View Full Version : Thanks To All!

08-29-2011, 11:01 PM
I would like to say thanks to all, that have worked, prayed, and or thaut about all that have been impacted by the weather all of us here on the east coast have received..
For some of us, this storm did not amount to much, for others it was a storm not to forget, including the 30+ people that lost their lives, and the families that lost loved ones.
It has always given me a great feeling how Americans stand tall, help their neighbors, and pull together when there are people in need, and or strugling..

I would also like to thank our president and all the people that have supported him. In a time like this, there is nothing better that our leader could do, then to head to a hard hit place like Minnesota. It gives me a warm feeling, knowing that trying to gain votes, means more then the citizens that have lost life, and or are dealing with a hardship!

God Bless America! and our selfish polaticians!

08-29-2011, 11:36 PM
It truly is amazing isnt it. Americans helping americans and polititians helping themselves.

Bucket Head
08-29-2011, 11:58 PM
"Helping themselves", which is why the country is in the shape that it is. Amazing is'nt the word for it.
