View Full Version : Started today

02-13-2006, 07:32 PM
Tap about 150 this evening just to make sure the tappers were working ok. Going to go at it in full force tommarrow. Looks like it may be a decent week. I'll let everyone know when we have steam flying later on in the week. Happy sapping to everyone!!!

02-15-2006, 07:03 PM
Tapped 2100 yesterday and 1600 today. Boy did it run good today. As I type my dad is boiling and I have brought in 2500gal so far have have to gather one more place. Looks like cold is on the way again and that is good for us. happy sapping!!

02-15-2006, 11:15 PM
tapped 500 today along with the help of my 9 year old daughter. it ran all day and is still running, now after midnight. i got too tired and shut down for tonight. sugar content is 2.8 looks like tomorrow will be another busy day.

500 taps
2X6 grimm

02-16-2006, 05:38 AM
Wish I could be tapping myself. Suppose to hit 60 degrees today.

Broke a bud and I see just a hint of green...not good!!! :cry: Silver and Red's around here are done as far as I'm concerned. Buds are way too swelled.

I have about a week of work to go before I'm ready. I'm missing a good run, that's for sure.

I'm worried that I'll get no light syrup this year with seeing a hint of green in the buds.

02-16-2006, 07:03 AM
We made 52 gal of Fancy+ last night. I think it froze some last night but I don't know how much. At least i hope my poor vaccum pump got a little break last night! Looks like cold weather coming sat and then slowly warm up next week for us, We'll just have to wait and see.