View Full Version : Have you see my MapleYellowBirch

08-19-2011, 12:46 PM
Here photos of a tree i found when i made a new trail on my land:


a very special Wedding!

08-19-2011, 08:18 PM
Weird but normal for Quebec.I have so many clumps of trees with a maple twined around another kind of tree its not funny.Some are cedars so it's easy to tell which to tap but I haven't figured out how to cut the other trees out with out hurting the maple or climbing up and cutting it in pieces.

08-19-2011, 09:25 PM
Thats a different one for me to see. Funny just yesterday I went for a walk with dad to show him the progress on the new sugarbush that I have been hanging tubing in and asked him if he noticed anything strange about a maple tree with 4 different clusters of one trunk. He looked and looked and said I cant figure out if thats a hard or soft maple and then decided it was a soft maple. I said dad your half right. 2 of the 4 were softs and the other 2 hard maple. He immeditatly said cut those softs down and let the Hard maples grow. I told him I would tap the softs to death intead lol.