View Full Version : Expanding

06-23-2011, 07:25 AM
We were looking at our vacant nearly 20 acres of land and were thinking of planting a maple grove in there because it is in a low land so it freezes to bad to grow crops or fruit. Does any one know how long it would take for maple to be ready to tap (possibly have irrigation don't know yet)? And has any one heard of planting their own grove is it cost effective compared to buying land? How close would you plant trees 10ft? 20ft? 40ft? We live in MIchigan about 5 miles from Lake MI. about 150 miles north of Indiana. Any thoughts, ideas, questions, concerns would be appreciated!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Samuel

06-23-2011, 12:21 PM
This has been discussed on this forum before - try searching and you'll get some threads.

I've been told to plant at 16ft centres and plan for a thinning cut after 20 years or so to get to 32ft centres for optimum tree density and crown growth. If all goes well your children and grandchildren will tap those trees in 35-40 years time.

Haynes Forest Products
06-23-2011, 01:26 PM
It was said the best time to plant a tree was 35 years ago and then the second best time is today. The woods That I tap is full of young 40 year old trees and they are all in the 10-12-16" range. Most are coming of age as we speak so there will be 100's more to tap in the next 10 years. I think 30-40 is my guess.

maple flats
06-23-2011, 02:08 PM
I would plant at 8' centers. Then thin as needed to give good growth. The 8' spacing allows for more thinning but it gives you a choice on the better tree to keep. Start thinning as soon as the trees touch on at least 3 sides, thin to touch on only 2 sides. This will give you good growth. 40 years is typical for woods trees but a plantation with good management might shave 15 or so off that. If you irrigate, only do it the first year or 2 and only run it when things are real dry, then give them a good drink. Watering in this method forces the roots to go deeper.

06-24-2011, 07:07 PM
I would say buy some land that is well stocked with maples and manage it properly. You will spend about 2$ per tree 300 per acre at 12x12 spacing=
600$ per acre. Plus you need to protect the trees from deer about 3$per tree=900$. At a total cost of 1500$ per acre to plant 300 trees. Around here(pA) You could buy land for 1500-2500 Per acre with timber on it.

Haynes Forest Products
06-24-2011, 08:13 PM
If I was to plant trees for future and I wanted them all to live then I would space them 16' apart. Then if they all live life is good and if one dies replace it. BUT cutting down good trees because you planted them to close is crazy. Now if you plant and then spade and move then its fine. Trees that are planted to close will self regulate the growing cycle. Plant a pine next to a Walnut and see who wins.

06-24-2011, 08:56 PM
I was kind of thinking along the same lines Haynes. Was wondering why someone would spend the time and money to buy and plant and manage them only to cut half of them down. I would do the same plant them and replace the dying ones as you go. I do have a sugarmaple and a black walnut actually a few of them growing side by side. Both the wamnuts and maples look pretty darn healthy and I tap the maples.