View Full Version : sugarhouse robbery.

08-30-2011, 09:36 PM
i just found out that a guy i know went in his sugarhouse and most everything had been taken..pans and all everything that could be sold as scrap metal was gone.
his sugarhouse is right along a busy state highway in northern new york state.(lewis county) right now they don,t have a clue as to it was..but,i hope they find them and hungum from a tree..talk about lowlifes.


08-31-2011, 06:54 AM
Any description as to what was stolen? Anything that sets it apart from other equipment? (like a releaser with extra holes, ect) Since we buy used equipment if we hear of something stolen we are always on the lookout for it.

08-31-2011, 10:32 AM
I was thinking the same thing. That way we could keep an eye out for adds and such. We all now maple equipment is worth more than their weight. But then again if some low life scumbag stole the stuff maybe he/she doesnt know that. I would be knocking on doors with a loaded gun.

Bruce L
08-31-2011, 03:26 PM
We have an old bulk milk tank sitting in the corner of one bush where we dropped sap into it one year when our mainline snapped.Ready to move it to the bush we are setting up for next year and found all the lids are gone.Just irks you to find something like that,probably some junkie can't hold down a job so they rob anything and everything to try and make a buck for their next fix.Make sure if you confront them,they are facing you when you pull the trigger,or you could be charged if they are running away when some hotshot lawyer states they were not entering but leaving!!!!!!!!!!

red maples
08-31-2011, 06:21 PM
speaking of robbery...I thought I would get through the whole year without anything gone missing from the farm stand well didn't make it. last year I had 3 pints all on different occations taken. yesterday 1/2 gallon + a box of comb honey...I hate people. Nothing I can do about it its not manned. but the stupid thing was The power company was there cutting the branch off the wires and was sitting on the steps to my sugarhouse watching I looked over and saw a 2003-04 extended cab style chev. pick up pull up. but a tree was blocking the rest of the view I didn't actually see them or the liscence plate.

So I went and took my trail cam. out of the woods...only have 1...set it up...guess what I got a video of a friggin deer!!! and 2 of my chickens!!!:rolleyes: go figure!!!

Haynes Forest Products
08-31-2011, 06:35 PM
I feel the pain I had a 400 gallon SS bulk tank stolen from the side of the sap shack. I paid $250.00 and they at the prices of SS at the time about $700.00:mad::cry::cry:

09-02-2011, 06:14 AM
the way i understand it they took all the metal for scrap they took his stainless steel pans all the copper piping they could find and even took empty stainless steel drums.i think he had a 5x14 leader arch.he had a large bulk tank sitting next to the sugarhouse under a added on shed i don,t know if they took that or not.
we,ve had alot of camp breakin's lately and they steal the copper pipes and wiring they just smash the walls open and rip the wiring out..i think it,s the same people it took alot of guts to steal this stuff tho..the sugarhouse is right beside a busy state highway it,s only about three pickup trucks lenght's off the highway in the wide open.
a friend of mine has a sugarhouse right behind this one.his is in the woods about three hundred yards off the road with a brand new leader evaportor in it and i mean brand new..it was put in there this summer..i bet he,s sweating bullets right now.

09-02-2011, 06:41 AM
It is worth a call to the local scrap guys as well. They are liable and want to be careful. Trying to turn in a catalytic converter around here is like going through TSA. License, signed affidavit, copy of vehicle registration and a pat down...they really seem to enjoy the last part...not sure why it is necessary.

red maples
09-02-2011, 07:41 AM
Taking pans that big involves more than 1 guy. and they had to know what they were doing, and what they were after!!!! Sounds like they may have scoped the place out maybe came in before and took a look around to see what they needed and how many guys to get it out.....before they came back and made off with the goods.... but yes I stop in at the local and semi local scrap yards to see what might pop up. I know it will make us all cringe but they also would be stupid to not cut up it first possibly unrecognizable:(.

Haynes Forest Products
09-02-2011, 08:10 AM
Red Maples your right on about not recognizing it. I went to every scrap yard from Sturgeon bay to Green bay and they all said that by the time this is cut up and brought in its been sliced, diced and run over. Plus the guys out in the yard don't know what a brand new one looks like let alone one that is in pieces:mad:

09-02-2011, 08:24 AM
A couple of trail cameras hidden in the sugarhouse can make for a fantastic security system. Don't put them outside the building or you'll get nothing but 400 photos of squirrels. If you keep them inside pointed at the door you should only end up with pictures of whoever is coming in. If you have electric lights in the shack switch out at least one of the standard fixtures with a motion sensing fixture. That way if someone comes in the light automatically switches on. Pretty cheap insurance, but make sure to keep the cameras hidden or they'll just steal those too. You still might not figure out who the people in the photos are, but you can send the photos to all the local scrapyards and tell them to watch for these people.

09-02-2011, 08:46 AM
We have game cams a bulletproof box and security lights. We had a spate of vandalism that almost put us out of business. Now we're sadder but wiser. It's like war. I'm thinking of some new cameras that only go on with motion and store on a dvr.


09-02-2011, 10:16 AM
I know a guy up in ontario who just started a new online maple classified and is looking for stuff to list on there.... coincidence? No just kidding, my store was robbed this spring lost 22 Chainsaws,trimmers and blowers they took just about everything in my showroom. That was a awful felling walking into my store and seeing that. My County sheriff detective told me if i buy cameras to buy the best cameras that i could afford. He said that they see to many cases where cheep cameras see the act but even with enhancement they cant identify subjects or read license plate numbers.

09-02-2011, 02:26 PM
today,i learned that they got another guys sugarhouse too and they trashed the inside of his hunting camp which is right beside the sugarhouse.same deal they took everything in the sugarhouse made of stainless steel and copper they also ripped the wiring and piping right out of the camp.
this sugarhouse is just off the same state highway on a gravel town road and north about two miles.


09-02-2011, 10:06 PM
Care to give us NYers atleast a general idea where this is happening? That way I would no if I need to load my guns right now.

Bucket Head
09-02-2011, 10:07 PM
Stories like these are hard to read. Unfortunately with the economy the way it is- unemployment, cost of living, etc., there will be more stories like these two. All of the recomendations mentioned above would be worth the effort and cost.

Out of curiosity, were the producers that were robbed slated to be stops on the N.Y. state maple tour in September? They will be visiting Lewis county producers this year.


Flat Lander Sugaring
09-02-2011, 10:58 PM
Care to give us NYers atleast a general idea where this is happening? That way I would no if I need to load my guns right now.

you Ny'ers are allowed to own guns?:confused:

09-02-2011, 11:01 PM
you Ny'ers are allowed to own guns?:confused:

Yes sir, NYC however not so much.

09-02-2011, 11:26 PM
there both in northern lewis county.i don,t believe there in the tour coming up but the first one i told you about does the maple weekends in the spring.


red maples
09-03-2011, 09:03 AM
you Ny'ers are allowed to own guns?:confused:

yeah from what I know NYC different story all together from upstate. NH is easy!!! MA forget it I lived there for a few years. FID card just to have guns of anykind!!! took me almost a year to get one. but you don't need one for a bow at least I got some bow hunting in!!! Just a stupid stupid process even the guy giving the NRA cert. gun class throught it was crazy. Sorry folks in MA no offense just Happy to be in NH now.

Greenwich Maple Man
09-04-2011, 08:57 AM
A couple of trail cameras hidden in the sugarhouse can make for a fantastic security system. Don't put them outside the building or you'll get nothing but 400 photos of squirrels. If you keep them inside pointed at the door you should only end up with pictures of whoever is coming in. If you have electric lights in the shack switch out at least one of the standard fixtures with a motion sensing fixture. That way if someone comes in the light automatically switches on. Pretty cheap insurance, but make sure to keep the cameras hidden or they'll just steal those too. You still might not figure out who the people in the photos are, but you can send the photos to all the local scrapyards and tell them to watch for these people.

If you use trail cams I would be sure to use the infrared ones. That way there is no flash even in the dark. They also make a trail cam that sends the photo to your email right away. Expensive but worth it if you have this much problem.

09-04-2011, 10:21 PM
If you use trail cams I would be sure to use the infrared ones. That way there is no flash even in the dark. They also make a trail cam that sends the photo to your email right away. Expensive but worth it if you have this much problem.

And put black electrical tape over the red blinking light when they take a picture.