View Full Version : Memories gone with the wind.

07-05-2011, 08:19 PM
Straight line winds took out the maple trees that I tapped when I was a kid. :cry: Sad to see them go. Even sadder when I heard Dad didn't save any logs for lumber, well he saved them for the bonfire the next day.


07-05-2011, 08:36 PM
That is a real bummer. I know how you feel though. The big old and I mean old maples grandad tapped are dying out. Not many of those left but I hate seeing them in such disrepair. Things are so big and porbably hollow now for that matter I have not found a sawmill that is big enough to saw out some lumber without splitting them and that is way more work than I could handle. Good thing though is those nice young saplings from those monsters are coming into the tapping age and some of them have been tapped a couple years now. I Have one whole sugarbush that 80% of it is those old maples and they are on their last drip soon Im afraid, loose one a year from die off. Good thing though I have more than I can currently handle but darn its sad to think about.

07-06-2011, 01:43 PM
Bummer!!! Sorry to hear, Dave, that it was the maples that went. Too bad the storm couldn't do a better job picking and choosing. Looking at my own yard after this same storm, I'm completely amazed at how some beautiful, huge healthy trees met their demise, while completely dead ones right next to them stood strong in the wind.

I'm guessing that must've been one heckuva bonfire though....!