View Full Version : August Journal

Dennis H.
08-01-2011, 07:53 AM
Come on guys this will make it two months in a row that I got to start a new monthly Journal.

Haynes Forest Products
08-01-2011, 08:23 AM
And thts all you come up with to say. Man if I were ever so lucky as to be the first person to have such a resposability I would have said something profound;)

Dennis H.
08-01-2011, 01:34 PM
I know, I know, I am not worthy Haynes. Please for give me.
I will return to the corner of the trader and assume the fetal postion!!:lol:

08-01-2011, 06:55 PM
Sapwood all split!

08-01-2011, 07:38 PM
wood all done now working on 14x22 addition to sugarhouse

08-01-2011, 08:21 PM
Well today was a monday for sure.Actually cut wood all weekend and got maybe a cord or 2 of logs dug out of the mess out back. I need 10 full cords for the winter at least and will be at it for a while. At work today I tried very hard to do a Haynes and break my little finger. Now I can't hit pigs with it for a while. never thought it was important till you break it.
Now to survive two weeks so I can cut wood again for two days.

maple flats
08-01-2011, 08:36 PM
I finally got into my new woods today. We cut a roadway for a tank to be carried in by a LARGE tractor or Payloader. Then we installed about 800' of support wire. Tomorrow we hang the next 800' and then we start running the 1.5" dry line. After 1600' of that are hung I string 1600' of wire below it and then 1600' of wet line. That is my goal for the next few days. Then I start running the mains, 3500' worth. Want to have that all in before Sept 1, along with a drainage tile about 300' long to drain the cellar I'm building, where my RO addition will set on top. The cellar will be designed to keep cool and an outside hatch will open so I can lower barrels of syrup using my excavator or the bucket loader. I also need to do the cement and block work. And half of the summer is gone already.

08-01-2011, 09:13 PM
Put up a few more laterals tonight, and stole some scrap pieces of counter top from a house my dad is redoing for the base cabinets in the sugar house. Picking up some 18" pipe tomorrow to finish the road to the tank so i can start thinking about setting that. Put the trail cam out in the begining of July and now the wildlife have found it. Figured I'd share the pics. I think my favorite is the bear waiting for the feeder to feed.

08-01-2011, 09:23 PM
IM on the way down wayside chain one up for me will you. lol I am guessing the feeders are not illegal in PA? Its a big no no here. ALl I have on my cameras are about 200 pictures of does and fawns. No bucks till the rut normally at home here and I never had a clue why. Lots of forage little farming around me and the does love the place.

08-01-2011, 09:46 PM
Just have to have the feeders out 30 days before season starts....only one month left for pictures then the feeders are out. I think feeding them is okay as long as you play by the rules. I know people that leave there feeders out all year and shoot smashers every year but where is the satisfaction in that.

Jim Schumacher
08-01-2011, 09:50 PM
I'm starting to walk on my right leg again.. I wish I would have sat still for a few days right after my injury, by now I might be in good shape. The pain is still unbearable in the morning until it is stretched out. I pulled the stitches out the day before last. If any local doctors who know how to install sutures need some maple equipment I think we could work out a great deal. I have a feeling this won't be the last time...

Haynes Forest Products
08-01-2011, 11:43 PM
Hey Jim just google Chainmail and I see a solution to your problem. There is a nice set of pants for $86.66 and I see a little somthing for Angela. The only problem is welding yourself to your work. But you could stick your ground clamp in your pants and just lean up against your work and get welding:o

So Jim do we have any new toys to talk about...........MMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-02-2011, 05:01 AM
some sugaring wood done, garage/sugar house down base for new pad almost done


water lines


floor drain for sugar section

maple flats
08-02-2011, 05:33 AM
I'm starting to walk on my right leg again.. I wish I would have sat still for a few days right after my injury, by now I might be in good shape. The pain is still unbearable in the morning until it is stretched out. I pulled the stitches out the day before last. If any local doctors who know how to install sutures need some maple equipment I think we could work out a great deal. I have a feeling this won't be the last time...

You might be in luck if you can get to central NY soon after the accident. I bought a vacuum pump from a hobby farmer. He had a certified organic dairy AND he made maple syrup. His off farm job, Physician. He lives in Lafayette, NY. You might need a helicopter to get here before you bleed out.
I think maybe a better idea might be lightweight kevlar long pants, long sleve shirt and gloves.

Gary R
08-02-2011, 05:51 AM
Dennis, thanks for keeping us on our toes. I forgot it was August yesterday. Our sugarhouse coming tomorrow! Here's one from our trail camera.

red maples
08-02-2011, 10:37 AM
ARG !!!! you guys and your big deer and good blood lines. we haven't had a good blood line around my woods in years straggly 4/5/6 pointers(2x2's 3x3's for those who look at it that way) although the population seems to be picking up a bit around here though. I have seen a lot more deer around than in past years.

Almost finally done with house wood. need a clean up then onto splitting sap wood 8 cords togo!!!! its all aged very and chunked up just needs to be split!!! then start collecting more!!! :rolleyes: endless job

Maple sales are SO/ SO Hoping that once the cooler weather kicks in sales for the hoilidays will pick up and I can get rid of what I got.

Don't for get Fair season getting underway so get that syrup in to be judged!!!

one more month left before the kids go back to school gonna miss my little guy starts kindergarden 3/4 days though he's been with me since I became a stay at home dad.....

Ordered some more meat birds (15)for the fall they should be here in the next several days.

Rossell's Sugar Camp
08-02-2011, 11:01 AM
Got the posts set and the header up for the new sugar shack.

08-02-2011, 12:02 PM
Nice deer pics boys. I just got my camera out yesterday - hopefully there's a few nice bucks and lots of does around to keep them on the property!

We got the old sap house completely demolished on the weekend. All we need now is a load of stone, some steel and some concrete and we can start building. Hopefully we can get it finished before the snow hits.

08-02-2011, 03:25 PM
No bucks till the rut normally at home here and I never had a clue why.
Do you have nuts tree on your land?? bucks prefer to be at shade under those trees, eating nuts (Bitternut hickory, white oak), than be in clear place.
That was my observation when i lived in St anicet, near Fort Covington NY, and was hunting in Brasher falls..

maple flats
08-02-2011, 06:29 PM
I finished the dry line support wire and strung 1200' of 1.5" tube. Tomorrow I run after some more parts, more tubing and a bunch of errands. Back in the woods Thursday. Hope to get the 1.5" finished, the tie wires on and the support wire for the wet line plus 1400' of 1.25 wet line. Should be finished on Friday. What was originally measured by my dealer as 1600' turned out to be 1400'. He just wanted to sell 200' extra. Then next week I run the 3/4" mains, 3500' worth.
Still looking for a woods tank, prefer SS, 1000 gal or +, prefer a short tank but can use any height. If I don't find what I want, I'll use my 550 plastic and then hunt for a bigger tank for next year. The 550 would be rather small, but I could pump 2 or even 3x if needed in a good run.

red maples
08-02-2011, 07:04 PM
Finished splittin' house wood today.....yeah!!!! And figures went over to a friends house they had a big pine comedown about a month ago. So I went over and cut that up and I'll bring that home tomorrow. andthey had about a cord of hemlock piled up so I'll take that too. The pine is very fresh Hate working with that SO STICKY!!!!

Gotta get my camera out too. but I have been working in the woods they still come through but mainly at night. I have a little cleaning to do but I should be finished so I can let things quiet down alittle.

08-02-2011, 09:31 PM
You guys have some pretty good deer there. Being from Alberta the deer here look like babies.I haven't seen a buck this year yet. Lots of does come right up to the barn to feed.There could be bucks in the bunch but so small I can't see the horns.

08-02-2011, 09:56 PM
Were ready to stud up the walls on our new 24'x16' sugar shack, as soon as my brotherinlaw saws the lumber. Then I need to get the wife cutting and splitting some fire wood for this springs boiling!!

08-02-2011, 10:29 PM
No bucks till the rut normally at home here and I never had a clue why.
Do you have nuts tree on your land?? bucks prefer to be at shade under those trees, eating nuts (Bitternut hickory, white oak), than be in clear place.
That was my observation when i lived in St anicet, near Fort Covington NY, and was hunting in Brasher falls..

Oh heck yeah I got nuts lol. I have managed my woods over the years for deer and maple. I have an mature apple orchard with about 30 trees dropping apples already like mad, lots of red and white oak, some beech etc and wild berries as well. my land is 95% woods and 5% foodpots for deer. Just wierd how it is here but I would rather the bucks not be in there no than not during the hunting season.

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-03-2011, 04:37 AM
Oh heck yeah I got nuts, my land is 95% woods and 5% foodpots.

is that food and pot or food and plot? just wondering:D

08-03-2011, 12:01 PM
is that food and pot or food and plot? just wondering:D

Oooops foodplot.

08-03-2011, 03:17 PM

the deer here look like babies

Not all of them, my 2006 one:
9 pts 210lbs field dress,

08-03-2011, 04:51 PM
Still staring at my sapwood piled up waiting to be stacked!

08-03-2011, 08:17 PM
Boyer still looks like a baby to me.My wife ues those kind of horns for garden decoration.By the way being from out west I call that a 4 point.

08-03-2011, 10:21 PM
Boyer still looks like a baby to me.My wife ues those kind of horns for garden decoration.By the way being from out west I call that a 4 point.

Ken did you take the wrong medicine again this morning? 4 pt? baby? decorations? Your nuts man lol.

08-04-2011, 03:40 PM
Now you know the difference betwen west canadian, and east ones, those west guys whit their little rocky mountains think everything must be gigantic:D

Haynes Forest Products
08-04-2011, 05:57 PM
Isnt Mt Albert the highest peak and isnt it in Colorado?

08-04-2011, 08:07 PM
Isnt Mt Albert the highest peak and isnt it in Colorado?

what do they teach you people in wisconsin? :D mt. McKinley in alaska is the highest peak

08-04-2011, 08:24 PM
and east ones, those west guys whit their little rocky mountains think everything must be gigantic:D

One day they will be wise and know that older is better. ;)

08-04-2011, 08:26 PM
Out west we only count the one side for points. So what you eastern guys call a 8 point is a 4 point. We don't count the brow tine either. The smaller 4 point bucks I have shot my wife uses the antlers for decorations in the flower beds. The good ones stay in side. So far any deer I have seen around here I needed binocs to see if it had horns as they have the ears in the way. By the way it's harder hunting out west as you have to make sure its a white tail first before you shoot.

Soory no drugs today.

Haynes Forest Products
08-04-2011, 08:51 PM
I stand corrected Collins I forgot that the Rockies bent all the way into Alaska:emb: CBYOR was talking about the Rockies so I got caught up in the moment. I will burn the map I have on the wall ASAP.

08-04-2011, 09:52 PM
Haynes you get lost pretty easy don't you.
I love what they call mountains here in Quebec. I was born at a higher elevation then most of them.Mountains for me don't have trees on top of them.

maple flats
08-05-2011, 05:35 AM
Mountains for me have maple tubing to the tip top.
Yesterday I finished the 1.5" dry line, and tied most of it up. Then started hanging wire for 1.25" wet line. Today should finish tying 1.5", finish wire for 1.25" and pull 1400' of 1.25 as well as tie up 1.25 to wire. This is if the 20% chance of rain doesn't hit too hard and I can keep going in the 89 degree high humidity weather. Did I ever mention I like moderately cold weather? The heat really slows me down.
For pulling my tubing I made a wooden spooler that is working great. I made 2 discs 66" diameter, from some poplar I sawed 3/4" thick, 2 layers at 70 degrees angle. Then I mounted 2 pcs of plywood on my 4x8 utility trailer and bolted some HD loops on the top with an open top channel to hold the axle. The spool comes apart by removing 6 wing nuts, I lay it flat, remove the top, set the tubing on the 6 spokes and put the side back on. Tighten the wing nuts, stand the loaded spool up, roll it onto the trailer. Then I roll forward until I can raise the plywood lift arms, engage the axle hold channel. Then I raise the spooler by pulling with 2 ratchet straps pulling rearward until tight against the chain I have installed from the top of the plywood lift arm to the front of the trailer. The axle is an old weight lifting bar, I no longer seem to need to lift weights, I work enough without that. It took longer to describe than it does to do it. Then I face the trailer so the tubing can be pulled straight off the back. Now I just walk. The tubing spooler was designed to fit 1.5" coils, 1.25", 1" and 3/4" just by putting the six spokes in the proper hole for the inside diameter of the coil. Pulling this way I get no built in torque or twisting and it pulls easily. It can be loaded and mounted with 1 person but it is much faster and easier with 2. I made it from 3/4 x 6 rough cut but you could make it from 2 sheets of plywood, like 1/2" and fastened together for each side. If yours need to be as large as mine I think 2 4x8 sheets would still make a side, with the arc making one half at 90 degrees to the other half I think you would still get a full circle, of close enough.
It took me about a day to build but I had to pull 1400' of 1.5", 1400' of 1.25" and 3500' of 3/4" with about 250' of 1" leading to the 3/4" on one main. I never liked pulling from a coil flat on the ground and untwisting as I walked. It seems there is always a torque in the tubing and sometimes the fittings twist away from the desired position with time.

08-05-2011, 05:51 AM
Dave- you have any pictures of your spool unroller?

08-05-2011, 02:37 PM
May be something wrong over here????
I just ordered some stuff for the house to fix a couple windows, I mowed the lawn, I am going to run to town to get propane so we can grill out, I have worked for a month on a Cub Cadet restoration, I started drinking beer once in awhile:). Did you see maple anywhere in there? A little concerned over on this side of the world:)

Haynes Forest Products
08-05-2011, 04:41 PM
I live in Colorado and I did more on maple than you did:) I rebuilt my mower deck after I burned up a bearing and my helper about burned it down with dead grass packed on the spindle. Drank alot off beer so I feel contented

maple flats
08-05-2011, 07:01 PM
Dave- you have any pictures of your spool unroller?

No, but I can get some. This next week I'll take a camera and get some shots. It definately is easiest to mount the spool with 3 but 1 can do it with some struggle, 2 is some better, 3 is easy. After it is mounted all tape holding the pipe must be removed. Then one can pull it out easily. Today we feed 4 coils of 1.25" x 400' out, actually 3 and 180' of #4. It only took about 1 hr for all. I still need to twist tie it up and make the connections but it is there, laying on the ground. Hanging comes on Monday. Tomorrow I need to rewire the trailer I use to haul the quad on and then to pull behind the quad to haul people and supplies. I then mount the spooler and feed the tubing out. Today a wire must have been hanging too low and it got pulled loose and broke. I'll just tip the trailer up on end with my excavator and re-wire. I'm going to try to run it in a conduit for protection.
So far I have only used the spooler for 400' coils of 1.5" & 1.25". Those are done. Next I'll move the spokes in to the smaller diameter set of holes for the 1000' coils of 3/4" and a small coil of 1". That is what I will be feed out. I can however get a pic or 2 of the 1.25" remainder that is left on the coil. I may use that to pump sap to the road. Jury still out on that one. When I am feeding out the 3/4" the spooler will look way oversized, but my design was to have a spooler to unreal every size coil from 3/4" thru 1.5". I seems to work well. The only problem I had was 1 coil of 1.5" had extra tape holding inner windings. I did not see it in time and while pulling the tube the tape stopped it and it kinked. I'll have to see if I need to cut it there and connect with a coupler. After that I checked each coil well while assembling the spooler and i removed all tape. Only 2 out of 8 400' coils had tape in a few rows. Kind of like black poly pipe does using black electrical tape except these had fiberglass tape.

08-05-2011, 09:00 PM
I worked under a maple all evening.Finally got the meat birds outside in a pen. The wild turkeys joined them.
Had two kids stop by tonight riding pedal bikes from Maine to Montreal. Isn't any camp grounds close by so they are sleeping out under a box elder in a tent for the night. Gave them a fire pit and there is lots of wood and a dozen eggs and they are set for the night.

08-05-2011, 10:54 PM
Man I wish I had time for a beer. What a long week. On call 24/7 sunday thru friday at midnight, cut and split 5 cord of wood for the house, made a concrete lawn roller, seeded the foodplot and compacted it with that 22 dollar 400 pound lawn roller I made, struck a deal with Brazil for exporting printing equipment, searched the world over via internet and computer to find equipment for the Brazilians, crunched numbers over and over and over, fixed a printer at SU, sold a paper cutter, sold a coil binding system, working on another deal to sell a 5 color Komori, just need to mow the lawn, weedwack, fence off the foodplot and Im off to Oswego Speedway for the big race of the year where Im going to drink a beer,bs with friends, and hopefully win the 50/50 again. Im tired out.

Gary R
08-06-2011, 06:36 AM
Sugarmaker, if you need a maple fix, just come on down and bring a hammer:D I looked at a 123 Cub last week. I was going to call you be but the guy was asking $500.

Mapleflats, I probably missed your tap numbers somewhere. How many are you going to add? With pipe that size, 1000+? I haven't seen a basement under a sugarhouse, good cool storage! Good to hear things are moving along.

08-06-2011, 11:21 AM
i,am still here and still working hard....uuuuuuuuugggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! :D :lol:


Dennis H.
08-06-2011, 12:32 PM
Gary I will have to venture up your way to get a good look at this new sugarhouse that you got. Made in the fall sometime. Where did you decide to place it? Next to the house?
Once you get the side roof on for wood that will be one sweet setup that you got.

Not much happening down here. I have been cutting up trees at a person from works house. There was about 7 large yard trees that came down around their house back in the spring when a small tornado cam thru.
What a mess. It is very tricky trying to cut them up. Trying to figure out what is leaning on what. But there is a whole lot of fire wood in there. Looks to be about 2-3 cords worth!

Finally getting some much needed rain here. It has been so dry that we haven't needed to mow the yard in over 2 weeks. Not that I am complaning about the mowing.

maple flats
08-06-2011, 04:53 PM
Gary R "Mapleflats, I probably missed your tap numbers somewhere. How many are you going to add? With pipe that size, 1000+? I haven't seen a basement under a sugarhouse, good cool storage! Good to hear things are moving along.[/QUOTE]

I'm adding 700 for 2012, and 7-900 for 2013 and then the bal, between 2400-3000 total on that conductor system for 2014.

Jim Schumacher
08-06-2011, 09:07 PM
Chuck, are you still out there??? Check it out. Buy this and an RO and start taking this thing seriously.... http://appleton.craigslist.org/for/2501448778.html

Josh Nickles
08-06-2011, 09:14 PM
What about you Jim, how is your leg healing? Are you back out in the shop yet?

Haynes Forest Products
08-06-2011, 11:39 PM
Crap Jim why do you do this to me Now I have to work the phones tomarrow and see what is happening. But then $195.00 for woods what is this guy thinking. We all know people in Wisc. cut all the tree down and put up a double wide and refuse to plant any trees or shrubs within 200'. Landscaping in wisconsin is done with boats, trailers, fish shanty's and at least 2 snowmobiles:o

Jim Schumacher
08-07-2011, 12:20 AM
That's true about how some of us decorate. And in Colorado it seems to be Subaru Outbacks with ski racks, Honda hybrids with their MPG displayed with decals in the rear window, and hippies. Lots of hippies.:mrgreen:

Josh. I'm walking again. Can't stand on my tip toes or run yet. I'm back in the shop again. I completed eighteen basic pans since yesterday morning. Thanks

08-07-2011, 10:59 AM
What a long night at the track. Rain delays, wreck festival and just as predicted the dude that was setting himslef of for the perfect handicap spot all year wins the big money lol. Wasnt so lucky for another driver. Worst wreck I have ever seen in person. Very lucky Otto climbed out of this one.
TIme to get back to maple work.

Haynes Forest Products
08-07-2011, 01:13 PM
Jim I have an idea. How about you buy the place set it up all on vacuum and Ill keep an eye on it. Its only about 1 1/2 hr from your house. Ill collect, concentrate and boil it down and filter to drums. You can set up a Research and development center for all the fine equipment you have been making. All you need to do is buy a nice expandable RO that Roth has and I will upgrade my operation to house it:) I have a spare Bedroom that Angela can stay in when your back in Kaukana and I only ask you let us know when your on your way up.......................YOU KNOW just to make sure im home:rolleyes:

08-07-2011, 01:51 PM
Just got back from the lake house on Metonga in Crandon.......lot's of huge smallmouths and maple trees everywhere........I'm thinkin its time to move.

red maples
08-08-2011, 01:04 PM
Just trying to get out and split some wood and we need the rain but make up your mind already sun/rain/sun/rain/sun.... and SUPER HUMID!!!!

Good day to get caught up on maple accounting crap...PITA!!!! hate it!!! but its all caught up hopefully I can keep it that way!!!

08-12-2011, 10:16 AM
for anyone out there in the Quinte region.. sounds like the Squirrel Creek guys will have an evaporator or two on display at the plowing match in Tweed next week. A basic 2X6 for sure and I don't know what else.

08-12-2011, 07:10 PM
this is bad. havent tapped a tree yet and already looking into a vac system. Will definatly install my lats as if I am going to run vac. But I will be in the 10 tap per lat range, cant strice for 5. no more than 10 though or more than 100', most will be less.

Haynes Forest Products
08-12-2011, 09:38 PM
adk1 I dont see any mention on your Bio about an evaporator. Do you really make Maple Syrup. In my neighborhood there is a kid that runs around with a hub cap on his head and a dog leash hanging out his zipper yelling Im going to the moon Im going to the moon. I started to worry so I had his DNA checked against mine and it didnt match. Were you ever in Parker colorado about 7 years ago:o

08-12-2011, 09:49 PM
Moved my evaporator out of the sugar shack and into the shop to do a littlebwork on it and so I can pour concrete. Concrete is getting poured in the next few weeks. Also took care of the groundhog problem under the sugar shack. One decided the sand under it was easy digging so he had to be "relocated" so my concrete doesn't crack. Also went through my woods and put flagging tape on the stuff I need to fix. 3 laterals are destroyed the rest are untouched. Way too much to do before the season!

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-13-2011, 07:09 AM

pad is all set waiting for contractor

08-13-2011, 07:22 AM
Did you bury the dog by chance.First picture without it.I have been trying to build a shed all summer.First I lost use of my right hand and arm for a couple of months and then this last week broke my left hand little finger. Going to have to become a welder.
Today I am going to cut wood all day or until I tire out.Have 1 cord of 10 cut so far.With a 4'11 helper it's a slow go of it until I start to haul it in to the house as that goies pretty fast if the grounds dry.
I loose sunday this week as I have to be in class all day to learn how to hunt in Quebec.

08-13-2011, 07:32 AM
The wife is progressing well on our new sugar shack, next she needs the lumber for the studs, rafters, walls, stone for the floor etc. And I need more coffee, it's a lot of work keeping the wife busy, taking pics and drinking coffee :)

Haynes Forest Products
08-13-2011, 08:03 AM
Becareful she could sell the evap and put up a swing set at this point if you ride her to hard:)

08-13-2011, 08:22 PM
Got the sugarshack cleaned out and the floor compacted. Plus got some wood split. Not much about 1/3 of a cord. I already had 2 cord done. I want 2-3 more cord done for the season.

shane hickey
08-13-2011, 11:18 PM
Hey maple traders haven't been on in awhile but, always busy doing something all done burning wood. I switched over to natural gas sold 1 of my evaporators so now down to 2. Just keeping eyes and ears open for more taps. Shane

maple flats
08-14-2011, 02:28 PM
On Friday I finished tying the 1.25" wet line to the support wire, Then we strung 200' of 1" and 2000' of 3/4", in 2 long runs. This week, when I dries back up I'll string the last 1500' of 3/4. Then I move to the sugarhouse addition. Must finish digging the draintile trench, about 200' more to go. If it weren't for major roots and stumps my little excavator would be done in short order, BUT. Then remove 2 good size trees and 1 smaller one, did the cellar, I perimeter tile the new foundation and start concrete work. I have a mason friend I'll hire to do it and move the 10.5 ft square insulated shed onto the cellar (he also moves houses) Lots to do yet. In Sept I'll string up the 10,000' or so of laterals. Want to have it up before gun season arrives.
I also want to build a roof over my tank and pump at my 1st bush. The tank is lee of a long open field and gets buried completely with drifting snow. I plan to put out a snow fence and then the roof so I might not need to shovel the tank out so much. A few times last year I had to shovel a path. When I went to check out the tank all I could see was one pipe coming out the top, and my tank sets 6+ high with a 30" high moisture trap on top, but it sets in an old cellar hole about 5' down. The top 6-8" of the trap was all I could see.

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-16-2011, 06:51 PM
floor drains set




hopefully concrete by weekend

Randy Brutkoski
08-16-2011, 07:34 PM
Are you sure everything is lined up right, because there seems to be an awfull lot of beer cans in the trash can.

08-16-2011, 07:47 PM
And the drains are proof that there was too much drinking going on. Line them up man. LOL But then what would you expect from a flatlander.

Haynes Forest Products
08-16-2011, 07:49 PM
What are the 6 tubes in the gravel field For secreting the cement, electric or urinals:lol:

08-16-2011, 08:00 PM
you better keep a building that puppy! get r done, wont be long before steam time....who the hell and I kidding, the winters around here make summers fell like a long weekend for christ sakes.

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-16-2011, 08:45 PM
the front one in car garage part wont ever see it once wall goes up, hey I'm an electrician not a plumber. If you saw the site it was almost impossible to put string lines up. dirt mounds excavator equip. hey when ever you do some thing with sugaring you have to drink, come on Randy thought I taught you better. Hey Randy where the pic of the little one?

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-16-2011, 08:49 PM
What are the 6 tubes in the gravel field For secreting the cement, electric or urinals:lol:

tie bars for the re-rod,

your just jealouse 802

08-16-2011, 09:15 PM
Car garage in a sugarhouse????????? Man your priorities are all messed up lol.

08-16-2011, 10:39 PM
he need a place to put the Grand cherokee sap hauler:lol:

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-17-2011, 04:39 AM
Car garage in a sugarhouse????????? Man your priorities are all messed up lol.

one thing at a time 3rdgen

Randy Brutkoski
08-17-2011, 05:02 AM
On a different note, Mike C. was seen riding that little mopad to work the other day, I guess he just wants to save on gas. Thats a long ride from Orwell to Rutland. And yes i do have a new addition to my work force, He turns 3 weeks old today. His name is Adam.

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-17-2011, 05:48 AM
On a different note, Mike C. was seen riding that little mopad to work the other day, I guess he just wants to save on gas. Thats a long ride from Orwell to Rutland. And yes i do have a new addition to my work force, He turns 3 weeks old today. His name is Adam.

well need pic of your holding him, I will come up take pic if needed and since it is realated to sugaring I will have to bring some beer.

maple flats
08-17-2011, 06:28 AM
Going back to the woods today. Should finish running the last 1500' of mains. I'll then put out the laterals in Sept and early Oct, to be before deer season. Yesterday I dug another 175' +/- of drain trench towards my new addition. After I finish the mains my next task is to remove some trees and stumps where the addition will go. Then I'll dig the last 75' or so to the addition location. At that time I will have determined the cellar depth and will dig the cellar and start forming the footing. Once ready I am having my buddy do the concrete work and cellar. He is good and fast. He puts in about 35-45 cellars every year sub contracting to the biggest new home contractor in the area. As soon as I get details I'll call him. He has run my evaporator several times in the past, while I had to go drive school bus.

08-17-2011, 07:05 AM
Car garage in a sugarhouse????????? Man your priorities are all messed up lol.

I used to have a garage also LOL Not even sure we will have one car under cover this winter let alone two!

08-17-2011, 07:25 PM
tie bars for the re-rod,

your just jealouse 802

Jealous of what, crooked drains. I know it now and if I come down your way I will remind you. hehehehe

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-17-2011, 08:11 PM
crooked or not my sugar house will pass inspection if they ever start to enforce it.:D

Haynes Forest Products
08-17-2011, 09:26 PM
Are we going to tell him they are higher than the forming:o

08-18-2011, 05:58 PM
Got all the buckets, lids, barrels, and hoses cleaned today. I like doing it in August much better than January! No more procrastinating for me. It was almost enjoyable.



08-18-2011, 08:02 PM
Lets see.....cutting wood wood and more wood. Thats about it.


08-19-2011, 09:59 AM
Well we just made a serious change to the Dill farm this morning. After 3 years of talking with the current owner we just signed a P&S on the new farm in Deerfield.
128 acres, big old house and barn. They used to have a 1000+ taps, before the ice storms, tornado and salvage logging. Not sure how many we can get now.
In fact the big evap at the deerfield fair is from this farm.
So anyone need a log cabin and a sugar house?

Gary R
08-19-2011, 12:05 PM
Congratulations, now that's the way to expand, just buy the whole farm:)

08-19-2011, 04:37 PM
Did you get your evaporator yet? I got a call from Ray that my steamhood and preheater from A&A was done but I havent picked it up yet.

08-19-2011, 08:11 PM
Lots of maple stuff this week getting entries ready for the Crawford County Fair competition. Light, Med, and Dark syrup, checked for density color, flavor, and repackaged,
Made candy, cream and crumb.
BTW the rebuilt cream machine worked great! Those new stainless gears are the ticket! Thanks Daryl.
Gary maybe I will see you at the entry booth?
Good luck to those that enter!

08-19-2011, 09:27 PM
ANy locals heading to Boonville tomarrow for the woodsmans field days? I totally forgot about it until I just seen the commercial on tv. It a great place to get some good deals on saws and accesories or heck anything related to wood. Guess Im getting up early.

Gary R
08-20-2011, 07:00 AM
Sugarmaker, where have you been? Riding cubs?:) I think I've retired from the fair stuff. I didn't make any syrup this year worthy of entering anyways. I would like to stop in and see how everyone did.

Heus, you lucky dog! No word yet from A&A. He has a long way to walk to get to the phone. I'm hoping soon, because I'm ready!

08-20-2011, 05:47 PM
Just got the woodshed cleaned out...How does all that stuff whind up in there? Time to start filling it! (well, should have had it full by the 4th of july but...) Only 34 cords to go...GOTIME just around the corner!!

08-20-2011, 11:47 PM
Parker only 34 cords to go? I sure hope your talking face cords for your sake. Right now between the house and sugarhouse wood I have 17 full cords put up and only 10 to go. 3 more for sugarhouse for the extra comfort level and 7 more for the house. Off to the woodsmans field days in the morning to stock up on chains, oil, files and whatever else I can carry back to the truck. Was pretty much worthless last week as I pulled out my back and wouldnt you know it I took a few days off work to finish up the wood and threw it out on the first peice of wood I split.

Thad Blaisdell
08-21-2011, 01:51 AM
Just got the woodshed cleaned out...How does all that stuff whind up in there? Time to start filling it! (well, should have had it full by the 4th of july but...) Only 34 cords to go...GOTIME just around the corner!!

You need to get that RO tuned in. Run correctly you should only need 1 cord per 100 gallons of syrup. 34 cords = 3400 gallons of syrup..... with 3500 taps you should only need 18-20 cords.

08-21-2011, 05:55 AM
Thad- my R.O. is a littel diffrent than yours....it will double the sugar in one pass...I get alot of 1% sap later in the season when the weather warms up and dont like to endlessly recirculate (and heat up) the sap...I like to start boiling when I hit 5%...I dont think I will need a full woodshed but would like to have it full...never know what the season will bring...and it would not be bad to have a littel left over for the following year...and yes,,I mean full cords...no rest for the wicked :)

08-21-2011, 07:37 AM
Yesterday I took Sugermaker for a walk with me at our county fair and checked out some sheds. We decided which one would work best for my operation. I went back and purchaced a 12 X 16 high wall with a loft. Word traveled fast as several hours passed and some members of our assoc. that I saw had already heard. I get it next week. The new 2 X 6 should be here in a couple of weeks.

Thad Blaisdell
08-21-2011, 08:41 AM

I would be asleep at the wheel if someone told me that I had to boil 5% sap. I am going to be at a minimum of 16% this year, higher if possible. Hoping to get down under .4 gal of oil to make a gallon of syrup.


Haynes Forest Products
08-21-2011, 10:59 AM
So what do you do at 2%...................I tend to do a lot of multi tasking:o I do try to squeeze in a nap now and then.............BUT with all the buzzers and noises its like trying to go back to sleep with a barking dog next door.

Thad Blaisdell
08-21-2011, 11:43 AM
With 2% I run it through the RO and make the magic happen......presto 16%

08-21-2011, 01:48 PM
Thad- my R.O. is a littel diffrent than yours....it will double the sugar in one pass...I get alot of 1% sap later in the season when the weather warms up and dont like to endlessly recirculate (and heat up) the sap...I like to start boiling when I hit 5%...I dont think I will need a full woodshed but would like to have it full...never know what the season will bring...and it would not be bad to have a littel left over for the following year...and yes,,I mean full cords...no rest for the wicked :)

What do you have for an RO. Mine is a 1986 and with xle membranes I can do 10% with no problem and have gone to 12%. With the nf90 membranes, that were in it when I got it, it would just about triple sugar without heating too much. Now not a problem.

08-21-2011, 04:19 PM
My eyes must be pretty close to square after staring at my computer so much this weekend. It's been a year now since Trader has had a decent classified section and with no rumors of one ever coming I decided to burn up the midnight hours and git 'er done myself. I should have a full featured classifieds online for September 1st for those that want to use it.

Won another first and a third at the Vankleek Hill fair this weekend as well. For my first year entering competitions I feel good that I'm on the right track with my syrup production.

08-21-2011, 05:36 PM
Congrats on the award Bryan! Way to go.

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-21-2011, 06:24 PM
Awesome Bryan the classifieds will take off

Gary R
08-22-2011, 06:23 AM
Congrats Daryl! We went in it on our way out of the fair. Time to get your site ready:)

08-22-2011, 07:07 AM

My eyes must be pretty close to square after staring at my computer so much this weekend. It's been a year now since Trader has had a decent classified section and with no rumors of one ever coming I decided to burn up the midnight hours and git 'er done myself. I should have a full featured classifieds online for September 1st for those that want to use it.

Won another first and a third at the Vankleek Hill fair this weekend as well. For my first year entering competitions I feel good that I'm on the right track with my syrup production.

Cant wait, the first thing i look at on trader is the classifieds and after not being logged on for one day the first page is already full. I cant imagine what it would look like after a week or so. Thanks again Byran for all you have done to keep this site going.

08-22-2011, 01:07 PM
Hit the Hasting plowing match and checked out the 2X6 classic from waterloo... nice looking little rig... would sure be a great addition to the family....

Now just to figure out where the money would come from...

I did sell about 20 liters of syrup this weeekend but think that leaves me a bit short...

I think I enjoy bottling syrup more in the spring... man it's hard to fill a bottle properly when you are getting attacked by a thousand mosquitos at 10 oclock at night in August.... have to put a screen on the cupoula if this is a normal event

Started cutting up the slapwood and getting it piled up

red maples
08-22-2011, 03:31 PM
I have to say I hate splitting sap wood!!! Its for a 2x6 so its gotta be split pretty small but its just taking forever. the house wood goes fast beacuse its not split so small!!!! but its getting there!!!! :rolleyes:

Just ordered about $300 worth of stuff from bascom's I needed 1pound honey jars to enter honey in the fairs but I can't find a bee place thats sell glass honey jars....go figure. So I figured I'd get my coloring books for next maple weekend, my new CV's spouts for next season, and some little odds and ends stuff.....adds up quick!!!!:( but excited I am getting some maple stuff:D

Maple sales seem to be picking up a bit in the past week. I am gonna stick a sign on the adjoining road I think maybe drum up a bit more business.

couple other things...got my ground hog that was destroying the garden!!! Finally he took a little while to get but he couldn't resist the apples!!

Should be able to take off some more honey in the next week or 2. That is selling like crazy!!! Especially since the press release about chinese nasty cheap honey is being smuggled into country.

08-22-2011, 04:08 PM
A blonde & her husband are lying in bed
listening to the next door neighbor's dog..

It has been in the backyard barking for hours & hours. The blonde jumps up out of bed and says, "I've had enough of this".
She goes downstairs.

The blonde finally comes back up to bed and her husband says, "The dog is still barking, what have you been doing?"

The blonde says, "I put the dog in our backyard,
let's see how THEY like it!"

08-22-2011, 05:25 PM
Cant wait, the first thing i look at on trader is the classifieds and after not being logged on for one day the first page is already full. I cant imagine what it would look like after a week or so.
The thing I'm finding is the "New Posts" link is next to useless anymore because it's all replies to ads asking "Where are you located?" or "Is it still for sale?". I'll be in touch with you and a couple of other folks to help test things out by the weekend with official launch set for Sept. 1.

Thanks again Byran for all you have done to keep this site going.
That's a little overstated I think as I haven't done much other than participate just like most of the other regulars. It's Jim (mapleman3) that deserves the credit for running things the past 10 years even though it wasn't his web site. Without his countless hours Trader wouldn't be where it is now but I also feel the site needs to move to the next level in order to continue serving the maple industry as it has in the past. We'll see I guess. My hope is that the classifieds will be liked and eventually end up here on Trader rather than a different domain name or even better yet, the same classifieds on both domains.

08-22-2011, 06:16 PM
[QUOTE=red maples;160925]I have to say I hate splitting sap wood!!!

Red Maples I hear ya. Takes 3 times as long due to the small diameter needed.

08-22-2011, 06:25 PM
[QUOTE=red maples;160925]I have to say I hate splitting sap wood!!!

Red Maples I hear ya. Takes 3 times as long due to the small diameter needed.

I SOOOO must be a "NEWBIE" I still love to split sapwood!:D

08-22-2011, 06:28 PM
I hear yeah, I dont mind it. I think I have enough, but I am sure I dont! This weekend I get serious on cleaning out the garage and turning it into something. Also hope to clear the path for the mainline and flag that. Need to get some more pallets and stack the sapwood at the bac kof the garage/sugarhouse. OF course I have a bunch of other things to do around the house thrown in there.

red maples
08-23-2011, 10:24 AM

I SOOOO must be a "NEWBIE" I still love to split sapwood!:D

Its not that I don't like it...I enjoy splitting its kinda mindless so you can think about what your gonna do during your next maple season. I just finished my 4 th cord (full cord) and I know I still have 6 more togo. Doing 10 cords this year because I thought 6 was enough for last year and ran out!!! Without forced air if your wood is fresh split it doesn't burn hot enough!!

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-23-2011, 04:30 PM
Concrete Tomorrow crooked drains and all think ill call them beanie drains:lol:

08-23-2011, 08:54 PM

Its not that I don't like it...I enjoy splitting its kinda mindless so you can think about what your gonna do during your next maple season. I just finished my 4 th cord (full cord) and I know I still have 6 more togo. Doing 10 cords this year because I thought 6 was enough for last year and ran out!!! Without forced air if your wood is fresh split it doesn't burn hot enough!!

Yeah well thats a great thought Red. Last year I think I had 6 full cords for sap wood and with the low sugar content I needed 10. So now I will go into 2012 with 12 full cords and how much you want to bet I will need 14. Sap wood is like taps you do not ever have enough of either one lol.

08-23-2011, 08:57 PM
[QUOTE=red maples;160969]

Yeah well thats a great thought Red. Last year I think I had 6 full cords for sap wood and with the low sugar content I needed 10. So now I will go into 2012 with 12 full cords and how much you want to bet I will need 14. Sap wood is like taps you do not ever have enough of either one lol.

UH OH:o I'd better get to that woodpile!

08-23-2011, 11:26 PM
well its August and i finally got all my wood split for the sugarhouse! little late but it will have to do. added on the wood shed. Going to back to school SOON! Last year of school for me. hope to get into the woods soon and do some tubing. hope everyone is doing good.


red maples
08-24-2011, 06:30 AM
Hey Nate...Good to hear from you!!! Yeah I like to have my sap wood done a little earlier than this give it a chance to dry out a little more before it freezes but I got behind with this busy summer. Good luck for your senior year enjoy it. Make sure you get out of the woods once in while aand hang out with your friends everybody seems to always separate after graduation!!!

08-24-2011, 07:09 AM
nate- im headed into my last year as well. thankfully, a lot of my friends will probably attend the same college as me. not too much maple in the summer for me, except i might go see the state producers at the state fair. back to school after that! :cry:

08-24-2011, 12:00 PM
Truly a sad day at Mayerl's Maple Syrup................not only did I forget to send in my entry forms for the fair, I am bottling the last 8 gallons of bulk and most is spoken for already:(. I had high hopes to have product availible thought the holidays but I proved that selling syrup cheap is not nessicary. I am 15% higher than alot of people around here but I also think I have higher standards after visiting a few sugar shacks. IS IT SPRING YET!

Jim Schumacher
08-25-2011, 08:54 AM
Truly a sad day at Mayerl's Maple Syrup................not only did I forget to send in my entry forms for the fair, I am bottling the last 8 gallons of bulk and most is spoken for already:(. I had high hopes to have product availible thought the holidays but I proved that selling syrup cheap is not nessicary. I am 15% higher than alot of people around here but I also think I have higher standards after visiting a few sugar shacks. IS IT SPRING YET!

Jeff, stop over and pick up some syrup. I have been able to put little time into syrup marketing. I had a bumper crop last year and still have at least 100 gallons. It is prefiltered. I will end up bulk selling a lot of it anyway.

Dennis H.
08-25-2011, 07:12 PM
I finally got a day that could devote to all syrup stuff!!

I now have the rest of my syrup bottled up and ready to sell. All 5 gals worth. I still have about 3 gals of grade B. I will only bottle that up if someone asks for it, otherwise it is all mine.

I also got most of the new setup I wanted to do with one of my Bender releasers. Trying to get ride of the mainline that goes from the woodline to the back of the sugarshack. I can just get under it with my Kubota RTV.

08-25-2011, 07:35 PM
Got most of the wood for next year cut from the oaks my father had taken down in his yard. I still need to chop a bit more before I'm satisfied.

Unfortunately I'll probably be moving before next spring, which means I'll have to find new trees. Its still going to be in the same general area so I'm looking into different places I could use trees from. Due to uncertainties as to where I'll be come next seasons I probably won't be doing more taps like I planned, but you never know.

08-25-2011, 08:23 PM
Been doing some woods work the last few days. Giving my back a break from all the wood cutting. Official count in the new sugar bush is 465 and still going up. I think I'll be able to break 500 and that's where I will call it quits for new taps this year....750 total for next year. Try to keep with the goal of tripling my production every year. Two days left till back to school and then everything comes to almost a complete stop.


08-26-2011, 08:32 AM
Well, my plan of working in the woods on Sat is now getting ready for the potential of up to 12" of rain and 100MPH winds on Sunday. Will need the day on sat just to prepare my house and my parents. Never unds

red maples
08-26-2011, 09:04 AM
Well, my plan of working in the woods on Sat is now getting ready for the potential of up to 12" of rain and 100MPH winds on Sunday. Will need the day on sat just to prepare my house and my parents. Never unds

Thats what I am doing today. Not worried as much about the wind as I am about the Rain 4" to 10" rain in less than 12 hrs. I will be flooded for sure. At least there are no beavers to plug up the culverts this time!!!!

08-29-2011, 12:16 PM
We got a pile of work done in the bush on the weekend. The logging truck of maple and oak logs is cut to length and ready to split and stack on pallets. We cut up 6 trees that were down in the bush - some is evaporator wood but the really big stuff will be firewood for Mom's house. The downed trees damaged some mainlines and laterals, which we fixed.

One tree came down over the mainline right at the tank house. It took the mainline to the ground but luckily it didn't break the window or damage the building at all. This worried me so now the boss is supposed to be checking with our insurance agent to see if we're covered should the building and/or tanks and releaser get destroyed!

08-29-2011, 01:48 PM
Started stacking my sapwood!

maple flats
08-29-2011, 04:41 PM
Went to continue digging the cellar for my addition. Far too wet. Maybe tomorrow, time will tell. The trench from the cellar location to it's outlet 300' away did ok but I would have had some cave ins if we had more rain I think. I did fine tune the trench with a shovel in a few spots but only a little tweaking was needed. All in all a fairly good job for a self taught excavator operator with only a few hrs experience. I do have a slope capable laser and a receiver that mounts via super magnet to the dipper on the excavator which I know helped a lot.
After doing the trench bottom I checked the batteries on my solar system and added a little water as needed, (normal maintenance).

08-29-2011, 10:48 PM
Well I had a rather fun day, okay not really. I managed to somehow grenade the hydraulic valve on my 3pt hitch woodsplitter, after much messing around with it and some welding I got it to work for all of about 30 minutes before it grenaded again. Ran over to my brothers and sort of stole his woodsplitter that he hasnt used in a few years. Dont tell him Okay lol. Brought it home changed the oil in it, replaced the hydraulic oil and filter, wasnt sure last time it ran so thought I would give it a little tlc first. Started splitting away and was rather impressed how fast it splits for an old dog then wham after an awful grinding noise it just quit pumping the oil to the cylinder. Ripped out the lovejoy couplings on it. So after tearing it apart and ordering all the parts for both splitters I took the valve off my brothers splitter and put it on mine. All day for a measly 3/4 of a full cord of wood. I just should have drank all day instead.

08-30-2011, 05:17 AM
Too wet to log yesterday so Ray, Paul and I worked up sugar wood,,put in a good long day,,Think we now have around 20 cords cut to length and quarterd, ready to split,,,still a ways to go but getting there...once the shed is full I want to build a tank room off the end of the sugarhouse and elimenate the frozen in lines and overheating sap issues I have with the current tank configuuration...