View Full Version : July Journal

Dennis H.
06-30-2011, 11:27 PM
I final got the chance to start a monthly Journal. It is nice working nights and finally remembering.

red maples
07-01-2011, 06:11 AM
One of the earliest ones I have seen!!!

not much going on maple wise these days. Sales down to almost nothing a pint here and there thats about it. Got ants in the farm stand gotta empty it for a few days and spray real good!!! they keep getting into the candy boxes:mad:

Happy 4th weekend to everyone...have a good safe long weekend don't get too banged up:rolleyes:

My 20th HS reunion this weekend feeling pretty OLD!!!!:( but it should be fun many parties too..............;)

Dennis H.
07-01-2011, 07:00 AM
Holy cow Redmaple you to 20 years? Ours is this Sept. Not sure if I want to go, I did not talk or want to talk to most of them when I was in school and I am pretty sure I still don't.

07-01-2011, 08:55 AM
nothing has gone on for maple for me. I do have a buddy of mine who has a small operation (bigger than mine will be) who is making me a lateral line tubbing/fitting tool. That will be nice. Tomorrow I will spend a few hours splitting more sapwood. That will be about it though, cause after that we are heading out on the lake for the rest of the weekend.

07-01-2011, 08:57 AM
Still cutting and splitting firewood from having all the trees in the yard cut down. its going to be 105 today with the heat index, I think I enjoy this much more in the winter but had no wood on the pile 2 weeks ago, lesson learned. Interviewed for a full time hunting guide position...........wow would I have alot of free time during syrup season, expansion time if I get the job!

07-01-2011, 09:41 PM
Brain dead, thought it was still JUNE:)

Low maple profile
Cheryl and I will be at Goat Fest, Yes GOAT FEST tomorrow in Albion PA. small crowd, but a good time.
Starting the eight cord of syrup wood.
Hope all traders have a Great Fourth of July! Great country we live in!
Happy birthday to Canada too!
Spending lots of time and money on my Cub Cadet family as it is still growing. Brought home a 147 with mower deck and snow blower last weekend. Cheryl was pleased

07-01-2011, 10:06 PM
Going to meet my third maple trader member tomorrow and walk his bush. He claims the beer is always cold and with a forecast of 30 and sunny I sure hope so. Rain coming this weekend so that will finally give me time to update Sugarbush.Info and I've also been asked to do a web site for a regional producers association. Sometimes I wonder if I talk and type better than I boil and bottle but it's all fun to me... just different kinds of fun.

07-01-2011, 10:14 PM
One of the earliest ones I have seen!!!

not much going on maple wise these days. Sales down to almost nothing a pint here and there thats about it. Got ants in the farm stand gotta empty it for a few days and spray real good!!! they keep getting into the candy boxes:mad:

Happy 4th weekend to everyone...have a good safe long weekend don't get too banged up:rolleyes:

My 20th HS reunion this weekend feeling pretty OLD!!!!:( but it should be fun many parties too..............;)

Mine would be a 36 year reunion if they ever had one. So far hasn't happened but I live in a different country now and probbably wouldn't even speak the language anymore. As far as I know several of us are dead also.

I work so many hours at my real job things are not getting done here at home now.That and I doubt I will ever get used to the short days in the summer here.I am used to be out in daylight till 11 this time of the year.
Can't do much with wood yet as the woods here are so wet.I really have to get some cut as we ran short this winter due to last summer being so wet. I need to find tire chains for the tractor so she who must be obeyed can drive it when I am at work.She can get stuck on bare dirt even.

07-01-2011, 11:02 PM
Missed my 20th this year, Sister inlaw forgot to send me the invite, hmmmmmm. Guess there were quite a few asking where I was or why I didnt show up. Dont really matter much to me anyhow, All I did at the 15th was try to figure out what girl was who, never payed much attention to the guys back then. It amazes me however the difference in people I was scared enough seeing some of the long haired hippies now with bald heads and looking at some of the ladies and wondering what the heck happened in the past 15 years:rolleyes:. Made me feel old and didnt like that feeling all to much. Apparently Im the only one from my graduating class that makes maple syrup that really impressed the ladies let me tell you:(.

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-02-2011, 07:41 AM
cut broken tree in back yard weed the garden shoot a couple rabbits and make sugaring wood out of my garage, then maybeeeeeee a liquid refreshment later in the day

07-02-2011, 07:42 AM
I was hoping to have my new sugar house started by now, but I haven't :( To busy with the other Honey Do List items, plus I still can't make up my mind how big to build it.

Gary R
07-02-2011, 08:25 AM
We've been on vacation. We did some sugar house visiting early in the week. We stopped at Richard Pattersons and talked with Linda. Their super CDL store should be open in September. The next day we went to Sprauges in Portville NY. At first I just laughed. That place is incredible. Everyone should visit that place! They were filtering and canning. I was talking to someone for a while. It wasn't until after I realized it was Randy the owner.

My wife and I have been working on another treestand. I'm starting to feel old and needed something easier. I only need to put the door on and we'll be done. Today I'm going to start rebuilding my trailer. I need it in good shape to pick up the new evaporator in August.

Dennis H.
07-02-2011, 03:40 PM
Gary I knew you were getting a new sugarshack and wanted it closer to the trees, but come on man you don't tap them up in the canopy.:o Or are you going to use a sap ladder to get the sap up into that sugarshack.
It must be the angle but it looks a little smaller than it really is right!:lol::lol::lol:

07-02-2011, 04:04 PM
Gary I knew you were getting a new sugarshack and wanted it closer to the trees, but come on man you don't tap them up in the canopy.

:lol: Too funny. I bet he will also need a boom truck to get his head tank in position. What the heck... if the sap won't come to me I'll go to the sap.

07-02-2011, 08:01 PM
Spent all day shearing one sheep.Most stubborn critter alive and me with one arm made it very hard to get the wool off. I finally got her looking like a sheep again.I bought her from a guy who seemed to think sheep needed to be dirty for some reason.

07-03-2011, 11:43 AM
This is of maple topic but I know there are a few supermodified fans here. If any of you guys have not been to Oswego Speedway yet this year I strongly suggest you make the trip. The new owners have truly made the BIG O an amazing speedway again. Renovations are never ending and last nights race was the best one I have seen in many many years and I have been saying that since the first race of the season. It just keeps getting better and better. 2nd groove has come in nice and now they are moving on up to a 3rd groove. 6 races and 6 different winners. 30 supers every week and they are now running 3 classes. Next week they strap the wings on. They dont call this place the fastest short track in the country for any old reason. Simply amazing to watch. There are so many competative cars in the field that the days of domination are over. Come on out guys I will save you a seat.

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-03-2011, 01:40 PM
This is of maple topic but I know there are a few supermodified fans here. If any of you guys have not been to Oswego Speedway yet this year I strongly suggest you make the trip. The new owners have truly made the BIG O an amazing speedway again. Renovations are never ending and last nights race was the best one I have seen in many many years and I have been saying that since the first race of the season. It just keeps getting better and better. 2nd groove has come in nice and now they are moving on up to a 3rd groove. 6 races and 6 different winners. 30 supers every week and they are now running 3 classes. Next week they strap the wings on. They dont call this place the fastest short track in the country for any old reason. Simply amazing to watch. There are so many competative cars in the field that the days of domination are over. Come on out guys I will save you a seat.

real race cars dont have wings, and for the fastest short track? what is its size? because I do know there has been some fast times clocked at Manzanita Speedway in Phx.

07-03-2011, 07:14 PM
I tried to cut some wood today but couldn't get my chain saw to start.It's a Sthill (spell check) and the spark plugs wet and it has spark but no roooooooom. Wore my hurt arm out trying to get it going.
I can just see how this summer is going to go.Me trying to carry logs with one arm and cut them up. Walked the woods and they are starting to dry up finally.

07-03-2011, 10:51 PM
QUOTE=Flat Lander Sugaring;158504]real race cars dont have wings, and for the fastest short track? what is its size? because I do know there has been some fast times clocked at Manzanita Speedway in Phx.[/QUOTE]

3750[ Trust me real race cars do indeed have wings. The track is a 5/8 mile. When these guys run without the wing they are burning 16.5 to 17 second laps. With the wing they are about 30 mph faster than that in the corners. We have had many nascar cup drivers and some indy drivers come out and they all said except Johny Benson that these guys are absolutely nuts running the speeds they do. These guys are running 468 big blocks and on the low end of the field 860 hp and over 900 hp. If you are a race fan you would be sitting in amazement watching these guys 3 wide with a full field of 24 cars on this track. It is indeed a fun way to spend a saturday night with friends and family.

07-03-2011, 11:14 PM
Heres a short video for you to watch Chumlee. Enjoy.

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-04-2011, 06:41 AM
Chumlee has a Chubee

im sticking with the no wing,

07-04-2011, 12:25 PM
You are indeed one funny Flatlander. LMAO. I will get you out here yet to watch a supermodified race. Heck I will go all out and buy you a beer. On your way pick up Jerry (802) been trying to get him out as well.

07-05-2011, 11:09 AM
Sat I split another 1/2 cord of sapwood, that is all I got done

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-05-2011, 07:30 PM
You are indeed one funny Flatlander. LMAO. I will get you out here yet to watch a supermodified race. Heck I will go all out and buy you a beer. On your way pick up Jerry (802) been trying to get him out as well.

4hr from my house so if Jerry drives to me I think I can talk the wife into letting me drive her suby to you, They are night races right? how many extra rooms you have? or couches, floor space. Come on Jerry chime in on the chumlee express to Chumby paradise of Altmar:lol::lol:

07-05-2011, 08:02 PM
4hr from my house so if Jerry drives to me I think I can talk the wife into letting me drive her suby to you, They are night races right? how many extra rooms you have? or couches, floor space. Come on Jerry chime in on the chumlee express to Chumby paradise of Altmar:lol::lol:

Well yes they start practice around 4 and first heat around 6. Over round 11.
Extra room? Well unless you want to sleep with one of the kids, and not my daughter:mad: plenty lol. But wait hold on Real nice bed and breakfast next door. Great people they will hook me up im sure. Oh and Jerry has a bud thats been trying to get him here so if he ever does I dont think he would be alone. With him being a crew chief and all its probably hard for him to find the time.

07-05-2011, 08:37 PM
On your stihl did you check the rubber boot that connects the carb to cylinder? Some times with the fuels today the rubber will soften and then rip causing air to enter and not getting the right mixture and it won't start. But it may also cause it to run lean. Or your carb needs to be cleaned

07-05-2011, 09:23 PM
4hr from my house so if Jerry drives to me I think I can talk the wife into letting me drive her suby to you, They are night races right? how many extra rooms you have? or couches, floor space. Come on Jerry chime in on the chumlee express to Chumby paradise of Altmar:lol::lol:

Hey maybe we should PLAN on going over to ADK's place cant be to far from here.

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-05-2011, 09:41 PM
Hey maybe we should PLAN on going over to ADK's place cant be to far from here.

think he back towards VT he say he can see the green mountains I thought?

07-05-2011, 09:51 PM
I wish i could make it, between two weddings, (cough,sneeze), Maplerama, 7 races of our own, helping another friend get his latemodel ready, July is just about shot in the head.

And you were right old buddy flatlander, I didn't know about what you were talking about, but I still like to hang out with other guys wives. especially when he goes to the races. LOL

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-05-2011, 09:54 PM
I wish i could make it, between two weddings, (cough,sneeze), Maplerama, 7 races of our own, helping another friend get his latemodel ready, July is just about shot in the head.

And you were right old buddy flatlander, I didn't know about what you were talking about, but I still like to hang out with other guys wives. especially when he goes to the races. LOL

oh no were talking about Aug. not july so you should have plenty of time:o

07-05-2011, 09:59 PM
I wish i could make it, between two weddings, (cough,sneeze), Maplerama, 7 races of our own, helping another friend get his latemodel ready, July is just about shot in the head.

And you were right old buddy flatlander, I didn't know about what you were talking about, but I still like to hang out with other guys wives. especially when he goes to the races. LOL

Whoa hold on cowboy, I never said I was going to leave either one of you alone with the lady while I was at the races. I said the ladies could hang out together while we went to the races. But if I disapear for an hour while we are at the track dont worry I just had to run home quick I forgot my money in my wallet for beers lol.

07-06-2011, 12:24 PM
Closer to the Fonda Speedway right?!

07-06-2011, 02:18 PM
Closer to the Fonda Speedway right?!

Am I closer to Fonda Speedway?? If so nope and I thought Fonda closed down due to unpaid taxes..

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-06-2011, 04:14 PM
Am I closer to Fonda Speedway?? If so nope and I thought Fonda closed down due to unpaid taxes..
Ohh 3rd I'll woo the women with my charm and Maple Majito's I have learned how to make. You just go on to the race they will be :)


Thad Blaisdell
07-06-2011, 04:38 PM
Do you make those drinks with syrup made with an RO or without?:confused:

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-06-2011, 04:47 PM
Do you make those drinks with syrup made with an RO or without?:confused:

right now with out RO because no one has offered me their RO'ed syrup for my tastetest. So right now the best is here until proven different:mrgreen:

07-07-2011, 02:53 PM
about 3 to 3.5 hrs for me to Oswego, used to watch a lot of racing in Brockville growing up... if you finalize a date in August let me know and maybe I'll get down to meet some of you finally....

Although I think it would have to be after the Aug 13 weekend as I've got an exam that weekend... ARGHHH!

Not much maple to report here, trail has dried up but mosquitos are protecting it like nothing I've ever seen before. It has been extremely dry here for a month or more.

Tried to get my maple slab wood at the saw mill but someone beat to him and I need to wait for another week or 2 for it to be my turn.

Jeff E
07-07-2011, 03:53 PM
NW Wisconsin got a whopper of a storm last week. We had straight line winds of 109 mph. A lot of damage, even a little girl killed by a tree falling on her.
I got lucky, and had minimal damage to production trees, and most of the vac system was repaired in a couple of days.

Any of you WI or MN maple folks get serious damage?

07-07-2011, 06:25 PM
Glad to hear you dodged a bullet Jeff. No damage/high winds around our sugar bush this summer, Wausau area had some damage from that same system i heard. As for whats up in July.....Syrup sales are unreal so far at our farmer markets, I finished bottleing a few weeks back but i might have to crack open another 55 gal. drum and do more. Usually we have all our bulk syrup sold by now, but Steve at Andersons is full and is in the process of building another cooler for double the storage i hear. Won't buy until its close to up and running (around mid-July). Good thing i still have it now seeing how the bottled stuff is moveing. Gardens are lookin good, pickles and beans are flowering, started picking zuchinni, rhubarb still going strong. Will be nice to have more produce on the tables along with the syrup. Looking into geting a r.o from membrane process this year. Buddy of mine used a demo unit this past spring and the numbers he got out of it were impressive. No more 12 hour cook days, more time to spend in the woods getting more sap from more taps. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

Brian Ryther
07-07-2011, 07:01 PM
This summer has been good. Syrup sales are outstanding. Fire wood is almost finished. I was informed that I was one of the lucky few that were approved for the usda reap energy grants. I was told that only about 1/2 of the applicants in NY were approved this year. Secured a lease on the next 10 acres of trees. Looks like I will make it another year.

07-07-2011, 07:48 PM
NW Wisconsin got a whopper of a storm last week. We had straight line winds of 109 mph. A lot of damage, even a little girl killed by a tree falling on her.
I got lucky, and had minimal damage to production trees, and most of the vac system was repaired in a couple of days.

Any of you WI or MN maple folks get serious damage?

Hello Jeff E. We too escaped the extreme damage of the VERY local folks!:o
In the process of building a nice 14x14 sugar shack. Floor is poured with a nice drain, heatin' up here though, it may be a bit before we tackle the actual building. Most of the local damage was to very large white pines. It is very sandy here and they seem to have a shallow root system. So sad about the girl. I heard of a man in I think Solon Springs that withstood the storm only to "come to" with his house that he was in gone! CRAZY.

07-07-2011, 10:36 PM
Yellzee heck yeah come on down. Its a good time. King Of Wings this saturday, a race that is one of the must see for the year.
Me and my daughter decided to skip doing anything around the house today and decided a road trip for garage sales where in order. Stopped at one barn sale and found this really nice gas transfer pump sitting on a shelf. Darn thing looked brand new. Guy said his dad bought it and used it just a handful of times to fill his stocktanks in the pasture for the cows with water. Said it hasnt been started in atleast 10 years. Told him if it runs and pumps we could make a deal. Pulled the plug put a shot of oil down the cylinder, cranked it over a few times and then put gas in it. Fired right up and was sucking water. No more small electric transfer pumps for me. He was dead set on 30 bucks so I gave it to him. Other than that we came to the conclusion that the prices at all of the places we stopped were a little steep to say the least and no one wanted to bicker on prices either. Weird cause usually people will let stuff go for cheap but I guess not on thursdays. Tomarrow is another play day, 4 wheeling, cart racing and tubing down the river is on order. Cant remember the last time I took a couple days off to have fun. Seems very weird I dont have a wrench in my hand or some other tool fixing equipment on a weekday.

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-08-2011, 04:47 AM
met with excavator yesterday morning getting a price for removal of the rest of garage/sugar house and new pad 24x34and a little digging to gewt water, sewer and drain system in pad.

red maples
07-08-2011, 06:06 AM
Taking care of the meat birds(if you know what I mean )!!! First time for me, man these things are mutants. so big so fast!!!

lost 2 birds on tuesday. I was away for reunion and vivisting family in NJ and my poor neighbors who are from more urban areas were feeding the birds for me and 2 died on tuesday on they thought it was their fault but they were just 7 weeks and I should have told them this might happen. especially for as hot as it has been!! I don't know if they will watch the chicken for us anymore:rolleyes: but I have been doing 2 birds a night. the first one I think I scalded too long and water too hot skin is a little bridle and some of the meat looks a little cooked...ooops but I think I got it now!!!

Off to the woods!!!!

07-08-2011, 08:52 AM
red maples

Taking care of the meat birds(if you know what I mean )!!! First time for me, man these things are mutants. so big so fast!!!

lost 2 birds on tuesday. I was away for reunion and vivisting family in NJ and my poor neighbors who are from more urban areas were feeding the birds for me and 2 died on tuesday on they thought it was their fault but they were just 7 weeks and I should have told them this might happen. especially for as hot as it has been!! I don't know if they will watch the chicken for us anymore but I have been doing 2 birds a night. the first one I think I scalded too long and water too hot skin is a little bridle and some of the meat looks a little cooked...ooops but I think I got it now!!!

Off to the woods!!!!

Are you raising cornish rock cross birds? I switched to red broilers 2 years ago and i wont go back they grow a little slower but no leg problems, no heart attacks and they go outside and free range less manure in the coop. I raised 50 this year with zero losses.

07-08-2011, 12:46 PM
Are you raising cornish rock cross birds? I switched to red broilers 2 years ago and i wont go back they grow a little slower but no leg problems, no heart attacks and they go outside and free range less manure in the coop. I raised 50 this year with zero losses.

Cornish rocks do fine outside with very little leg problems or heart atacks if fed according to Welp Hatcheries restricted feeding. They should not have feed for 12 hours each day after day five. I raise over 300 each year and maybe I lose 5 or 6.


red maples
07-08-2011, 07:49 PM
I will try that. food off and 12 hrs. I did read that somewhere too. these are my first ones so I am still learning. I have 4 left to go. small batch for my first ones.

Red broilers? how long do they take to mature??

I haven't had any leg problems. and they go outside ok and get around OK. and I monitor the temp in the coupe too so if ot gets too hot I can let them out and lay in the grass. even though there is lots of ventilation and a fan it still gets warm mid day.

07-09-2011, 08:30 PM
I just got red broilers Thursday night also.They say they take a week longer but eat the same amount of food. The leg problems are supposed to come from when they are small and the flooring. With the white ones I have allways had a couple of them but last year I had more then usual.I think it is due to the humidity making things damper. I butchered mine at 12 to 15 pounds dressed last year and I won't ever get females again as they do not grow as big as the males.
I am now 100% guaranteed to get my wild turkey next spring or even this fall.They had some extra wild turkey chicks and I just had to take a few. They came with some guinea hens also as the neighbour had his chainsaw going at 6 in the morning last week and and this means war.
Another war I am fighting is to catch what has been killing my laying hens lately.I think it is a cat or cats so have the hens locked up tonight with the livetrap in there runway and last nights dead hen as bait. I am afraid it's my one tame cat that is doing it as it killed a few rabbits last winter till I caught it doing it and locked it out of the greenhouse.

Jim Schumacher
07-10-2011, 09:43 PM
Chuck Haynes and I spent Thursday afternoon building his preheater drip pan. The patent is pending but Chuck and I feel comfortable pulling the sheet off of this thing. Check out the pictures below. This one is capable of serving 17 1/2" lines with a drip channel while allowing complete exposure of steam to them. This one is designed to sit on the two dividers in his raised flue pan. It has adjustable legs to allow for a vast adjustment in height and pitch. All condensation is collected in the trough on the end and evacuated out of the hood via the drain ports on either side. We sat and stared at it for an hour in the middle of the night upon completing it.

07-11-2011, 11:26 AM
Am I closer to Fonda Speedway?? If so nope and I thought Fonda closed down due to unpaid taxes..

Nope, still running strong

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-11-2011, 06:27 PM
Nope, still running strong

page 4, 3rd or 4th post down

07-11-2011, 06:37 PM
Working at the maple slow and steady. Got the branch mainlines connected to the wet dry line. Put in the six cam-locs across the logging road and picked up more slab wood in need of cutting. Next step is to cut in the drops then saddles and check for leaks. Then finally set the tank and fix some of the ruts in the road.

07-11-2011, 08:03 PM
Not much going on. A lot needs to be done though. Tonight I spent half an hour tightening and taking a foot out of a few laterals. Tubing gets longer when it goes from 20 degrees to 90 degrees.

red maples
07-13-2011, 11:45 AM
90* + 5 hours in the woods with chainsaw + dragging brush + hauling wood = 5 t-shirts- 2 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of shorts, 4 pairs underwear, 4 pairs socks, 2+ gallons of water....thats a whole lotta sweat!!!!! took down 8 trees dropped all of the on the money cut up 3. and cut up 2 in the swamp that fell over the winter...that was a challenge because it was already overgrown with underbrush. Hauling wood out just after lunch!!! a little cooler today thank goodness!!!

07-13-2011, 12:07 PM
Brad- you need a 55,000 lb "chainsaw" with cold AC...

07-13-2011, 01:07 PM
gonna split some more wood tonight but thats about it. Every weekend we are off someplace, weddings, reunions, parties etc..Probably wont be able to get serious till once school is back in session.

07-13-2011, 01:38 PM
Just finished splitting and stacking 6 cord of tops from the 10 huge white pines cut down in the yard. traded 3000 bf of large saw logs in exchange for the slabs and 6 cord of cut and split hardwood. I'm sick of cutting pine in 90 degree weather.

red maples
07-13-2011, 02:42 PM
55,000 lb w/ AC sounds nice. today not so bad only mid 80's only went through 1 t-shirt so far. Pine would be good right now all this hard wood is F-ing heavy. Pine is nice and light!!!

The hard part is when you go from pine to hard woodit feels even heavier!!!

Amber Gold
07-14-2011, 06:56 AM
Brad, I would've rescheduled that kind of work for a cooler day. There's only a few days where it's that hot out and tree work can always wait for another day. 90+ days are better off spent at the beach:)

07-14-2011, 09:11 PM
not too much maple going on lately, except giving a tour to a group of kids from kansas. tonight went down to the utica-rome speedway with boy scouts, did a food drive and watched the races, theres nothing like supermodifieds throwing dirt 50 ft :D:D:D that and the stocks were cool too:)

07-17-2011, 09:57 PM
Got the sap ladder in this weekend and cut in 300 drops. Uploaded a few pictures of the new sugarbush. Still plenty more to be done!


Jim Schumacher
07-17-2011, 10:08 PM
Angela and I just returned from the emergency room. This is the second severe wound I received from handling this 22ga stainless in the last month or so. This one caused 12 stitches on my lower leg. I will not be wearing shorts in the shop anymore ...and I'm going to start using 18ga stainless from now on!!!..... just kidding about the heavy stainless part...:)

07-17-2011, 10:49 PM
Got the sap ladder in this weekend and cut in 300 drops. Uploaded a few pictures of the new sugarbush. Still plenty more to be done!


Looks good just go back and take the tie off the star ladder and let them seperate. They will thaw out quicker that way if they are full of sap on a freezing night.

07-17-2011, 10:52 PM
Angela and I just returned from the emergency room. This is the second severe wound I received from handling this 22ga stainless in the last month or so. This one caused 12 stitches on my lower leg. I will not be wearing shorts in the shop anymore ...and I'm going to start using 18ga stainless from now on!!!..... just kidding about the heavy stainless part...:)

Hmmm red shiny stainless steel. Might be onto something there that the other guys dont have. Also dont weld with shorts on epsecially dirty metal. That splatter hurts. Not that I did something like that today myself. Oh and long sleeves keeps the sunburn on the arms when welding. Not that I did something like that today either lol. Heal up and get at it.

Haynes Forest Products
07-17-2011, 11:09 PM
Nice going slick Hope you didn't get any blood on my Preheater. I only want food grade things touching it. Did you drop it or walk by and it bit you? So what is new at the factory these days?

Dennis H.
07-18-2011, 05:23 AM
Jim is not only putting sweat into his work he is now putting a little bit of him into also.

Take it easy Jim I still don't have my hood!:D
By the way the check was put in the mail last week.

I hear that about wearing shorts and welding. I don't have the problem with getting burns on the legs it is the hot bead of metal that goes down in to my shoe. Man that hurts! I sure can kick that shoe off fast. I have now gone thru about 3 pairs of socks. So I did not learn anything the 1st time!:o

Haynes Forest Products
07-18-2011, 09:25 AM
Dennis was that your hood (2 piece) sitting on a shelve over the 4th. If so its a sweet little set up.

Haynes Forest Products
07-18-2011, 02:19 PM
Hey Jim I saw how quick Angela got her camera out to take pictures of the Preheater. We need to see some pic's of you bleeding on the floor:o If you ever want kids you will need to either call me or stop stepping over 22 Guage SS. Or start wearing that leather apron and thong you had made up;)

Josh Nickles
07-18-2011, 05:34 PM
Jim, I would also like my new flue pan set before you carve yourself up anymore. You better get Angela welding quick!!!

07-18-2011, 08:20 PM
Iwork a lot with thin SS and cut myself the other day on the crap.Hard to concentrate when your pouring blood all over what your working on.

Jim Schumacher
07-18-2011, 10:04 PM
Well, the leg is in a lot of pain now, and very stiff. I can't really move my foot because the muscles that control it are the ones that got cut. So I'm just turning it sideways and hobbling on it like a peg leg. I closely inspected it tonight. Looks like Doc did a nice sewing job on it, but he didn't shave the area around the wound. My leg hairs are just kind of woven in the cut. Doesn't seem right... that's why I should gave done it myself.

Angela was strutting around the shop tonight like she was a local representative of OSHA. I can't get way with anything out there now.

Chuck, that leather thong causes a lot of sweat...picture it...thanks

Angela wasn't so quick with the camera. She saw me sitting in that pool of blood, but what terrified her more was that I suggested that it was imperative that we go to the ER.

Dennis, I'll be in touch, thanks again!

07-18-2011, 10:56 PM
It's Alive!

If you plan on continuing to injury yourself, we might be able to work out a smokin deal on the flue pan ;) we medic's are always looking for guinea pigs to work on. You just need to keep yourself alive for the 45 minutes it takes me to get there.

Dennis H.
07-19-2011, 02:04 AM
take it easy Jim. Let that leg heal.

No flue pan or hood will ever be worth a missing or useless leg or arm.

Just trying to picture what happened gives me the willies!

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-19-2011, 04:41 AM
It's Alive!

If you plan on continuing to injury yourself, we might be able to work out a smokin deal on the flue pan ;) we medic's are always looking for guinea pigs to work on. You just need to keep yourself alive for the 45 minutes it takes me to get there.

well you will be there with in the golden hour, then just trip to hospital in the meat wagon.

my bro works with stainless pipe 10/12 hr a day first thing he does is put a pair of those mechanic goves on in the am. They dont come off until clean up in pm.

07-19-2011, 01:48 PM
well,atleast we got some excitement on the forum...with the hot summer weather it,s been kida boring around here lately!! ;)


ps jim::sorry to hear u got hurt..good luck with it.

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-19-2011, 04:15 PM
garage coming down Friday=3000, new concrete 24x34 =3200, new garage package around=7500 lots of friends to help put it up "hint hint" priceless

Maple Hugger
07-19-2011, 10:43 PM
I had another welding lesson from Jim on Friday. The more I learn from Jim and observe his work, the more I appreciate his craftsmanship and overall brilliance. Too bad he's got rocks for brains when it comes to safety in the shop.

I have a 2 point plan for bringing 100% safety to the Smoky Lake fabrication shop:
1. Constantly remind Gimpy of his wounds. For example "Arrrr!! Ahoy matey! How is Pegleg Jack doin'?"
2. Always act like I'm looking for something. For example "Hey! Where's your freakin' safety glasses?"

Hanes, sorry I don't have any photos of Jim on the garage floor. I was too busy panicking. Next time.

Head OSHA Czar

07-20-2011, 04:11 AM
Well finished all the summer field work for the time being so I started cutting wood for next year. After walking through the sugarbush I think I may need to hit some brush with a shot of round up.

maple flats
07-20-2011, 05:53 AM
One of the earliest ones I have seen!!!

not much going on maple wise these days. Sales down to almost nothing a pint here and there thats about it. Got ants in the farm stand gotta empty it for a few days and spray real good!!! they keep getting into the candy boxes:mad:

Happy 4th weekend to everyone...have a good safe long weekend don't get too banged up:rolleyes:

My 20th HS reunion this weekend feeling pretty OLD!!!!:( but it should be fun many parties too..............;)

20th isn't old. My wife and I are creeping up on our 50th. You are only as old as you feel, sometimes I feel a little old, sometimes a lot old.

220 maple
07-20-2011, 01:51 PM
Sales of coated nuts and candy are almost as hot as the weather. One tourist trap store move the price up 20 cents for candy, I suspected it might slow sales, I was wrong again.
Before the store owner made the move he offered to pay me 10 cent more on a package. We both are making 10 cent more. Last summer he sold over 1300 packages of candy. I usually don't make suggestions to store owners, but I finally suggested to another store that they would sell more candy and nuts if the baskets they keep the product in is beside or near the cash register. I delivered candy and nuts less than two weeks ago, called today and they are sold out. Maple Candy is a point of purchase impulse product.

Mark 220 Maple

07-20-2011, 09:38 PM
i checked my sugarhouse today and the robins have finely left..now i can finish it :D i need to box in the eves and do the gable ends. a robin built her nest on one of the gable ends before i could finish it this spring..she ended up having two hatchs of four each.


07-21-2011, 12:48 PM
I see my sugar shack on the way to the pool every night, but am not opening the door or picking up a tool until the heat subsides...

what a summer!

07-21-2011, 02:32 PM
I've always liked the look of Hop vines and a few years back my daughter gave me some root divisions - which I planted next to the Sugar Shack. So for the first few years some weak little vines would kinda climb up a few feet and that was it. They must like this heat - cause I swear that they are growing about a foot a day this year and my shack could be in peril - lol - stay tuned for "Revenge of the Hops Vines"..........

07-21-2011, 06:27 PM
LOL that brings back memories. My ex father in law brewed his own beer with homegrow products and he had some pretty darn huge hop vines growing over everything. He would harvest the hops and freeze them till the time came to make a batch of brew. One day while I was over there visiting a whole bunch of cops showed up at their house and had a warrant to search the place for drugs. They got a tip that he was growing weed. They found pounds and pounds of frozen hops in the freezer and the cops not knowing the difference arrested him and his wife right there and hauled them away. Seeing how it was a friday afternoon they stayed there till monday when the report finally came back that it was hops. They werent happy but I got a giggle or two out of it.

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-21-2011, 07:11 PM
LOL that brings back memories. My ex father in law brewed his own beer with homegrow products and he had some pretty darn huge hop vines growing over everything. He would harvest the hops and freeze them till the time came to make a batch of brew. One day while I was over there visiting a whole bunch of cops showed up at their house and had a warrant to search the place for drugs. They got a tip that he was growing weed. They found pounds and pounds of frozen hops in the freezer and the cops not knowing the difference arrested him and his wife right there and hauled them away. Seeing how it was a friday afternoon they stayed there till monday when the report finally came back that it was hops. They werent happy but I got a giggle or two out of it.

from what I know the hop plant is a derivative of cannibis that people smoke. But it wont get you high just give you a migrane style headache. Look at a hop bud and then a cannibis bud not to different.

07-21-2011, 07:20 PM
from what I know the hop plant is a derivative of cannibis that people smoke. But it wont get you high just give you a migrane style headache. Look at a hop bud and then a cannibis bud not to different.

Now where in the world would anyone see a cannibis bud? You know something we dont? LOL kidding aside I am aware of the similarities and indeed they are alot alike and those cops thought so too.

07-21-2011, 07:33 PM
LOL - Yeh right - The leaf on a hop vine is about the size of your hand. I would think Willow leaves would be more in order to look more like pot plants. Dang - now I have something else to worry about besides Lemon Balm taking over my little swamp...........Morons getting hopped up on hop leaves ---

Haynes Forest Products
07-21-2011, 07:37 PM
I have a few customers that I call on every fall during sprinkler blow out time. There basements are full of Pot plants in grow bags. Its legal to grow it for sale to dispensary's. They are cool looking plants.

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-21-2011, 08:05 PM
I have a few customers that I call on every fall during sprinkler blow out time. There basements are full of Pot plants in grow bags. Its legal to grow it for sale to dispensary's. They are cool looking plants.

"money" under the table is always a good way toget paid:D

07-21-2011, 08:07 PM
Virgina creeper sort of looks like pot and so does a Cleome.Cleome looks so close it's not funny.

07-21-2011, 09:46 PM
LOL - Yeh right - The leaf on a hop vine is about the size of your hand. I would think Willow leaves would be more in order to look more like pot plants. Dang - now I have something else to worry about besides Lemon Balm taking over my little swamp...........Morons getting hopped up on hop leaves ---

Its not the leaf that looks similar it the bud that does. You will see once those vines you got start developing buds and the look on your customers faces when they show up to buy syrup.

07-22-2011, 05:02 AM
Its not the leaf that looks similar it the bud that does. You will see once those vines you got start developing buds and the look on your customers faces when they show up to buy syrup.

OK --- Thanks for the explanation - Looks like they will be covered with them soon. Also have a small arbour that is covered in Hops - starting to look like a creature from space. Gonna have to do some radical trimming this Fall --

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-23-2011, 06:24 AM
2nd annual tiki bar party should be a good time with lots of pics and maple majitos starts around 2 gets good around 5 and crazy after sun goes down(some of those pics cant be posted) Pool+alcohol+darkness=nakedness;) woooohoooo ROFL

07-23-2011, 08:10 AM

That is an awesome design on the preheater drip pan and I would think it would work tremendous.

07-23-2011, 02:58 PM
Not much going on except poision ivey. I have it from head to toe. Im going to the dr.'s later for it.

Gary R
07-25-2011, 06:28 AM
Sold my evaporator yesterday. A couple I meet at our annual maple picnic bought it. It was bitter sweet because I built the evaporator and like it well. But, we're moving up in production. We can't handle any more 3000 plus gallon boils on a flat pan. I'm still waiting for the new sugar house and 2X8 evaporator.

We've gone from drought conditions to wet in the last few days. Friday was high winds. We had to fix a few laterals because of limbs down.

07-25-2011, 04:38 PM
summers flying by. Between sporting advents for both of my kids and some vacation time I have no time for anything maple but what the heck it has been too hot anyways

07-25-2011, 08:20 PM
I hear you there. Got alittle more sapwood split last weekend, but not much. Way behind. Did get my Lapierre slide fittings, Y's and hooks in the mail today though. I have all of my mainline and lateraline fittings now. Just need to buy my mainline.

07-25-2011, 09:57 PM
Yep wood cutting has cut into high gear here. Skidded logs out of the woods past few days in the heat. Never sweated so much but I keep finding more and more blow downs or dead trees to skid out. Great having 3 fishing camps that border me on 2 sides that want me to keep their land cleaned up and have at all the wood thats dead. That gives me another 44 acres of trees to play with aside from my 100 acres. Lots of dead pine too for the sugar house that im going to get yet. already have 10 cords of slabs split and stacked ready to go. Love to get another 10 up for that. Busy Busy.

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-26-2011, 01:29 PM
been procrastinating cant any more or I wont be sugaring next season


dog rode the garage down I knew I liked him craxzy like his master


07-26-2011, 05:21 PM
So Flat Lander - I always wondered if this happened after-a-while with an Old Sugar Shack. All that sugar steam condensing on the underside of the roof for all those years and turning into Sugar and the weight of it pulling the sugar shack down. I imagine that old dog of yours can't wait to start working on the sugar - see he is protecting the roof already........ LOL .... Hey--- Have a great Summer ---

Dennis H.
07-27-2011, 07:37 PM
Has anyone heard how pegleg Jim Schumacher is doing?
Hope the leg is healing up for him.

Well not much maple stuff going on here. The last few weeks has been trying to get my to-do list alittle shorter!! Its not really working though!

Hotter than the face of the sun here for the past week and the rest of this week is to be the same. So slow and easy is the name of the game. The good thing with all this heat I don't have to mox the yard as often.

07-27-2011, 07:42 PM
I should finish up splitting my sapwood this weekend. then will move it to behind the sugarhouse/garage,stack it on some pallets and cover it with metal roofing. that will have to do for this year.

THen I will thin out where my mainline wire is gonne be run. Then I will run that.

Rainy days will be spent in the sugarhouse/garage getting it cleaned out. ITs a mess!

Need to buy my 3/4" 800' mainline at TSC (black waterpipe) soon.

My buddy made me a two handed tubing tool and I tested it out. works slick!

07-27-2011, 10:42 PM
Got all the house wood skidded out now to cut, split and stack it. Also cut down an old jack maple in the yard tonight. Main branch was dead and it was close to the house so it had to go. I hate the feeling of cutting down a dugar maple dead, dying or not. It always feels like I just did the unspeakable to me. After dropping it the tree was rotting from the inside out and only a few inches of good wood left on the outside. Oh well my best prodcing trees were in its canopy anyways so that should just make them better right?????

Haynes Forest Products
07-27-2011, 11:41 PM
Dennis H Yea I talked to Jim the other day and he was doing good until he decided to go for a walk without his bandage holding things together so he is back to hobbling around..............CHEESE HEADS:rolleyes:

07-28-2011, 09:00 AM
Walked in the woods last night. Only a few big branches were down on my lines. But I found squirrel damage! It's war. They chewed every t on one lateral and put a few bit marks in it. I found a few more random bite marks in the woods. I set a few cage traps. I need to find my rat traps and nail them to a tree. And what ever I don't trap I'm gonna shoot. Before I put tubing up in the fall I SEVERELY thinned the population but there's more now.

Gary R
07-30-2011, 08:38 AM
Maple projects have been moving right along. We got a call yesterday, our sugar house is done. I scheduled delivery for this coming Wednesday. Stopped and seen Daryl yesterday also ( How's that for timing Daryl:)). I also have stainless cut for 10 more backyarder pans. I need to clean, bend and weld soon. Might plant food plots tomorrow.

Haynes Forest Products
07-30-2011, 08:02 PM
Was off line for a few days. The laptop started acting up like my first 2 wives and ripped the screen off the hinges:emb: Now Im talking to you all on the new one that the 3rd wife thinks I should screw to the table so I cant give it Flying lessons:rolleyes: Now if I can find away to load pictures on the dang site....OH yea they are in the heap of junk in the garage. We all have to keep are shoes on due to the class shards all over the carpet:mad:

Flat Lander Sugaring
07-30-2011, 08:43 PM
ok installing water lines



compaction engineer checking earth


07-30-2011, 09:10 PM
Yippeee! Finished the 8.5 cord of pallets today for making 2012 syrup. wood shed is full.
On to other thing like restoring a 147 Cub Cadet.
And getting wood ready for the house.
Syrup sales very slow; to hot to cook pancakes!
Your really going to like that new sugar house!

07-30-2011, 10:12 PM
Must be a crummy laptop Haynes I have found this one out in the middle of the lawn a couple of times and it still works.

07-31-2011, 07:56 AM
Dang Flat Lander - That there Dawg of Yorn - sure is a hole digger - lol

07-31-2011, 08:02 AM
Finished splitting my sapwood too, at least what I had bucked up this past spring. Dont know if I have enough, wont get a good estimate until I get it stacked now! hoping to have a cord, but think I am gonna be short alittle. Eyeing a few more pines to thin out in the sugarbush

07-31-2011, 08:17 AM
Yippeee! Finished the 8.5 cord of pallets today for making 2012 syrup. wood shed is full.
On to other thing like restoring a 147 Cub Cadet.
And getting wood ready for the house.
Syrup sales very slow; to hot to cook pancakes!
Your really going to like that new sugar house!

Holy cow that's a lot of pallets! I think I figured 30 pallets per cord once.

I loved burning them, but I can only get about 5-6 in the van, so it would take a lot of trips to get what I needed.

Congratulations on getting that done. That's a great feeling.


07-31-2011, 08:23 AM
Finished splitting my sapwood too, at least what I had bucked up this past spring. Dont know if I have enough, wont get a good estimate until I get it stacked now! hoping to have a cord, but think I am gonna be short alittle. Eyeing a few more pines to thin out in the sugarbush

Hi again - Sounds like You have been busy. I would error on the side of having way to much wood - then - having a super sap year and running out. I gotta get busy cutting up the junk wood I have laying around. LOL - Just about anything that is dry and burns is good enough for boiling sap... Unless You have an oil fired rig///////////

07-31-2011, 08:55 AM
Finished splitting my sapwood too, at least what I had bucked up this past spring. Dont know if I have enough, wont get a good estimate until I get it stacked now! hoping to have a cord, but think I am gonna be short alittle. Eyeing a few more pines to thin out in the sugarbush

Being close to 200 taps on a 2x6 you better keep cutting more wood. Back in the day when I was at 200 i went through 3 cords. Full cord not that face cord stuff.

Father & Son
08-01-2011, 04:44 AM
Back to work after 2 weeks of vacation. Got alot of non-maple done and also wasted a little time. Felt good.

Chris, glad to hear your wood is done. If you're going through withdrawl you can come and do some of mine!

GaryR, Now it's go time. New shack, new evaporator, wow what's next.

I did talk to a neighbor about a piece a woods to tap. Everything is a go and he and I will take a walk in a month or two to see how many taps are available. It was a sugarbush years ago and I have no idea of the size.
