! I am taking the week of Sept 12 off to go to the Albion fair every day! Whooeeee!!!! Candy apples and cinnamon taffy!
Hope things are good out there in Sugar-land!

09-02-2011, 04:52 AM
Does he make Steamaways?

Sorry, I misspelled his name. He is on here, Jim Schumacher. WI. I have never had anything made by him, just heard REALLY good things. Not sure about a steamaway.

09-02-2011, 04:53 AM
GramaCindy who is this Shoemake guy does he do good work. Im looking for a preheater myself;)

OMG! I almost replied you nut! Okay…I did misspell his name, but hey, they got the idea!!!;)

09-02-2011, 05:13 AM
Worked on the saphouse addition last night. Got the top soil scrapped off and then laid fabric and gravel. Getting the plate tamp tonight. We'll see how much rain we get this weekend, I might be able to set some posts if the rain holds off otherwise I'll probably work in the woods. Adding a 1" dryline to get better vacumm to the woods on the good runs. Always somthing

Gary R
09-02-2011, 10:14 AM
I got a call from A&A. They didn't make the late August completion of my evaporator. I will pick it up September 17th. It couldn't be the 10th because they and I will be at the maple event at Ray Gingrich's. I'm a little disappointed but it's coming soon:) It looks like a test boil party will be on a Sunday in October.

Dennis H. hope you have a great time up at Patterson's. I wanted to stop in but my schedule with my evaporator didn't allow. Crank up that vacuum!

I also made 10 of my backyarder pans. I must have had a bad day at the welder. 12 leaks on 40 corners. I think I got them fixed. Just got to get a new SS wire wheel to clean them up and retest. I should be able to sell a few of them Sept. 10th.

09-05-2011, 12:29 AM
Back to school Tuesday, Cant believe summers gone. Just started cutting wood out of the sugar bush. hope to start to add tubing soon. Lost alot of trees during Hurricane IRENE. :( very sad seeing huge maples snapped off and tipped over.

Flat Lander Sugaring
09-05-2011, 06:42 AM
well I was just offered like mega taps (just my little 2x6)if I buy the parts the owner of land will install them. Also Randy would drive past my holding tank hehehehe

red maples
09-05-2011, 10:30 AM
Well by the temps out here you wouldn't know it was sept. back to 70's tomorrow. Good beach day yesterday!! water cold as usual and pretty rough surf...lots of fun.

Will split a little wood today try to get a good chunk done tomorrow. 5 cords done. 11 cords done total. 5 more togo for 16 cords. and some big stuff split down to managable size should go quicker now!!! hopefully.

09-05-2011, 04:19 PM
today is my last day of summer vacation.i start driving the bright yellow bus tomorrow at 7am.i took a diffrent run this year so i,ll have less time between runs but get done in the afternoon sooner.the big plus is i,ll only have two kids on the bus.
i didn,t get hardly anything maple done this summer.my sugarhouse is still unfinished along with my arch..i was way to busy building woodworking projects for the cash.i,am done with all that now so it,s on to the maple stuff.i plan on building a new furshed and using my old one as a tank storage/ro building..it,s 12x14 and insulated.i just need to move it about 50 feet from where it is.i have to move it anyhow so i figured i,de make the boys help me build a new furshed and use the old one for maple.
the rest of the month at work is like a race but once things settle down i,ll get a bunch opf maple stuff going and done.right by the bus garage theres a lot with some nice maples on it.i talked to the owner once about tapping them.he was willing to atleast talk.so,i,ll be seeing him soon and if we can make a deal i,ll get right on it and get it setup.i think theres atleast 250 taps there.
NATE:i,am sorry to hear you lost trees to irene.i wish you luck with getting things fixed back up.. and be careful if your cutting in storm damaged areas or cleaning up storm trees.

09-05-2011, 07:45 PM
yup, back at it for all the teachers and other folks with school jobs etc. Hope it is a safe year!

maple flats
09-05-2011, 07:50 PM
Tucker mountain, I finally got my pictures of the spooler I made as promised in August, just late. Now Ive got to get them ready to post. I'll need to resize them because anyone on dial up would never be able to load them. I'll work on it and post soon. This is a spooler I used to help feed out 4 rolls each of 1.5" x 400', 1.25" x 400' and a roll of 1" x about 200, then 3500' of 3/4" in 4 sections. Anyone wanting the original size pictures can email dklish@earthlink.net and I will send them. Again, they are very large and need re sizing.

09-06-2011, 10:55 AM
sunday I will finish stacking sapwood and cover.

09-06-2011, 12:20 PM
Finally got out yesterday to start working on the trail to the bush... a couple trees down in the cedar swamp blocking things so managed to tear them out with the help of the 4 wheeler and a few pops.
Walked most of the lines and little damage so far. Still want to take most of the lats down for the winter as that is when I seem to get most of the damage. Saw a few turkeys nearby....
This weekend hopefully a work bee to get more rock thrown into the ruts on the trail.
Time to get some apples out near the tree stands to get some traffic out there for the start of bow hunting which will come quickly.
and of course...a bit behind on firewood.

09-08-2011, 09:34 PM
Got another cord of pine done last weekend. Half a cord is still in the dump trailer waiting to get stacked. The sugar shack got forms put up infront of the door today and a 7'X16 ' pad was formed off next to it for tanks and stuff. The wire is laid. Concrete is coming at 3:30 Tommorrow. Now I need to fix my arch a little bit, set it back up, get a new syrup pan, fix my tubing, finish my coupula and the other list I forgot about and I'll be ready.

09-09-2011, 08:10 PM
Poured the floor of the sugar shack today. It came out good. Someone that pours concrete for a living that owed my dad a favor came over and helped us. I only have a 7X7' pad next to the sugar shack because the concrete company $****ed me because they mix concrete by weight and sell it to you by the yard. Its been raining all week. Wet sand weighs alot more than dry sand. Out of five yards we are lucky of we got 4.5 yards.

09-09-2011, 08:52 PM
Installed 70 saddles today, pattersons tomorrow.


Haynes Forest Products
09-09-2011, 09:24 PM
Hey Farmboy you might want to rethink the wet sand dry sand thing:rolleyes:

Thad Blaisdell
09-09-2011, 09:27 PM
Maybe my math is wrong on this but --- 1 yard is 27 cubic feet. 7' x7' x 6" would be 24.5 cubic feet. 4.5 yards should have covered more.... Is my math outa whack?

Monster Maples
09-09-2011, 09:42 PM
Don't think your math is wrong Thad. Did concrete paving for 8 yrs. A 7x7x6" pad comes out to just under 1 yard of concrete. As for weighing sand for the mix? BS. I have never heard of such a thing. All of the concrete is sold by the yard, atleast it is here. Sure there are different mixes. Farmboy, I would be making a phone call. They cant mix by weight, how can companies do estimates by not knowing the "weight" of the sand. Sadly, someone pulled one over on you. And it probably cost you $400.

Haynes Forest Products
09-09-2011, 11:26 PM
Its by the yard as long as I have ever known. Wet sand by volume weights less:)

09-10-2011, 12:06 AM
All I can tell you about wet sand is that I stood waist deep in water on the stuff today and caught 14 salmon on the river with the flyrod tonight. Life was good today....

09-10-2011, 07:19 AM
I am hoping you poured the sugar shacks floor and the pad out of that cement.The mixing operation uses weight to portion out the parts of the cement but there isn't enough sand in cement for it to make much difference wet or dry and sand is so fine it dosn't hold much water anyways.

09-10-2011, 07:23 AM
As of today I am going to be officially a cow farmer of sorts.My boss had a cow calve 37 days early and with them being twins the one that lived weighs about 25 pounds soaking wet. A full size calf is only worth $50 to$75 bucks so I am bringing it home. had to wait a week to see if it lived or not before buying supplies even.
Sept is supposed to be dry hopefully as I have lots of wood to cut still.I can only get maybe a cord a day out of the downfall out back and can only work at it every two weeks on my weekend off.

09-10-2011, 04:35 PM
Seen a ad on craigslist last week about a John Deere 420 crawler with a loader for sale 100 miles south of where i live. Called him up and arranged to look at it this morning, Very nice well maintained machine, Couldn't pass up the deal. I have one with a blade that i use to plow trails and collect with so i know how handy these machines are during syrup season. Last year i picked up a 40 model that the steering clutches are froze up so i have a good parts machine also for the 420's.

Dennis H.
09-10-2011, 06:38 PM
Well I went up to visit the Patterson's and also Linda while they were having their open house for the new CDL store.

It is great to now have a maple equipment supplier closer to home!

They had 2 evap's running. One was a wood fired and the other was a wood pellet. Man that wood pellet evap was cool to watch. It just amazed me how much flame and how hot wood pellets will burn. I am use to seeing wood pellets in a little house stove, they burn slow and steady.

I also got to see a Hobby RO running. They were using dyed water ao you could see the RO working.

I could not stay for the RO seminar in the afternoon but I did get to attend the tubing seminar that was in the morning.

I picked up a few odd's and end's while I was there. I believe Pam is the one that is going to be running the store, she was very friendly and heplful with the stuff that I needed. I will have to go back up later though, a few things that I wanted to pick up while there was backordered!:(

Besides that I got to finaly meet 2 traders, Waysidemaple from over near Troy and NYmapleguy607 from up in NY, hence his trader name!
Wish I could have talked longer, well that will have to be another trip up north.

I wanted to go find Theron but found that he is kind of busy right now, trying to sort out all those wires since the storms came thru.

09-10-2011, 08:49 PM
Spent part of the day being very frustrated at a chain saw. Had no reves and would stall out everytime I stopped cutting checked everything and could not find the problem.
Took three years but finally made a path through the blowen down timber at the back of my place. Hopefully will have enough cleared to attract some deer and pasture for critters.

Greenwich Maple Man
09-10-2011, 09:09 PM
Spent part of the day being very frustrated at a chain saw. Had no reves and would stall out everytime I stopped cutting checked everything and could not find the problem.
Took three years but finally made a path through the blowen down timber at the back of my place. Hopefully will have enough cleared to attract some deer and pasture for critters.

I have a Stihl 046 Mag. that did the same thing. Turned out the cylinder was scored. After a while it just wouldn't run. It was under warranty and Stihl rebuilt the whole thing. Something you might want to check. Be sure your gas mix is the proper ratio. Hope this may help . It is very frustrating.

09-10-2011, 09:53 PM
Dennis H. It was nice meeting you today. Had fun today! We ended up buying that 3 by 10 intense-o-fire they had running. Headedback in two weeks to being it home. Nice finally putting a face to the name to nymapleguy607.

09-10-2011, 09:54 PM
We ordered 5 yards of concrete. I needed 4.5 for a 16x16 sugar shack and 7x16 pad both 4" thick. My dad needed half a yard in his shop. Pulled the forms today. It looks good. Stacked another half cord of pine today. I want to get a load of slab wood and I'll have more than enough wood for the season.

Haynes Forest Products
09-10-2011, 10:05 PM
Ken Take the screen out of the muffler and super heat it with a torch, scrub it with a brush and put it back in and see what that does.

Dennis H.
09-11-2011, 09:11 AM
Holy cow Scott! You got the 3x10! Nice looking evap. And it is complete!

Man all I walked away with was some tubing and fittings!

Did your grandfather get that maple cream machine that he wanted to buy?

Oh I forgot I wanted to post a few pics of the open house yesterday. I'll do it now.

09-11-2011, 02:46 PM
Dennis H. - No he decided to wait on the cream machine, maybe next time! He really wants a candy machine but they didn't have any in yet.


09-11-2011, 06:35 PM
Well, didnt get a single section of mainline wire run or ever cleaned out! 3rdgen is gonna scold me for that. Ended up having to help the parents move out old furnature, go pick up new furniture and bring into the house. then go and grab more pallets from a local feed supply store and bring back to layout and finish stacking sapwood, which is done now!

09-11-2011, 08:30 PM
Ken if your not worried about a stray spark coming out of the muffler take the screen out and leave it out. It make the muffler less restrictive and let's it run cooler.

09-12-2011, 05:31 AM
Got all the slabs laying around cut and stacked in the shed..gonna start splitting stacking the 25 cords of pine thats cut up this week...

red maples
09-12-2011, 06:00 AM
Sap WOOD Sap WOOD Sap WOOD...bees...Sap WOOD Sap WOOD Sap WOOD

Hunting season starts Thursday for Bow, Antlered only (new last year) until Octobler 1st. Haven't seen a single buck in velvet this year!!! So it might just be does for me need meat in the freezer!!! but need to save room for 1/2 cow and 16 chickens...uh might need bigger freezer!!!

Dropped off Syrup and honey at the Rochester Fair yesterday. So we'll see how that does thats the warm for the deerfield fair. Met a a nice guy and got a few pointers on bees he's been doing it for years had 25 hives at one point but that was before all the disease and mites started destroying hives!!!

09-12-2011, 09:27 AM
I would like to thank everyone who helped made our Grand Opening wonderful! And to my friends new and old on Maple Trader. Dennis, thanks for putting on some pics for us, you know about me and computers LOL, Scott big surprise for you good luck and dont forget to keep in touch with all you do. nymapleguy607 always great to meet new maple friends and see what they look like after talking to them on the phone or the trader. Telephone number for the new store is 814-628-2082 with Pam Swimley manning the desk. Her hours for right now is Tues and Sat 8 am to 4:30 pm. But you can always call here if needed. Thanks again! :)

09-12-2011, 10:23 AM
Got a great start on my 14x21 ft addition to the sugarhouse after its completed sugarhouse overall will be 16'x34' with a 8'x14' room off from it for canning and eatting. Added two tanks to my operation yesterday a 550gal and a 425gal tanks cant wait for the season to get here all thats left to get is a filter press and vacuum pump. cpmaple

09-12-2011, 05:31 PM
is that CDL'S pellet fired arch i see in that pic??

09-12-2011, 06:19 PM
Yes it is...the front evap is the wood pellet arch...the one to the rear is the Intens-O-Fire.


Dennis H.
09-12-2011, 06:59 PM
Here is a better pic of the pellet fueled evap. Not a very good one but a little better.

red maples
09-13-2011, 06:28 AM
GRRRRR!!!! now I have a Skunk eating my bees. GEEEEZ this year !!! Ground hog, chicken parasite, irene dropping a branch on my hives which had to be moved for the road crew to get in there, now a **** skunk... I am afraid to ask what's next for me..."Bats in the belfry" Maybe!!!!

maybe its carma for a good maple season!!! :rolleyes:

I guess I have to lift them up higher and put down a nail board!!!

Confirmed siting at 4:15 am this morning on the way to the GYM!!!

09-13-2011, 09:15 AM
The squirrels have moved into the sugarhouse again. I think it's time to shoot a few. I'll wait until the season on squirrels starts again, but then they are toast. It's war. They have crossed the line of death...

09-13-2011, 12:12 PM
if you have power in the sugarhouse, should get one of those ultrasonic deals. they work pretty well for keeping critters out. Young kids can hear it though so make sure you turn it off if there are any around!

Flat Lander Sugaring
09-13-2011, 06:53 PM
well orders a W12/26 beam for garage/sugar house today, ordered all the rough cut but wont be here for a month, so I will be doing a lot of wood cutting and splitting for the next month.

09-14-2011, 05:33 AM
GRRRRR!!!! now I have a Skunk eating my bees. GEEEEZ this year !!! Ground hog, chicken parasite, irene dropping a branch on my hives which had to be moved for the road crew to get in there, now a **** skunk... I am afraid to ask what's next for me..."Bats in the belfry" Maybe!!!!

Hives up on blocks (or PT decking) around 10" keeps the critters at bay... that and the battery operated electric fence solves all of our problems so far. Sorry to hear that Irene got you. Fortunately I trimmed all of the dead branches above the hives so nothing seriously large fell on them. I know others in my area weren't as lucky. Even heard of some hives being swept away in the high waters! That's gotta suck!

Hang your head high... and shoot the skunk! :D

09-14-2011, 08:43 AM
Finished digging and installing my drainagle pipe along the side and behind my garage/saphouse. Glad to get that done. During heavy rains, a small creek forms coming right down the side hill where my atv trail is and right to behind the garage...pools up where my sapwood is! I do have the sapwood on pallets. cant wait to get a shed roof built off the back end!

red maples
09-14-2011, 09:55 AM
Hives up on blocks (or PT decking) around 10" keeps the critters at bay... that and the battery operated electric fence solves all of our problems so far. Sorry to hear that Irene got you. Fortunately I trimmed all of the dead branches above the hives so nothing seriously large fell on them. I know others in my area weren't as lucky. Even heard of some hives being swept away in the high waters! That's gotta suck!

Hang your head high... and shoot the skunk! :D

Thanks for the encouraging words!!

I am going into the hives today. So we'll see how things are hopefully the skunk didn't wipe out too many bees. I know they can devistate hives!!! I made 2 beds of nails yesterday and put them put out. but yeah I will be raising them back up. The branch that fell was hollow. looked great but you never know whats inside. OH man yes that would suck to have them swept away by the water.

I just hope everything is OK in there I have given them 2 1/2 weeks to get things back in order and calm down wow were they pissed off!!! I hope everything is doing good in there!!! We'll see this afternoon hopefully they got a good undesturbed night last night and aren't too agrivated today!!!!:o

09-14-2011, 07:43 PM
Only one more day of classes then home for the weekend. Still alot of places in my area underwater. Planning to help the neighbor lady out down the street with the kubota cleaning up her lawn friday. The creek washed over the wall and now she has stones for a lawn instead of grass. Saturday, if I can get transport lined up, we will pick up the new Intens-O-Fire from Pattersons and bring it home, if not Ill be picking up a bulk tank and working on saddles all day. Sunday plan to take the cupola off the sugar shack since the new evap has the steam stack and roof jacks to get the steam out without one. Can't wait to do a test boil on the new rig!


09-14-2011, 08:18 PM
Only one more day of classes then home for the weekend. Still alot of places in my area underwater. Planning to help the neighbor lady out down the street with the kubota cleaning up her lawn friday. The creek washed over the wall and now she has stones for a lawn instead of grass. Saturday, if I can get transport lined up, we will pick up the new Intens-O-Fire from Pattersons and bring it home, if not Ill be picking up a bulk tank and working on saddles all day. Sunday plan to take the cupola off the sugar shack since the new evap has the steam stack and roof jacks to get the steam out without one. Can't wait to do a test boil on the new rig!


What a great guy you are Scott for helping out the neighbor first! GOOD FOR YOU!:)

09-14-2011, 09:37 PM
got a new saw today... a husky 346 xp with a 20" bar. after an hour with it, i absolutely love the saw. now i have to work on the list of things that need cutting starting with the logs in my driveway then a couple trees at my buddys farm. not too much maple lately, except some work at school with packaging, and going to the nys maple summer tour banquet monday. :D:D:D:D

220 maple
09-15-2011, 01:31 PM
First Fall Festival starts tomorrow, almost ready, made candy and coated nuts all week. Looks like the temps will be cool should get people thinking pancakes and waffles. Hopefully I'll have time to post the outcome Monday. Will need to make product for the local tourist traps before leaving Wed. for a wedding in Miss. on Sat. ,hopefully back by the following Tuesday to start getting ready for another festival on Oct.1st and 2nd.

Mark 220 Maple

09-15-2011, 07:29 PM
I have a skunk living in and around the house some place. Far as I can tell the cats piss it off and it stinks the place up for the night once in a while. It was on the front step the other night but disappeared by the time I got out there for it.

09-15-2011, 09:57 PM
[QUOTE=collinsmapleman2012;162522]got a new saw today... a husky 346 xp with a 20" bar. after an hour with it, i absolutely love the saw. now i have to work on the list of things that need cutting starting with the logs in my driveway then a couple trees at my buddys farm. not too much maple lately, except some work at school with packaging, and going to the nys maple summer tour banquet monday. :D:D:D:D[/QUO

A 20" bar is too big for a saw in that class. People say they cut best with a 16" bar. My stihl 026 which is slightly bigger doesnt love an 18" but will do ok with is but I have a 16" coming for it. People say they are good saws and proven. The stihl 261 might take over the 50cc class though.

Took care of a squirrel yesterday. Gonna take care of a few more tommorrow. They like my lines too much. THey need to be "relocated"

09-16-2011, 09:06 AM
well thought id poke in and give the low down for the year. wont be making syrup this year. ive scheduled my fire classes in january through march (idiot) and start college next summer. gunna be busy to try and make some of the sweet stuff.

red maples
09-16-2011, 09:49 AM
AAAHHHH now this is my kinda weather although... she who I don't listen to really or obey unless she's really mad at me cause I did something supid!!! still thinks I am nuts because I am still in shorts and t-shirt when its 44* outside!!!

Gotta try to get to get into the woods today check things out make sure my tree stand is OK!!! and safe for that matter!!! Bow season started yesterday I am a little late!!! but you can't takes does anyway until Oct 1st!!! We don't have the best buck population ot even good genes for that matter here so I don't plan on getting a monster but if one happens to come by well hey all the better!!!

7 + cords sap wood done.... still < 3to go whoo hoo!!! should be done soon. hopefully by monday. its a little later than I wanted to been a busy summer!!! oh well!!! need to finish a full cord today. this little stuff takes so long blah!!! OK union break over back to splitting wood!!!!:rolleyes::)

09-17-2011, 03:48 PM
here lately as each day passes i think of maple more and more!! :D


09-17-2011, 06:16 PM
I spent 1/2 the day trimming up the bush, the other 1/2 working on the Copula. Still have a long ways to go, but the weather may not cooperate tomorrow, and Grandpa Tim heard about an AWESOME spot for bucks! Luckily it's a LONG ways from here. :)

09-17-2011, 06:16 PM
I spent 1/2 the day trimming up the bush, the other 1/2 working on the Copula. Still have a long ways to go, but the weather may not cooperate tomorrow, and Grandpa Tim heard about an AWESOME spot for bucks! Luckily it's a LONG ways from here. :)

and I just need to say……Hazelnut brush SUCKS!:mad:

09-17-2011, 07:01 PM
Well after a long day the new Intens-O-Fire is in and waiting for sap! Sure does make the shack look small. Plan to upload pictures tomorrow got to dark tonight by the time we got it all set back up.

Greenwich Maple Man
09-17-2011, 07:29 PM
[QUOTE=collinsmapleman2012;162522]got a new saw today... a husky 346 xp with a 20" bar. after an hour with it, i absolutely love the saw. now i have to work on the list of things that need cutting starting with the logs in my driveway then a couple trees at my buddys farm. not too much maple lately, except some work at school with packaging, and going to the nys maple summer tour banquet monday. :D:D:D:D[/QUO

A 20" bar is too big for a saw in that class. People say they cut best with a 16" bar. My stihl 026 which is slightly bigger doesnt love an 18" but will do ok with is but I have a 16" coming for it. People say they are good saws and proven. The stihl 261 might take over the 50cc class though.

Took care of a squirrel yesterday. Gonna take care of a few more tommorrow. They like my lines too much. THey need to be "relocated"

I relocated four of the bushy tailed rats this evening myself. Have a real problem with them in my one sugar woods. Have shot 13 greys and one red along with two chipmunks in the past couple weeks. They have destroyed alot of tubing and I realy need to get the numbers down.

maple flats
09-18-2011, 07:17 AM
Change of plans. I was starting to dig a cellar for syrup storage and an addition on top for an RO room and ? else. I have decided to wait a season. Yesterday I filled in the beginnings of the cellar hole, at least the portion near the closest to the sugarhouse. I will either use some space in the sugarhouse to make an RO room to heat or will make one temporarily just outside the sugarhouse door near the sap tanks. I decided $ were a good reason, as I have decided to buy a bigger truck to haul more sap. Have found a dealer not too far away who has several to choose from, in the price range I can handle. I will go tomorrow and talk. Really looking for a 1 ton diesel but will consider gas, will also consider 3/4 ton diesel or gas but it would only be for 1 season and I'd need to get the 1 ton next year. Sure hope I can find a 1 ton that fits my needs. Must be solid, 4x4, prefer ext. cab, full size box. I tend to keep truck as long as they will serve my needs, for example, I will be retiring my 92 half ton. Would also prefer a truck with a plow. My tractor is slow clearing snow, and the ATV won't handle the job with big snows.

Dennis H.
09-18-2011, 05:23 PM
I had a fun filled day today doing nothing but maple stuff!:D With the nice weather that we are getting I would be a shame not to be outside working in the woods.

I had to redo a mainline that went over a right-a-way. the wire kept breaking from the one tree swaying. So I went to Tractor Supply and bought a fence spring tensioner. Cranked up the mainline wire till the spring was halfway compressed. Seems like I still have good tension on the wire and I was able to really push and pull on the wire and watch the spring give. I now think I have that problem area solved.

I walked the lower section of trees and made all sorts of emprovements there. Added side ties at several places to give better tension on the wire and keep the wire and mainline away from a few trees.

I made a new 6" PVC vac booster where I had a 4" PVC one. I even added 1/4" plexiglass on the one end so I can see how the sap in flowing thru there. One the 4" one I used those red test plugs, woked great but when I has having sap flow issue I just couldn't tell from what main that I was having an issue with.

Syrup sales have slowed down for me. I am going to place a small ad in the local newspaper in the next week or two, hoping to sell off the little remaining syrup that I have.

09-18-2011, 06:52 PM
Had a good weekend, cutting wood, splitting and stacking it, and planning for sugar house work. I have now about 2 split and stacked cords of wood. Maple, poplar and alot of Ash. That should be good for, a half pint evaporator, with 50- or more taps. Not to worry though, I have more to stack still! :)

09-18-2011, 09:13 PM
This weekend my buddy and me Cleaned the front, rear, and rails of my evaporator with a wire brush on a grinder. We started painting it with high temp paint but we ran out. I need to run to napa to get more. Also orgonised the sugar shack and relocated a few more squirrels this weekend. It was pretty productive.

Dennis H.
09-18-2011, 09:56 PM
It is starting to sound like this is the time of the year that squirrels like to move!!:lol::o

red maples
09-19-2011, 01:19 PM
over 8 cords sap wood done. but it looks like I will have room to put in 1 extra cord!!! oh well 1 more cord never hurt anyone. that will give me a grand total of 11 cords sap wood and just over 6 cords for the house for 17 cords of wood this year!!! Thats all I have been doing is tring to finish the wood. luckily we haven't needed any heat yet as I haven't cleaned the chimney's yet. or anything else for that matter. It'll get it done doooonnnn't worry!!!!:)

maple flats
09-19-2011, 06:46 PM
I spent today shopping for a new sap hauler. Tried a 05 F250 4x4 diesel and an 05, F350 4x4 diesel. Does anyone know what an F 250 4x4 with ext. cab weighs on the rear ax? This one is rated @ 6100# max rear ax but haven't found the unladen wght. Also, anyone, F350 4x4, ext. cab rear ax unladen? This shows 7000# max loaded. I'm thinking the apparent 900# more on the 350 is partially eaten up by a heavier unladen weight. Both were diesels (I have a theory that if the gov't falls, diesel can be made if needed at home but not so for gas. Also, diesel stores far longer.

09-19-2011, 07:01 PM
I have a theory that if the gov't falls, diesel can be made if needed at home but not so for gas. Also, diesel stores far longer.

Maple, i hear what your saying about stores longer. i have an 02 f250 with the 7.3l diesel and i love it. i am not sure as to what the rear gvw's are but i pull a 9400# fithwheel camper with no problem. i do not know what the touge weight is but it hardly knows its there. have experience with the 6l ford diesel and it is a problem motor, stay away from it. heard the 6.7l is ok.

09-19-2011, 07:24 PM
Back at school for the week so finally some time to put up pics of the new evap. Back to looking for more sap for the upcoming season.


09-19-2011, 07:33 PM
great pics of that evap! I just got done meeting with a friend of mine (contractor) who is gonna build my coupola for me. said it should be done in a few weeks. Took all the measurements and showed him the design. Cant wait! been i nthe back of my mind for a long time..jsut done have the time to do it myself. gotta get r done. He is also removing one of my support posts and installing two lam beams..now I will ahve the perfect area for the evap! I am pumped!

09-19-2011, 09:20 PM
Maple, i hear what your saying about stores longer. i have an 02 f250 with the 7.3l diesel and i love it. i am not sure as to what the rear gvw's are but i pull a 9400# fithwheel camper with no problem. i do not know what the touge weight is but it hardly knows its there. have experience with the 6l ford diesel and it is a problem motor, stay away from it. heard the 6.7l is ok.

The 7.3l diesels were great engines. You could get them into the early 2000s. The 6.0l diesels were problem motors. Most of them streched the head bolts. My Buddies dad had no others problems with his. But there out there. People say that the 6.4 Were problem motors too. For gas the 5.4l were nutorous for having the sparkplugs get pushed out of the engine and run on 7 cylinders. Also the coil packs went frequently. Stay diesel beter fuel economy and more power.

220 maple
09-19-2011, 10:34 PM
The Festival was unbelievable, moved inside the craft building this year and sales increased by 1000 dollars. Don't have much time to go into detail because I've been coating pecans, almonds and walnuts all evening and just put a turn of candy on the stove. The stores that sell my product is running low. LATER

Mark 220 Maple

maple flats
09-20-2011, 04:53 AM
Smitty76, I also have a 5th wheel about the same weight that I would pull. I put this question up on 2 forums, here and The Forestry Forum. The only answers I got from both was to stay away from the 6.0L. Thanks guys. I drive school bus and our facility is at the same location as the multi district central maintenance garage for BOCES. I will ask them some questions. There are about 20 mechanics, and all are diesel guys or they don't get hired. I'm good friends with the supervisor too and he has been a mechanic for over 25 yrs before taking the BOSS role. He'll be a good one to ask.

09-20-2011, 05:05 PM
I do not know how porticular you are about make, but the dodge with the cummins is also a great motor. When i was searching for mine, i was interested in the 7.3 ford or a cummins dodge. the only not beat up one i could find was the one i bought. I myself am a ford man but work in prototyping new military vehicles and we found the same cummins motor that is used in the dodge is a great motor, so would go with one if a good deal were to be found.

09-20-2011, 05:09 PM
Smitty76, I also have a 5th wheel about the same weight that I would pull. I put this question up on 2 forums, here and The Forestry Forum. The only answers I got from both was to stay away from the 6.0L. Thanks guys. I drive school bus and our facility is at the same location as the multi district central maintenance garage for BOCES. I will ask them some questions. There are about 20 mechanics, and all are diesel guys or they don't get hired. I'm good friends with the supervisor too and he has been a mechanic for over 25 yrs before taking the BOSS role. He'll be a good one to ask.

the 7.3l diesel is the same engine that is put in the school buses, great reliable motor and plenty of power. i like my dodges too and the cummins is a great motor, i like the 5.9l cummins and its very reliable. but i do know that ford had a good 7.3l diesel.

09-20-2011, 05:38 PM
WOW, my spelling is terrible, not much of a typer.

maple flats
09-20-2011, 05:54 PM
I asked the mechanics at work and now I might need to shave my beard as per Amish and get a horse. When I asked the superviser he said avoid the 6L Ford. When I asked why he called in the mechanic who specializes in that engine. He said they are very famous for needing injectors. Injectors cost $4500 for the parts, before any labor.
Then I asked which trucks they would suggest. They said the Dodge Cummings is real good, but their tranny's are not. Chevy Duramax is poor. Is there anything else? Might need a horse, but it would take a big hitch to pull a 800-1000 gal tank and the one real steep hill would likely be impossible. It drops about as steep as any hill I have encountered on a county road anyplace. (guessing but maybe 15-20%)

09-20-2011, 06:03 PM
Maple, i plan on putting a 1000 gal tank on my trailer this season and am going to pull it with my 7.3l. i also have a steep grade to pull but 1000 gal at 8.6#'s per gal will not wiegh any more than my 5thwheel. i am not worried. search for them and you might find a nice one at a good price. I scored one from texas and it is in nice shape, no rust. their out there, just keep looking.

09-23-2011, 09:22 AM
I've got a 6.7 cummins with a 6spd, the motor is good but the emissions system isn't. The 24v and the Common rail 5.9s are pretty much bullet proof, yes the auto trans had some issues but the sticks were good. Diesels aren't cheap but they hold their value well.

Haynes Forest Products
09-23-2011, 10:58 AM
Do we need to start a thread about trucks ?

Greenwich Maple Man
09-23-2011, 11:09 AM
Do we need to start a thread about trucks ?

They need to make a Ford truck with a Cummins diesle motor and a Allison transmision.Then you would have the perfect truck.

09-23-2011, 01:07 PM
What about a military deuce and a half with the multi-fuel engine?


09-23-2011, 11:34 PM
The only big problem I have ever had with a Dodge tranny is the solenoids going bad. Its a quick fix for anyone with some wrench knowledge. The solenoids get weak and the shifting gets all messed up. When this happend to me 1 truck ago I took it to the garage and they threw a quote of 2700 dollars at me for a rebuild. Some quick research and mechanics telling me about the solenoids ended up costing me an hour under the truck and 127 bucks for new solenoids and while I was there new filter and tranny oil. Drove it another 180,000 miles without missing a beat. Havent owned a ford in a long long time and when I did I hated the thing, last chevy truck or I should say 2 I went through front ends like crazy. Between the last 2 I owned I had 5 wheel bearing hubs replaced, 4 sets of upper and lower ball joints both I had to rebuild the tranny's 1 transfer case rebuild and 1 complete rear end housing rebuilt. Never had a plow on them either, my brother is a chevy guy and he can keep them with all the stories he tells me about his new one like the whole rear axle laying on the highway. I will never ever own another chevy. Dodge has never failed me. I put alot of hard miles on my trucks between 60 to 80 thousand miles a year, towing trailers and equipment for work as well. Each one I have owned pushed 300,000 miles on them. I have 120,000 on the one I own now and other than brakes and tires and routine maintenance I replaced one tierod. The chevys I owned were toasted by 150,000. Like I said havent owned a Ford in a long time so cant really comment on the quality of the newer ones but I hear guys having to add leave springs or air bags to get a decent hauling capacity out of them.

09-24-2011, 05:19 AM
I like small, efficient trucks and am waiting for someone to come up with a small diesel pickup. This one is awesome, but it's not that easy to find:


It would be the perfect truck for me. It will tow 5000 lbs, 30 mpg, diesel, etc, but for some reason they won't get them here.

maple flats
09-24-2011, 06:03 AM
Mahindra, interesting. I've been thinking I'll study Mahindra tractors when I get a new one.
Back to trucks. I test drove and bought one yesterday. 01 F 250 4x4, 7.3L diesel, ext cab, 7.5' Fisher minute mount plow. I'll drive that with the biggest tank it will carry for 1 season and if that is not enough I'll tow the trailer I did last year. That hauled a 165 gal tank. For the second season I'll buy a 7 ton gooseneck equipment trailer to haul my tractors and excavator. Then in maple season I can put the biggest tank that combo can haul. The following year I'll think about getting a 1 ton newer truck and put the goosenect behind it with an even bigger tank. The truck I bought is only 8800# GVW, but 350's go up to at least 11,700 because I tested one, might go higher. I'll only keep the combined total under 26,000 combined weight to stay away from CDL needs if i can but I won't totally rule that out either. Before CDL days I had a license that I could haul a truck of any weight combined with a trailer up to 18,000#. I'll see what the future brings for more sap. I also had a retired truck driver helping me putting up my new tubing this summer. He hauled doubles but I think his retirement forbids him from driving big rigs again. Not sure if that includes farm, he did say it excluded school bus CDL driving (if non union only)

09-25-2011, 05:15 PM
Well, I got my first 400' of mainline wire run today. Need to get some softer wire 14ga to add a few side ties though to finish it up. My second 400' has some obstacles though, meaning very large hamlocks that were blown down from the hurricane. Unfortunatly the root ball of one of them which is about 8' high is blocking my original line....so I will have to work around that. And of course my original end tree is now laying down on the ground too. I will finish running that second 400' section next weekend and I should be able to run the mainline as well the entire length! Finally getting it done. Wonder how long it will take to twist on all those ties! yikes!

09-25-2011, 05:56 PM
https://picasaweb.google.com/103968764779354846524/TheMangyMooseConstruction?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCO7UkbSG4pXY2QE&feat=directlinkWe, (Tim and I) were able, amoungst the "company" to get 1/2 or more of the steel roof up yesterday. We got to the part of the roof with the Cupola and decided that it would be safest for Tim to work on that next Friday (the cupola) when I am at work, then HOPEFULLY the rest of the roofing will go up on Saturday. Maybe we will get to that front porch yet this year!:)

09-25-2011, 05:58 PM
Sounds great. Nice to see progress! That is a nice looking sugarhouse you are building.

09-25-2011, 07:11 PM
Well, I got my first 400' of mainline wire run today. Need to get some softer wire 14ga to add a few side ties though to finish it up. My second 400' has some obstacles though, meaning very large hamlocks that were blown down from the hurricane. Unfortunatly the root ball of one of them which is about 8' high is blocking my original line....so I will have to work around that. And of course my original end tree is now laying down on the ground too. I will finish running that second 400' section next weekend and I should be able to run the mainline as well the entire length! Finally getting it done. Wonder how long it will take to twist on all those ties! yikes!

adk - better that end tree blow down before you used it as an end tree. I set up a new mainline last year with a healthy end tree. The end tree blew down the week after I set it up. What's the chances of that - that tree was over 30 years old. Those ties aren't too bad - with either tool you should be able to do 400' in a couple hours max. Remember to stretch that mainline as you tie it on. Good to see you making progress. Congrats!

09-25-2011, 09:29 PM
Adk1 run your mainline tubing before you sidetie. It will tighten everything up nice. If you have the tool to tie the mainline tubing on the wire it will and does go fast. Dont get carried away with tying till your saddles are on. Put enoug to hole the tubing tight then install saddles and finish the tying. Thats the way I do it and it makes it easier than trying to slip the saddle under the mainline wire.

09-25-2011, 10:29 PM
Now, see, I sidetie the mainline before I run tubing. First get HT wire banjo tight with sideties. Then tie one end of the tubing on and come-along the other end tight. Have to stick my hip into the tubing to force it under the mainline whenever I hit a bend due to tightness. Two ways to skin a cat:)

09-25-2011, 10:43 PM
Well heck Danno the main thing is sap comes out the end of that tubing and hopefully the right end.;)

09-26-2011, 06:47 AM
Now, see, I sidetie the mainline before I run tubing. First get HT wire banjo tight with sideties. Then tie one end of the tubing on and come-along the other end tight. Have to stick my hip into the tubing to force it under the mainline whenever I hit a bend due to tightness. Two ways to skin a cat:)

I am going to sidetie the mainline as well before running the tubing. Already started some of it. I do think that installing the saddles before installing all of the tubing ties to the mainline wire is a good idea, but I dont know exactly where my lats will be. Waiting till all the leaves are off to see the best line.

Dennis H.
09-26-2011, 07:04 AM
Wouldn't installing the saddles before tightening the mainline cause the holes for the saddles to become oval?
The way that I did mine and there wasn't much of it is I ran the wire pulled it fairly snug then went and side tied it. I then pulled the mainline, clamped it at the one end and as I walked back I would put in a wire tie about very 15', I kept these loose so the mainline could side.
Once I was back at the beginning I would clamp a ratchet strap to the mainline and pull the heck out of it. I then would clamp that end so it would not go slack. Now I would go back up the line putting in the wireties about every 10".
Doing it this way caused me to have to push or pull the mainline back to the wire where the wire made a bend.
Yeah installing the saddles were a little more work but in most cases I could slide 1 or 2 wireties out of the way so that I could put the saddle wonder the wire then I would slide the wireties back.

09-26-2011, 11:16 AM
Probably thats why I said it the way I did. Maybe it wasnt all clear, Run mainline and tighten, run tubing and tighten, sparingly tie tubing to mainline wire, side tie install saddles then finish tieing tubing to mainline. Im guessing no matter what after tightening later in the season when things settle or even if a tree drops on the line or jus the tension on the tubing the holes will elongate over time but that is probably why the gaskets on the saddles are so big anyways.

09-26-2011, 11:26 AM
yup, thats a what I am a gonna do!

red maples
09-26-2011, 06:51 PM
Well ended up with 2nd place for syrup and 2nd place for honey at the rochester fair. When we went to the fair they had a 3rd place ribbon on mine so I did ask about that and the guy said they put the wrong one on my jar??? Rochester fair not very technical for syrup from what I can tell. Also not Carlisle either. I asked the guy about it he had no Idea what I was talking about said I was the 2nd person to ask about it??? Carrie Fisher took 1st.

Dropping off syrup and honey at the Deerfield fair tomorrow. We'll see how it goes. going to the fair Sunday. When my kids are a little older I will be able to volunteer at the Sugarhouse, but kinda limited for now!!!

red maples
09-26-2011, 06:58 PM
I get mainline all in place tied onto wire, side ties, everything set first. if you do any side ties after you put in saddles they can move which can be a problem especially if you right next to a tree. then stretch tubing, then put in saddles and whatever hook connectors to attach to the wire to take the pressure off the saddles then drill and set the saddle. , then go tree to tree and put in T's. then drops.

09-26-2011, 11:17 PM
Congrats on the ribbons Red thats awesome. I sure wish I could fall asleep its going to be an early morning for opening bow.

09-28-2011, 11:02 AM
Looks like there is going to be a lot of syrup at Deerfield. I was there at 1 yesterday and my qt was number 7. Barely any jams and jellies but plenty of maple. Lots of work considering 1st pays 7 dollars.
I had stashed some in the freezer for the fair. I make my syrup quite thick and its funny to pour out room temp correct density.

red maples
09-28-2011, 11:13 AM
I was there 10 min. before noon and I was about 5th or 6th in line I was the first syrup and honey to get checked in. dark syrup good flavor but not typical of dark it was early in the season that dark with the medium flavor we'll see I guess. got through by 12:10 and there was about 20 people behind me several had syrup but didn't see any honey. lots of pickles good year for cuccs!!!

I stuck a gallon in the fridge and its been there since...my wife brought it up to fill the quart we keep in the kitchen I had to yell at her it was marked very clear!!! SHOW SYRUP DO NOT USE!!!

and quite a few cakes, junior entrys they looked like, at least I hope they were:rolleyes:

09-28-2011, 11:53 AM
Got most of our new sap house built on the weekend. We poured 6" of reinforced concrete 2 weeks ago, including anchor bolts. Saturday morning was opening morning of duck hunting so we didn't get an early start to construction! The duck hunting crew gave us a hand for a few hours after lunch and the walls just flew up! By the end of Sunday the rafters were on and squared, windows in, tank in place and 80% of the pine boards were on the walls. The steel will be delivered this week and it won't take long to strap the roof and screw down the steel. The last building was put up in December so it was nice working in such beautiful fall weather!

220 maple
09-28-2011, 01:15 PM
Busy as beavers making candy and coating nut for this weekends Festival. Last year which was the first year for this festival we sold out of coated nuts on the first day. Sort of leary of producing more because of the weather forecast. Calling for snow flurrys in the Higher elevations of of WV Saturday. I don't expect we see any snow, but it's going to be quite chilly. Weather Channel predicting snow flurrys, global warming, you would think by now all the eviromentalists would have this fixed?

Mark 220 Maple

09-28-2011, 01:32 PM
Mine is the same way first syrup of season off the rig, dark but tastes incredibly light.

09-28-2011, 07:58 PM
Canned 6 gallon of syrup to restock the shelves. It seems to go somewhere:)
Weather has been rainy but warm. Should have plenty of moisture for next sap season.
Volunteered at Asbury Woods Nature center last weekend and talked to folks about bee keeping.
Off to cruise the trader for a few minutes then off to my other forum for some Cub talk.

Haynes Forest Products
09-28-2011, 11:14 PM
Tree Service cut down a few maples and a nice 30" Oak for the gravel area for the tank farm. Putting down 34 yards of gravel for the base. I hope next year to pour cement for a new RO room with tanks and drum storage.

09-29-2011, 06:26 PM
Congrats brad on your honey placing at the fair it looked nice and lite . and also to Dill.

09-30-2011, 07:00 AM
Lapierre came and got my arch for some service work. after draging it on with a rollback, it was too tall to fit out the door. kind of odd because it came in on the same truck! after an hour of messing around, the driver informed us he had just put new tires on the truck,raising it up 2 inches. we ended up digging a ditch the with of the tires and got out. hope to have the arch back before it snows

09-30-2011, 08:07 AM
should get the rest of my mainline wire run and the first 400' section of mainline this weekend. But of course, its supposed to be downpours all day tomorrow. I wont melt.

09-30-2011, 01:05 PM
Congrats brad on your honey placing at the fair it looked nice and lite . and also to Dill.

Actually I didn't place. Josh (Ambergold) got 5th.

red maples
09-30-2011, 03:22 PM
are you talking about the Rochester or Deerfield fair? if Deerfield then...Oh wow my honey placed sweet:D what place did I get??? ...my syrup didn't though:( must have done something technical wrong I know it was about 1/2 point brix heavy and possibly could have been the lighter flavor too??? who knows have to wait to see the score sheet!!! Yes Josh did get 5th.

10-01-2011, 07:51 AM
If you go up to the fair just ask one of the ladies manning the building they let me peek at a mine. I lost 2 points for flavor and 1 for the outside of the cap being dirty. I would say judging is tight.

red maples
10-01-2011, 08:10 AM
If you go up to the fair just ask one of the ladies manning the building they let me peek at a mine. I lost 2 points for flavor and 1 for the outside of the cap being dirty. I would say judging is tight.

Geez. Tough I'll say. I am going up Sun with the Family anyway so I'll just see it at pick up time!!!

Amber Gold
10-01-2011, 05:39 PM
I scored a 98.5 to get fifth...pretty stiff competition. The only points I lost was for flavor. I'm pretty happy with fifth because it was syrup I just pulled off the shelf. The syrup I set aside for the fair had better flavor, but was a touch too light. I didn't save enough reheat and filter. Ted Henderson (Specklefield Farm) got first.

Haven't done much maple this summer, but just got most of my sugar wood put inside. Need to get my house wood in and finish gathering pine from the hurricane, then it's into the woods to get them cleaned up and minor changes made for maple season. Sales are going good, picked up some new outlets, and may double sales again this year. Starting to think about getting back into maple mode.

10-03-2011, 09:51 AM
Yup I had 97 for 6th. We got a wide variety of ribbons for the canned goods. For those my wife just pulls them off the shelf, most people make special "fair jars". The judging for canned goods is odd since it doesn't matter on taste just presentation.

red maples
10-03-2011, 12:20 PM
yep 98.5 here lost 1.5 for flavor 3 way tie for 5th everything else perfect!! I knew it was gonna loose for flavor. not that its bad its just too light for the color!!! Sarah fisher got 2nd...someday I will beat her!!! I set mine aside in the beginning of the season. Just put a gallon in the fridge and labeled it. I just had to refilter and lighten up the density and it was ready to go!!!