View Full Version : 1st Day of School for daughter

Dennis H.
08-29-2011, 06:38 AM
Well I just sent off our daughter to her 1st day of School!:lol::cry::D:(

The wife is taking it better than I thought. But the daughter was very excited to go, she has been looking toward school for a while now.

Good luck to everyone else's kids this school year.

Father & Son
08-29-2011, 08:29 AM
I know how you feel. My son graduated this year and it seems like just yesterday we were putting him on the bus for his first day.
Heard and interesting story a few years ago, a morning DJ was having parents call in and tell how they were feeling after sending their kids off to school for their first day. One lady called in crying and explained how she stood there and watched the bus disappear down the road. The DJ asked how her husband was taking it and the lady said he was in his truck following the bus!


08-29-2011, 01:06 PM
Yeah I will be sending my daughter to the first day of school for the last time. Im very close with her and I am not excited about this at all. I will be the dad all choked up and wheeping like a pathetic sissy at her graduation. It goes so fast. I heard people say that so many times and it is very true. She just turned 17 yesterday and is an early grad to boot. Man Im choking up thinking about it.

08-30-2011, 07:59 PM
Today was the first day of school for my boss's grandson. Was a whole group of them out there to see him off. Going to be boring in the mornings now with him gone. He always ran up to me every morning and babbled away in french about something. One day he had a hand full of maggots and the other day he had a pet slug. Life's intresting with kids around.

08-30-2011, 08:57 PM
Hi Guys,
Our #2 Daughter is 20 and we just helped her move into an apt. off campus today. 2 Hours away.; The heart strings still pull. Let's just say, I feel your pain.
She spent the summer with us. I really appreciated her help in the bush. Pulling taps, making up new droplines, washing pans, flushing tubing etc. , all the work she grew up with. Yet by summer's end it was increasingly evident she needed her chance at college independence again.
What can I say?? I feel kinda sorry for myself, but happy to see her pursuing the path to her own dreams. That said, it's still tough to let go.
Small children, small problems.... big children, big problems. They will always be our kids.;)

red maples
08-31-2011, 07:39 AM
Well since the school was closed on monday they pushed everything back a day. Daughter started 4th grade yesterday and my son started Kindergarden today. I am gonna miss him he's my helper!!!:cry: but on th other hand man 5 hours by my self everyday geez what will I ever do!!!:evil::lol: