View Full Version : Time is ticking away

08-10-2011, 04:44 PM
I havent started my garage to sugarhouse conversion yet. Need to get that coupola built. That is priority. Wish I were a builder, I know enough to get into trouble! I did download the plans off of the Cornell website. Figure I will just bust it out in a day. should be able to.

red maples
08-11-2011, 07:50 AM
So what are you waiting for???? git r done man!!!!!!:)

08-11-2011, 08:38 AM
The time to do it. Between work, two kids, graduation parties, weddings and the like i havent had time to even mow the **** lawn... Will get r done by the time snow flys!

red maples
08-11-2011, 08:17 PM
Same here man. I don't know about anyone else but does this seem like the busiest summer ever!!!! SO MUCH CRAP GOING ON!!! Alot that I really don't wanna go to or people I really don't wanna see!!! :rolleyes:

maple flats
08-12-2011, 06:18 AM
All summers are busy. My philosophy has always been "If you got it all done, you didn't plan enough". I always plan enough.
I think my in woods expansion will be essentially done in 2 more days in the woods. By that I mean the conductor lines and main lines will be in place. Sometime before gun season I will do the laterals. Then I need to find a bigger tank and set it.
At the sugarhouse, I dug about 1/4 of a draintile trench from the outlet end back up to where the addition will be built for the RO. Once I finish that it will determin the footing elevation for the addition. Then that work begins. I still have about 250' to go. Areas without big stumps go well but my 4 ton excavator doesn't do well on big stumps or heavy roots. It will do the job but it takes time to whittle away. I have a good friend who has a interest in maple who is a mason. I'm going to get him to do the cellar, floor and move the existing insulated shed about 300' and place it on the cellar. From there I will build the connecting hallway and stairs. I have 3 1/2 weeks before bus driving again takes up too much time, but it is a necessary evil for about 2 maybe 3 more years. After my big 3 yr expansion goal is met I can then start taking some earnings out of this maple addiction. Until then all cash flow is routed back in along with several thousand from bus driving.
2 weeks ago I had a very productive week, but this week has been too wet and I've stayed out of the woods so I wouldn't tear up the roadway in. Today I return to try some more. Need to tie up my 1400' of 1.25" wet line and hang 200' of 1" and 3500' of 3/4" mainline. Then my time will focus on the trench and addition. I am also ordering another 4 x 185 watt solar panels to add to my system. Hooking that up and wiring in will take about 2 days. That will give me a 1520 watt array and I plan to double that (or more) next year. Eventually I plan to have about 4-5,000 watts of solar. Tapping starts in about 6 mos.

08-12-2011, 07:26 AM
Same thing here. summer flys by. The one thing I have to get done before winter is get a cupola or a steam hood put in. I don't know how long that'll take, but until then, I'll be planning for other expansion projects.:D:o:cool:

08-12-2011, 07:50 AM
I broke down and called a local independent contractor that lives up the road from me to build mine. He can whip it off in an afternoon where it would take me a weekend!

red maples
08-12-2011, 08:11 AM
I am planning on building a hood but that will be my winter job. I can get all the measurments and do it in the basement. finishing the basement will be the other winter project. If money permitts me to redo the down stairs bathroom then that will try to get that done too. I will have a little more time once the kids are back in school in a few weeks.

Also waiting for some wood to dry out so I can mill it down(doinf it all by hand) and making a TV stand for the living room. I can't see paying $$350 + for a new TV stand. and I don't like the glass ones. Got some really nice center pieces out of and nice big pine that up rooted last year.

so I already got projects lined up for the winter. Not doing any tap expansions for this year!!! Maybe next year. need to save up for the RO and sugarhouse addition first. Actually thinking of taking out a loan but thats a year or 2 down the road.

Just trying to finish off the sap wood 3 cords done 7 togo!!!! at least the house wood is done just over 6 cords.

08-12-2011, 04:12 PM
No kidding, time's a wastin', HOLY COW!:o

I have NO wood cut or split fot the house, least of all the evaporator:o D***!
There were some really good storms here on July 1st and there is enough pine and popple down to make do for the evaporator, but it needs to dry out for Chrisssse sakes! GEEZE, that has GOT to be my next two weeks projects. I don't want to BUY wood this year. But I may have to buy a bit, of the drier stuff. There is enough pine and oak from a downed and cut up tree of off my cousin's property from a year ago, that I may be half way to the amount needed for the evap., but the house wood has a LONG way to go……SHOOT! Why couldn't it be May for cryin' out loud?

Also, I plan to up my taps by 50+ and need to mark the trees and clear out some access trails. It had really been a good rain year up here in NW WI and the trails are all overgrown. SO much to do, and time's a wastin'

08-12-2011, 07:05 PM
while the boys are a building, you outta be tending to other thangs..:lol:

Bruce L
08-12-2011, 08:02 PM
Just went down to the sugarhouse yesterday morning to mark out how much of the old stone arch to remove for the new evaporator arriving in just over 2 months,have been drawing wood slabs from a neighbour to cut up for the sugarhouse,hadn't planned on haying taking all frickin summer again!

08-13-2011, 07:36 AM
while the boys are a building, you outta be tending to other thangs..:lol:

BOYS BUILDING????? I am the gopher for cryin' out loud, stainer, babysitter for the grandbabes too, not sitting around eating bon-bons~!!!

08-15-2011, 06:32 PM
BOYS BUILDING????? I am the gopher for cryin' out loud, stainer, babysitter for the grandbabes too, not sitting around eating bon-bons~!!!

I am sure you have your hands in the fire, was meaning cutting and splitting that wood!

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-15-2011, 06:52 PM
damit ADK dont get me all nerved up still along ways away

08-15-2011, 07:48 PM
I hear you there, but ****, so much to do! Hope that contractor comes through for me with the coupola..IF that gets done, then things will come together nicely