View Full Version : Sugar Shack / Fort

08-16-2011, 09:53 PM
My son wants me to build hi a fort in our back yard. I want to build a Sugar Shack. So I thought maybee we could compromise and share it. I was thinking of building it up off the ground about 18 inches with a wood floor. Yes/No? I was also hinking of puting an evaporator( wood fired arch ) at one end so I could hang a tarp to section it off and keep the kids away from the maple equipment. What type of wood should I use? Should this be a concrete floor? Would there be too much mold for kids to play in? Lets hear your thoughts and input. Thanks Dave

08-16-2011, 09:56 PM
Not sure I would want to encourage the kids to "play" anywhere inside the sugarhouse. Sounds like noble intentions, though.

backyard sugaring
08-17-2011, 03:18 PM
Build it big enough and put a wall up between the two areas. During sugaring season you may be able to use the kids area. Now you need to sell it to the wife.

08-17-2011, 09:07 PM
Is it ok to have a wood floor or does it need to be a concrete floor?

08-18-2011, 05:43 AM
Is it ok to have a wood floor or does it need to be a concrete floor?

I think alot of people have wood floors. Fire prevention is a must. I have concrete and would have nothing else. Won't burn and whatever gets spilled on floor can be hosed down.

Gary R
08-18-2011, 05:46 AM
My sugar shack has just been built and has a wood floor. I know of a couple of others that have wood floors. Concrete is idea, but wood will work. You just need to be careful. You need something to catch a coal should it fall from the evaporator. Some have put cement board (for tile) under the evaporator. I am putting diamond plate aluminum. Also make sure the floor is strong enough.

Good luck!

08-18-2011, 11:10 AM
My son wants me to build hi a fort in our back yard. I want to build a Sugar Shack. So I thought maybee we could compromise and share it. I was thinking of building it up off the ground about 18 inches with a wood floor. Yes/No? I was also hinking of puting an evaporator( wood fired arch ) at one end so I could hang a tarp to section it off and keep the kids away from the maple equipment. What type of wood should I use? Should this be a concrete floor? Would there be too much mold for kids to play in? Lets hear your thoughts and input. Thanks Dave

That is too funny....I am in the same boat. My son wants a "camp" and I want a sugar house.....lol.... So I figured I would build a sugar house and put an enclosed lean to on it for his camp. Then when he gets older and loses interest in it, I will take it over as a canning room.:)

08-18-2011, 11:49 AM
as kids we would play in the neighbors sugar house. the ladders going up to the tanks also went up through to the roof where there was a level perch built on. it also had a nice loft area that looked right over the pans. with enough snow on the ground we would run through, climb the ladders hit the roof and slide down to the ground all while the adults were boiling. that sugar house was 30x40 with a 20x30 wood shed attached. that being said...today I wouldn't let any kid other than my own around the arch while boiling.