View Full Version : Irene coming to NH-ME- be nice to the tree guys

08-27-2011, 08:46 AM
I see Irene is coming North through NH and Maine, according to the maps. Just wanted to say I hope your sugarbushes dont get hammered too hard, but if they do and your power is out, there will be tree guys coming through to help get it back on. I'm involved in that business and heading out to Philadelphia for now, maybe north later. Please keep in mind these guys are just trying to help get your power back on and get life back to normal. They'll be working at least 16 hr days for weeks, and just doing their job If they have to trim or remove some trees. Be decent to them and they will be decent to you. Guess this is going to put my sugarhouse and evaporator on hold. Good luck getting through this. Looks like it wont be as bad as it could be.
This is a link to a good radar site that shows the timeline and track.

red maples
08-27-2011, 02:26 PM
Yeah I did see something about a storm coming this way called IRene I made her a cake!!!:lol:

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-27-2011, 05:04 PM
omg a storm ? how big? do i need to do any thing. I have nothing, water, food, gas, when did this start? gotta go

08-27-2011, 05:45 PM
Haha yea that sounds about how most people around here take it flatlander! i went to tractor supply today for goat food and was amused to see the shelves sold outa gas cans, and every generator spoken for already! myself i already have a generator that we use for powering tools around here when out in the field so i know it runs and i got the points cleaned up on another generator we had in the barn and started that up just a backup. already own plenty of gas cans, filled em up and our 2 gas engine tractors are full of fuel too so plenty of fuel for the generators even if we did have to go an extended time! not too much panic just preperation, secured all the plastic sap tanks so they dont blow around and tied down the picnic pavilion to my 2500lb yard roller, so if it blows away with that attached i have bigger things to worry about than my pavilion! i always wonder how every storm it seems like the stores run outa generators, what happened to all the generators people bought last storm, cant imagine that every storm so many folks all the sudden decide i never owned a generator but now i need one badly! just like in the coast where hurricanes strike every year and the stores sell outa plywood, did no one think last year to save the plywood they bought to reuse next hurricane season!

08-27-2011, 07:14 PM
Well I cant say that I am not concerned. Not panicing though that is for sure. Did haul out the generator, checked the gas, started it and let it run for a few minutes just in case. I also filled up a couple of 5 gallon gas cans. After mowing the lawn, I walked around and stowed away anything that may become airborne...Added a few more rocks to my house woodpile metal roofing.

Then I cleared out my area behind the garage/saphouse, threw down some pallets, screwed in some temporary posts and started stacking my sapwood! FINALLY!!!!!!!!! I will be using meatal roofing I already have to cover for this year. NExt summer planning on building an actual roof off the back end of the garage/saphouse where the wood is right now. Was eyeing it up, will be easy to do and perfect.

red maples
08-28-2011, 05:57 AM
yeah pretty much did the same thing ...everyone up here is in fear of another power outage like the ice storm or wind storm from the past few years. Gas stations actually had lines. I pulled out the generator got about 15 gallons gas changed the oil let it run for a bit. just have tp watch the basement!!! on uh hmmm chicken just went passed the door didn't let them out yet????uh oh!!!

oooppsss forgot to close the door on the run last night....good thing they love corn just went right in!!!

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-28-2011, 08:16 AM
me. irene, my wife and

08-28-2011, 08:23 AM
Your getting syrup on the pancakes there.
Man is it raining here right now.I have to go out and clean the rain gutters for the 4th time this year. Maples are nice till they drop seeds and leaves.

red maples
08-28-2011, 11:10 AM
raining and windy as a SOB here somehow we still have power. but problem is there is a hollow hemlock branch fell over the wires in the front. right over top of the bees hives figures. Hopefully the power will completely go out so I can go fix it. I cut off some but the bees are too pissed off. who said bees can't fly in the rain!!!! ouch!!!!

08-28-2011, 11:25 AM
I've been watching Maples fall all morning. The last one was a couple of minutes ago. It landed about 30 feet from the house. Shook the house.

My neighbor logged off 30 acres next to my house this summer.
He was nice enough to give me permission to tap the maples that he left standing. Well 13 of those trees have now fallen.

All woods trees with no wind break and weak root structure. Probably loose them all. The wind is just picking up.

08-28-2011, 11:29 AM
So far so good, get through a few more hours of high winds without a power outage and life is good. Only thing that has happened so far is I have a 8" diameter hole in my porch roof from one of the big maples out back dropping an old branch left over from the ice storm a few years back . An even bigger half dead maple dropped a big on one the power line but much have rolled off just right . Still have power amazingly enough .Cable home run from the pole is only about 10' above the road , hopefully they get out before a semi rolls buy and takes it for a ride .

Need power for the sump pump as my dang generator has taken its final rest. Have a pump that will run off dc car battery but only at 300 gals an hour. Guess the ground was really dry as its absorbing the intense amount of rain so far , just starting to come into the basement .

These wind storms are interesting when your house is surrounded by anywhere from 80-200 year old maples and I mean surrounded in every direction.

Bah this storm has trashed my garden , pretty much flattened it :(



Hope everyone fares well

08-28-2011, 11:30 AM
OK so this isn't funny anymore. I'm typing and another one just fell.

Time to go take a look. This one is about 10 feet from the house.

I have a 6 foot long flat evaporator pan the a friend gave me at the end of the season. Guess where it is. Yup. leaning up against a pallet of wood pellets UNDER the last tree that fell.

On my way out to see the damage.:mad:

08-28-2011, 11:57 AM
yea around here wind isnt as bad as they were expecting, but i did hear there is a dam they are very worried about failing in terryville, supposedly has been breeched and they are fearing a complete failure, its been raining hard here

08-28-2011, 01:04 PM
Heavy rain, high winds, poplar (about 10), one oak, and three beech down. Otherwise all is fine here. Now I'm just pumping out my basement to keep it from flooding. Hoping it stops soon so the water table will go down and the stuff in the basement stays dry!

No maple casualties. Wind seems to be dying way down so I think we're out of the woods. :)

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-28-2011, 01:46 PM
no garage, shed =wet generator=no start:(

red maples
08-28-2011, 03:07 PM
put on a few layers and went out had to move the bee hives oh about 130-140,000 pissed off angry bees. must have had a few thousand stingers in my clothes when I was finished. I have to call to have the branch removed because its on the powerlines to the house but had to get those hives outta the way first.

not gonna walk in the woods for 'til tomorrow to inspect for damage. we'll have to wait and see.

other than that the wind seems to be dying down and the rain is very light if any at all! no flooding Awe-some so all my wood piles are still intact