View Full Version : Invertase Enzyme Q
07-25-2011, 08:16 AM
I'd like to heat 20 gallons of grade B syrup to 242F and not worry about it turning to sugar on me during storage. My question is, how much Invertase do I need to add to 20 gallons, and do I add it a couple days before I boil it to 242F?
07-25-2011, 08:23 PM
It won't be sugar but it will be so thick you could walk on it at that temp. Taffy is only heated to 235 and your going 7 degrees more.The directions say to add 24 hours before.
07-25-2011, 10:01 PM
How much enzyme per gallon? Any hard fast rules?
07-25-2011, 11:18 PM
Can I ask what you are trying to do by adding the invertase and boiling that high of a temp for storage? Curious.
07-26-2011, 05:59 PM
Can I ask what you are trying to do by adding the invertase and boiling that high of a temp for storage? Curious.
Invertase will convert some of the sucrose to invert sugar....glucose and fructose. Those forms are much less likely to form crystals. It is sometimes added to syrup when making cream to prevent large crystal formation.
In doing so it'll also alter the flavor profile.
The process described sounds a lot like that used to make the "Extra Thick" syrup that caused such a fuss a few years ago.
Using invertase is illegal to use in some areas. Definitely is in Vermont.
07-26-2011, 09:42 PM
Thanks Doc. When I first red this post Adulteration came to mind and I was under the assumption it was illegal.
07-27-2011, 09:58 PM
Gents, I'm cooking with it. The recipe calls for thick syrup. I'd like to store it ready-to-go without it becoming a brick.
07-28-2011, 06:07 AM
Gents, I'm cooking with it. The recipe calls for thick syrup. I'd like to store it ready-to-go without it becoming a brick.
Depending upon what type of recipe and product you're making, it might not turn out right if you use invertase. The properties of sucrose and of invert sugar are VERY different. Sucrose will somewhat brown and crystallize at certain temperatures. Invert sugar is quite resistant to crystallization and browns very strongly. I'd try a small batch made with invert sugar to make sure it was going to work correctly before I converted a large amount (20 gal). Once can't go back.
07-28-2011, 06:37 AM
Good point. Real good point. I made an assumption that the physical property changed, not the maple flavor. The current flavor is selling the product, I can't afford a change. I'm trying to reduce prep time.
07-28-2011, 01:48 PM
Good point. Real good point. I made an assumption that the physical property changed, not the maple flavor. The current flavor is selling the product, I can't afford a change. I'm trying to reduce prep time.
Inverted sugar syrup (even though made from maple syrup and still mostly sucrose) will have a much stronger caramel taste compared to the original syrup it was made from. It will be a tad bit sweeter tasting as well.
07-28-2011, 08:51 PM
I checked the stuff today and it says to put 3 oz to 100 pounds of syrup and wait two weeks for it to change the sugars.If you boil to soon it will kill the enzymes off it says.Now a different brand of enzyme might work quicker. This is from D&G.
07-29-2011, 06:44 AM
If you want to invert the syrup 100%, use about 1/4 cup of invertase and keep the syrup warm 75 - 80 degrees for about a week. It will change the flavor, it will become sweeter and more of a honey flavor. Do not let it get over 150 degrees in the week or it will kill the invertase
07-29-2011, 01:46 PM
If you want to invert the syrup 100%, use about 1/4 cup of invertase and keep the syrup warm 75 - 80 degrees for about a week. It will change the flavor, it will become sweeter and more of a honey flavor. Do not let it get over 150 degrees in the week or it will kill the invertase
A 1/4 cup invertase per what volume of syrup? Also, letting syrup sit around at that temp, wouldn't be asking for some fermentation or mold?
07-29-2011, 04:54 PM
sorry, 1/4 cup for the drum you wanted to invert. we have never had a problem with it formenting in the week it needs to invert, After inverted it needs to be kept in a cooler. The other way to speed the process up is after adding the invertase hold it at 100 to 125 not over 150 for 24 hours. Over 150 will kill the invertase.
07-30-2011, 06:54 AM
sorry, 1/4 cup for the drum you wanted to invert. we have never had a problem with it formenting in the week it needs to invert, After inverted it needs to be kept in a cooler. The other way to speed the process up is after adding the invertase hold it at 100 to 125 not over 150 for 24 hours. Over 150 will kill the invertase.
Just to reiterate, this process is illegal in some areas, including Vermont.
07-30-2011, 07:22 AM
Is it illegal to do, or is it illegal to then call the product maple syrup or maple cream? If you invert pure maple syrup, then use it in cooking and list the ingrediant as marsh #1 which is made from pure maple syrup and invertase is that illegal?
07-30-2011, 09:19 PM
Is it illegal to do, or is it illegal to then call the product maple syrup or maple cream? If you invert pure maple syrup, then use it in cooking and list the ingrediant as marsh #1 which is made from pure maple syrup and invertase is that illegal?
You'd have to check the regulations in your area. It is not illegal to use invertase in maple cream in NY. It is in VT.
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