View Full Version : Belated Birthday Present

07-12-2011, 09:20 PM
My Oldest Daughter and her Husband came up for a visit a few days back and gave me a belated birthday present. I opened up the rather large package and found two cases of 8 ounce bottles with caps and a roll of maple syrup stickers. Now that is something this old boy will put to good use......

07-12-2011, 10:00 PM
Very cool gift from your daughter. I got a picture on my phone today of my 4 yr old nephew Harry hauling brush on his Battery powered wheeler, because he wanted to show Uncle Leo he could "work like him."

07-13-2011, 05:35 AM
LOL - Keep Little Harry thinking that way and You will have a great helper in the future. My Son and Grandson built the arch and pans I'm using right now and provide me with a lot of the sap I boil. Of course they both like maple syrup and that helps........ Mike