View Full Version : Hydrometer Question

08-12-2011, 05:15 PM
Hi again probably another stupid question but here it goes. If I was to buy a hydrometer, what is the proper procedure to use it and do I need anything else or is it just the hydrometer that I need to buy

08-12-2011, 07:06 PM
need the hydrometer cup. or make something that is basically the same dimensions. Other than that, it will come with some directions. Or, better yet, by yourself a copy of the NA Maple Producers Manual. IT is a must have

08-12-2011, 07:42 PM
markr... how it works is it floats at certain level and then you read the Brix from the scale on the stem. If it sinks entirely you are still way too light on density.

Many producers baulk at the price of a hydrometer cup in stainless steel but it requires the least amount of syrup to float your hydrometer. If you are doing larger batches you can use things like a stainless thermos etc but you need a larger amount of syrup to test with. The other item I would recommend is a digital quick-read stem thermometer. Hydrometers are calibrated at two temperatures (hot and cold) but you can use an adjustment chart to correct for any temperature.

Bruce L
08-12-2011, 08:05 PM
What about a hydrotherm?I have had one for over 20 years now(I am the only one that handles it)It floats in the syrup and has temperature correction built in.

08-12-2011, 09:23 PM
Hi again probably another stupid question but here it goes. If I was to buy a hydrometer, what is the proper procedure to use it and do I need anything else or is it just the hydrometer that I need to buy

Nope - a good question - Make sure you buy a syrup hydrometer. You can buy or make a test cup. (I made one from a briefcase thermos from Walmart) and put a handle on it held by adjustable steel bands. The test cup holds the hot almost syrup and gives you something to float the hydrometer in to test it. They are made from glass so gently lower the hydrometer into the test cup - cause with thin syrup the will hit bottom and possibly break. Easy to use - they come with instructions and also have a red line for a hot syrup test and another for a cold syrup test. Takes the guessing out of syrup making. I gotta order another one for a backup - lol - in case I get clumsy.

Haynes Forest Products
08-12-2011, 10:27 PM
If spending $25.00 for one of the most important item you will need to make Maple Syrup consistantly is this big of decision then you will need to have alot of luck to go along with the purchase. They are like shotguns, cell phones or your favorite beverage. They can and will be dropped maybe not by you but it can and will happen. If your whole operation is based on this one piece of equipment think hard and long about a special insurance rider to cover such happenings.............STFUC.............Just buy it and have fun if you find its out of your range Ill sent you the $25.00 just PM :) Ill even get Jim from Smokey Lake Maple Products to send you a SS cup..............................For the hydrometer silly you need a sports cup when you ask the wife if you can have money to get a bigger evap.

08-12-2011, 10:33 PM
You cant make a quality product without one in my opinion and dont buy one buy atleast 2. One will break before the seasons out. I usually by them 3 at a time lol. 1 out of the 3 always reads wrong and I send that one back. Never fails.

08-13-2011, 04:37 AM
I think adk1 is right. I bought a copy of NA syrup producers manual and it has a ton of information on everything in it.

08-13-2011, 06:40 AM
If spending $25.00 for one of the most important item you will need to make Maple Syrup consistantly is this big of decision then you will need to have alot of luck to go along with the purchase. They are like shotguns, cell phones or your favorite beverage. They can and will be dropped maybe not by you but it can and will happen. If your whole operation is based on this one piece of equipment think hard and long about a special insurance rider to cover such happenings.............STFUC.............Just buy it and have fun if you find its out of your range Ill sent you the $25.00 just PM :) Ill even get Jim from Smokey Lake Maple Products to send you a SS cup..............................For the hydrometer silly you need a sports cup when you ask the wife if you can have money to get a bigger evap.

OK-ok-ok - I know - You keep repeating it over and over - The Haynes way is the right way and the right way is the Haynes way - There - I wrote it down and I will really try and remember it - Now go bug Dr. Perkins - I'm sure he is probably in dire need of your sage advice. -- Ok - I'm convinced - I'll go buy one of those brass artillery shell casings with a handle on it to float a hydrometer in - Now go - Dr Perkins is waiting and needs your help.

Haynes Forest Products
08-13-2011, 08:12 AM
Just make sure that the Artillery shell is food grade. Im sure the good Dr. would want it that way.

08-13-2011, 03:50 PM
Ha ha - Ok I will - Sorry Haynes - You ruffled my old feathers - point taken - Mike

Haynes Forest Products
08-13-2011, 07:42 PM
I do that time to time have a good day I had to beat 3rdgen to the FG comment;)

08-14-2011, 06:12 AM
Hey guys thanks for the information I will being getting a hydrometer and a test cup before next season maybe even two.About this book everyone is talking about North American Maple Producers can someone give me a website where I can order a copy I've checked some book stores in my area with no luck. My computer skills are very limited. Thanks in advance

08-14-2011, 06:47 AM
can someone give me a website where I can order a copy

Here you go markr - http://atkinsonmaple.com/

Atkinson Maple Supplies is based here in Ontario so there's no cross-border expenses.

08-17-2011, 11:43 AM
Now go - Dr Perkins is waiting and needs your help.

Don't drag me into this or I'll have to start the rant about those who wonder why they can't make light syrup when they're using a TEMPORARY Grading Kit that's 10 yrs out of date. :)

08-17-2011, 08:29 PM
Don't drag me into this or I'll have to start the rant about those who wonder why they can't make light syrup when they're using a TEMPORARY Grading Kit that's 10 yrs out of date. :)

I'll be right behind you with storing sap in a garbage can. :D

BTW... temp grading kits darken with age, do they not?

08-18-2011, 05:39 AM
I'll be right behind you with storing sap in a garbage can. :D

BTW... temp grading kits darken with age, do they not?

No they fade.

08-18-2011, 06:07 AM
No they fade.

Correct....which makes it more difficult to classify your syrup in the lighter grades using older kits.

08-18-2011, 06:37 PM
Dagnabit! I got it backward again. Real maple syrup darkens with age but the temp grading kits lighten. I knew that but apparently I just had my second brain fart this week. My wife says it has something to do with my increasing grey hair but I deny that issue entirely. :D