View Full Version : untapped wilderness in the adirondacks

07-18-2011, 09:00 PM
i just spent the last 4 days in saint regis falls in the adirondacks.we rode around the santa clara tract and i couldnt help to notice thousands of huge untapped sugar maples.its kind of a shame that thousands of gallons of sap just sit in new york untouched,i seen 1 maple like 5 miles back in the woods on a 4wheeler trail that still had spouts and rusted out partial buckets hanging on it.i wondered how long ago they were hung and lost or forgotten about.talked to a few locals about the maple industry and they said back 10-15yrs every old timer tapped heavy in the area but as they passed the tapping passed also.

07-18-2011, 09:02 PM
I hear you there. Cant do it on Wild Forest or Wilderness or Canoe Areas.. I live in the southern adirondacks and druel when I am i nthe woods hunting in the many mountainside of maples I walk through.

07-18-2011, 09:24 PM
Dont fret it big ny push on maple syrup coming your way.

07-19-2011, 08:21 AM
hope so, but there is no way how that the Legeslation will ever change for those types of areas. That would take an amendment to the Constitution! Which is primarily driven by the downstaters (South of Interstate 90).

07-19-2011, 01:41 PM
in my opinion it,s a shame how new york state takes care of there woods period..weather,it,s not tapping there maples,thinning the woods or cleaning up blowdown,ect,ect,ect..if i owned the land that they do and it looked like it does i,de be ashamed of myself.
we keep hearing how hard up new york state is...well,first off stop wasting money..then MANAGE!! the forest and start making money off it.
i can take u for a walk in the forest that ny owns and in one day show u enough blowdown timber that has NEVER!! been picked up to settle the debt in ny state...and it,s all in areas that has been logged in the past..before ny state got it...so,why try saying it,s wilderness and not manage it for timber??


07-19-2011, 06:47 PM
OMG , there are millions of Gallons of Syrup not being made in the Adirondack Park alone ! The Buzz words are Forever Wild . The Tree Huggers think they are helping to Conserve wildlife . They don't have a clue that animals can't live in a Mature forest , as there is nothing for them to eat there . The Park is 3 million Acres more or less of mature Forest . aside from some private land mixed in here and there , the forest is pretty much left alone to grow and die . What a waste of a resource ! There used to be some huge Sugaring operations in the Adirondacks , one even had it's own Railroad !

maple flats
07-20-2011, 05:45 AM
There has been talk from Senator Schumer (Fed) and others (in the state gov't) to push for opening the Park to tapping. Hopefully I live long enough to see it. Today's financial crisis in the state might help move the initiative faster. I don't like many things Schumer does but this one is GOOD. His 2nd ammendment ideas are a disaster for any gun owners (the legal ones that is). His view only helps the criminals.

07-20-2011, 06:40 AM
You may wish to contact Betty Little (NY Senator for Northeastern NY) she is very pro Adirondack business development. Her district compromises Warren, Washington, Clinton, Essex counties. To name a few.

07-20-2011, 09:44 AM
the problem is that truthfully, the ADK Park is controlled by NYC and not the folks who try to scrape out a living. ITs a park for the entire population of the State of NY. Beleive me, the state could really put a huge dent in their defecit if they were to allow selective harvesting. You should see the Cherry that I bet is vaneer all over hte place. huge.

07-20-2011, 12:55 PM
There has been talk from Senator Schumer (Fed) and others (in the state gov't) to push for opening the Park to tapping. Hopefully I live long enough to see it. Today's financial crisis in the state might help move the initiative faster. I don't like many things Schumer does but this one is GOOD. His 2nd ammendment ideas are a disaster for any gun owners (the legal ones that is). His view only helps the criminals.

Yeah dont count on anything Schumer does is good. He is out to line his pockets and is the big pusher behind the catskills tapping project. If this ever happens it will not go undone without red tape and a taxable income from doing it. I have contacted the state DEC many times in the past about tapping trees on state land and the guy on the phone specifically told me it would be easier for me to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. I asked him to put that in writting he said no lol.

07-20-2011, 01:01 PM
the problem is that truthfully, the ADK Park is controlled by NYC and not the folks who try to scrape out a living. ITs a park for the entire population of the State of NY. Beleive me, the state could really put a huge dent in their defecit if they were to allow selective harvesting. You should see the Cherry that I bet is vaneer all over hte place. huge.

My bowhunting camp in southern ier is surrounded on 3 sides by state land and they selective cut it a couple times over the years. It is a sad waste to see that all they do is drop big big mature trees and let them rot. The potential income on just state land alone is huge and its not deemed forever wild. I was told by the guys cutting that they have to leave it because the state deemed it a vaulable ground cover for wildlife and the insects blah blah blah Im all for wildlife aid but come on theres millions of dollars of loss lumber and firewood rotting away. Heck they could leave the firewood logs and just take the lumber logs. Not to mention what a friggin mess it leaves.

220 maple
07-20-2011, 02:03 PM
There are a couple producers on this site who get to tap some National Forest land. I have a friend I work with who approached the Forest Ranger Headquarters for the Geo. Washington National Forest and was told by them that it was not possible to use the National Forest for Maple Syrup Production. I believe he could have forced the issue, however I suspect they would have countered with it should not be allowed in any National Forest which could have caused problems for the one that have the privledge now. Maybe with a push in other states it may open up are Forests. There is a lot of Sugars in the National Forests of Virginia and West Virginia.

Mark 220 Maple

maple flats
07-20-2011, 06:14 PM
This is almost along the same vein as drilling for oil. Our country would rather send all of our money to the mid east than allow much oil drilling. In the gulf they stopped our companies from drilling and then signed a deal for a south american company to drill in the gulf (Venezuela?)

07-20-2011, 06:34 PM
This is almost along the same vein as drilling for oil. Our country would rather send all of our money to the mid east than allow much oil drilling. In the gulf they stopped our companies from drilling and then signed a deal for a south american company to drill in the gulf (Venezuela?)

All the nonsense in America goes on and on. We are on a sinking ship and doing nothing to plug leaks. We will not build New coal fired electric generating plants as we move closer to Nationwide Blackouts. Yet China - a somewhat backward nation 25 years ago - we helped turn into an industrial giant - Builds one coal fired generating plant a week and we sell them coal. Hmmmmmmm! What kind of sick game is being played and who benefits if America goes under?

07-20-2011, 06:55 PM
ive said for yrs. ny is not broke they just make it a broken state,if they opened state land up to sugaring and nut and fruit harvesting and took the real useless land and sold 10yr.camping contracts they could pay the debt.the camp my friend has in the adk park is on a mill tract,and 40 some yrs ago his grandparents took a 100yr lease on the property they pay like 300 a month to the mill preservation society and i said if private sector can make something like that work why couldnt it be done on a state level,they said the money raised would only be used to bring about another beurocrat program to patrol the parcels used.just have to love the great state of new york city

07-20-2011, 09:52 PM
i don,t get excited about tapping state land at all.if they did allow it there would be so many regs that it wouldn,t be worth it anyhow.plus,it would be a bid type system and some guy would bid so much it wouldn,t be worth it anyhow.
i keep hearing how the state is getting involved in maple..i wish they wouldn,t..it,ll be just one more thing they screwup...it,s all push,push tap,tap,tap..make more syrup..well,wheres the other end..markets,markets,markets and more markets for all that syrup..i hear nothing about getting more markets for all that syrup.
i,am a logger and i love the woods..it makes me sick to see trashed woods like on stateland...if they want more tax money they could let me take one week,my tractor and chainsaw and i,de give them a weeks worth of timber profit as my yearly taXES..i,de be cleaning up there mess,making the wood better and giving more to them then my noral yearly taxes.


07-21-2011, 12:33 PM
i don,t get excited about tapping state land at all.if they did allow it there would be so many regs that it wouldn,t be worth it anyhow.plus,it would be a bid type system and some guy would bid so much it wouldn,t be worth it anyhow.
i keep hearing how the state is getting involved in maple..i wish they wouldn,t..it,ll be just one more thing they screwup...it,s all push,push tap,tap,tap..make more syrup..well,wheres the other end..markets,markets,markets and more markets for all that syrup..i hear nothing about getting more markets for all that syrup.
i,am a logger and i love the woods..it makes me sick to see trashed woods like on stateland...if they want more tax money they could let me take one week,my tractor and chainsaw and i,de give them a weeks worth of timber profit as my yearly taXES..i,de be cleaning up there mess,making the wood better and giving more to them then my noral yearly taxes.


the market is overseas now. Someone on this board talked about China or Japan. We need to export more products and import less!

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-21-2011, 07:08 PM
I'll will try to keep it nice but watch those people, before we all know it they willbe the ones making syrup on those lands people talk of then what will we all have but a starting point of the new 1776.

07-21-2011, 07:30 PM
I'll will try to keep it nice but watch those people, before we all know it they willbe the ones making syrup on those lands people talk of then what will we all have but a starting point of the new 1776.

Oh I agree liberal democrats have one agenda and one only and the end result for us is not good. But hey NY keeps voting them in time and time again. I was sure this last go around voters would wake the heck up but nope as long as NYC is attached to NY there little hope for us upstaters. Hillary Clinton didnt get another 80,000 acres added the the adirondack forest aquaired by a lumber company for no reason the libs are a sneaky bunch but NYers keep falling for the bait. The forest will be tapped into for resources and feed all the Dems buddies for a long time wether it be taps or lumber it will happen sit back and watch. It will be the icing on the cake for me and I will leave this state and the libs behind. I have had enough and could go on for hours of wasted money in just grants this state gives out to unworthy citizens who just keep taking and taking with no ill regard to the future of their kids or grandkids lives. Thanks Flats you had to get me going again didnt you.

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-21-2011, 07:51 PM
Oh I agree liberal democrats have one agenda and one only and the end result for us is not good. But hey NY keeps voting them in time and time again. I was sure this last go around voters would wake the heck up but nope as long as NYC is attached to NY there little hope for us upstaters. Hillary Clinton didnt get another 80,000 acres added the the adirondack forest aquaired by a lumber company for no reason the libs are a sneaky bunch but NYers keep falling for the bait. The forest will be tapped into for resources and feed all the Dems buddies for a long time wether it be taps or lumber it will happen sit back and watch. It will be the icing on the cake for me and I will leave this state and the libs behind. I have had enough and could go on for hours of wasted money in just grants this state gives out to unworthy citizens who just keep taking and taking with no ill regard to the future of their kids or grandkids lives. Thanks Flats you had to get me going again didnt you.

well dont move to VT no better here. Love the state, mountains, way of life but there political aptitude lacks enough foresight to move on. I'm sure you have heard the saying" VT is always ten years behind........." unfortunately it is true.

07-21-2011, 09:44 PM
Pretty darn sad isnt it. Im on a peice of land that has been in the family for many generations, proud of the heritage we have made here, all the work I have put into this place myself and it comes to the point where I dont think I can take any more of this crap. It weighs on me every day. Hopefully we have woken up enough to do something this election coming up. If not I might have to move up farther north and hang out with the Ken and his birds.

07-22-2011, 02:00 PM
I might have to move up farther north and hang out with the Ken and his birds

Woah 3rd gen, Quebec is the most socialist place in north america, you will be homesick in a week if you came here.:o

07-22-2011, 03:58 PM
I might have to move up farther north and hang out with the Ken and his birds

Woah 3rd gen, Quebec is the most socialist place in north america, you will be homesick in a week if you came here.:o

Theres a big difference though. with Quebec being socialist you know what to expect already. Here the government doesnt know what they heck that want this country to be and they all sit there and take our money and fight over it day in and day out and nothing progesses except more poverty, and more money taken from us. Pretty soon we are going to see an a$$ wiping tax.

07-22-2011, 07:08 PM
We already have it, i have to take a $100 permit to repair my septic tank treatment field:lol:

07-22-2011, 07:23 PM
We already have it, i have to take a $100 permit to repair my septic tank treatment field:lol:

LOL - For a hundred bucks - they should also repair the field -- Haha - just to show what a good comrade they are -- fat chance of that happening

07-22-2011, 11:01 PM
Well New Zealand always seemed cool to me. 36 hour flight that should get me far enough away lol.

07-23-2011, 05:37 AM
Well New Zealand always seemed cool to me. 36 hour flight that should get me far enough away lol.

OK - So You convinced me too. So a gang of us buy tickets and we are now in Aukland, New Zealand. Couple of things - No Maple Trees and all the Crooks that fled the States ended up here and now run things......... Hmmmmm! How about Tasmania thats close and they say the Tasmanian Devil is nice enough - once You get to know him ......... One good thing about America is that pretty soon there won't be anything left worth stealing and the Crooks and Shysters will move on......................

07-23-2011, 06:51 PM
The goverment here wants french speaking people so bad they allow anybody from any country in here as long as they take french lessons.They have to learn a certain amount before they are allowed to work or start a buisness. They also pay them $2400 bucks a month to go to school to learn french for two years. Ran into a few who ran out of time going to school and had'nt learnt 10 words of french yet. The only thing was if they failed a test twice they also go kicked out of school. Seen a few people in the first class for almost a year before they moved on.

Thad Blaisdell
07-23-2011, 09:38 PM
Where do I sign up for that program....AY!

07-24-2011, 04:22 AM
The goverment here wants french speaking people so bad they allow anybody from any country in here as long as they take french lessons.They have to learn a certain amount before they are allowed to work or start a buisness. They also pay them $2400 bucks a month to go to school to learn french for two years. Ran into a few who ran out of time going to school and had'nt learnt 10 words of french yet. The only thing was if they failed a test twice they also go kicked out of school. Seen a few people in the first class for almost a year before they moved on.

It is the same thing here, only it is Mexican-spanish

maple flats
07-24-2011, 06:31 AM
I never heard of the US paying to force any mexican-Spanish speaking residents to learn English. They just give them everything and force us to pay for it, and at the same time we have to offer them the option to deal in their original language. The way things are going we had better all learn Chinese, because pretty soon China will come to collect on our debt and they'll own us completely. We'll have to speak Chinese it will be like the bible and the tower of Babble.

07-24-2011, 08:38 PM
watch out guys, soon we have to migrate to China, and the only job they give us will be Nitro holder to build their railroad....remember me something about our west coast developpement..:rolleyes:

07-24-2011, 09:03 PM
We out west used to give certain eastern Canadians sticks of TNT with a short fuse and tell them to take a long walk down a tunnel.

First thing my dad taught me was how to make sure a noose had 13 coils in it when I made one.He must have knowen I would move to Liberal Ville some day.

07-25-2011, 01:05 PM
We out west used to give certain eastern Canadians sticks of TNT with a short fuse and tell them to take a long walk down a tunnel.

First thing my dad taught me was how to make sure a noose had 13 coils in it when I made one.He must have knowen I would move to Liberal Ville some day.

Yep - My Dad was on the Lakes Steamers for a few years and when he showed me how to tie the Hangmans Knot he told me the thirteen loops represented the original thirteen American Colonies and also insured the neck would break on the person hung and again when I was in the Navy - every time we had a knot tying class the hangmans knot was shown........ Just another knot with a purpose -- but here - it is now considered a ""Hate Crime"". Good grief - the crazies rule.

07-25-2011, 06:18 PM
Back to Forest Management -- In Michigan (In my little world)
We kind of live in the center of the Huron National Forest. Any direction we drive we have to go through at least twenty miles of National Forest and for the most part I think the U.S. Forest Service does a pretty good job. That said - I am not aware of any trees tapped in Huron National Forest for Maple Syrup Production.... Most of the Forest management is a mixed bag for many different uses. One thing that bugs me is the Kirtland Warbler management areas -- To many of them for this Birds nesting areas. They will clear cut - say 100 acres of mixed forest and then plant Jack Pines for this birds nesting habitat and then when the trees are at the right age - restrict human entrance for several months during the time this migrant bird is in our state. There are always areas being cut and replanted with Jack Pines for this purpose - which is not a real timber tree and makes for some very nasty forest fires. But - other then that example - They work with the timber industry and do a fairly good job of forest management. Just my opinion. Now State Forests are another story and I know very little about them.

07-25-2011, 08:19 PM
Would love to have some jack pine here.I need some fence posts badly. Out west we had millions of acres of jack pine used to laugh when they had the chain gangs cleaning up under them in the foresty reserve.
We also had areas restricted for use due to little tiny owls.