View Full Version : filter aid

06-21-2011, 06:55 PM
How does everyone store their filter aid. I am afraid of the filter aid picking up odors or moisture or insects if just left in the open bag.I was thinking of putting it in a sealed container,like ziplock bags or a plastic tote.Just wondering what other traders do.

06-21-2011, 07:09 PM
How does everyone store their filter aid. I am afraid of the filter aid picking up odors or moisture or insects if just left in the open bag.I was thinking of putting it in a sealed container,like ziplock bags or a plastic tote.Just wondering what other traders do.

You should store unused filter aid in some type of sealed container to avoid having it pick up a musty odor.

06-21-2011, 08:24 PM
I have mine still in the bag but sealed in one of the Rubbermaid Brute containters that are food grade...

Haynes Forest Products
06-21-2011, 08:25 PM
I got a 50 lbs bag back in 2001 and put it in 5 gallon home depot buckets with lids and have been using it ever sense. I use out of the same bucket for about 3 years and reseal after every use and never had a problem. No oder or moisture.

Jim Schumacher
06-21-2011, 09:17 PM
I currently have mine in a food grade garbage bag...

maple flats
06-22-2011, 12:27 PM
I store mine in 5 gal buckets lines with a poly bag. After each use I close the bag and then put the lid on. It keeps well in that.

06-25-2011, 05:45 AM
Fellas - a gal that made syrup over 20 years ago recently mentioned that she would use eggs as filter aid. No kidding, she said she cracked them right into the hot syrup, stirred for a minute, then filtered through wool/orlon.

Ever heard of this?

06-25-2011, 08:31 AM
Yup the guy I bought my setup from does this, and still sells his syrup!:o

Haynes Forest Products
06-25-2011, 08:32 AM
Yea you drop in the egg and its supposed to encase all the floaters and crap......................Been there done that:mad: What a (*&(*&^%@$% mess and then you had to scrape and scrub all the egg off the sides and off the bottom.

Go to store get bottle of Maple syrup come home put in pan, throw in handful of dirt from Dyson, bring to a boil, throw in 1 egg and stir, filter thru brand new pair of your wifes pajama grams and call me when the black eye heals:o

Jim Brown
06-25-2011, 03:33 PM
Gentlemen; We used the egg method for a LOT of years when I was younger and before we new there were things like filter press and etc. We did it a little different as I'm sure every one has their own method.
We would bring syrup into the house that was ready to finish so we could control the heat .Most likely we had 1-2 gallons in the kettle when we put it one the stove. Break 2-3 eggs like you were going to make french toast and whip in a very small amout of cream.Pour mixture into the kettle when it is boilig hard and it will sink! In a very short time it will cook and float. Pour entire contents thru and piece of linen dish towel and the syrup will be clear.Do this as many times as need to get to get the clairty that you require. I now have felts-filter presses and etc. but still remember the egg trick.


06-26-2011, 06:15 AM
I would be very cautious in this day and age with alergic reactions. Either be very up front and label the syrup as such or don't do it. Just like the types of defoamer used yrs. ago like salt pork or any piece of animal fat hanging over the pans. I'm not sure at what point the industry would consider the syrup adultered. I know DEfilter aid is allowable but eggs?
I did the same thing in the 70's always used to bring the syrup into the house and pour in milk and egg. It always amazed me how the crap would be easily taken out

06-26-2011, 09:41 AM
Keith - great point concerning allergens - thanks for the thoughtful response. As a filter press is not in the budget quite yet I am exploring ways to reach great clarity without great expense.

Haynes - my wife doesn't wear pajamas...