View Full Version : My Friend the Partridge

06-20-2011, 08:45 PM
Any ever have a partridge follow them around while choping firewood in the bush? Twice now i have had a little friend hang out with me while chopping wood in the bush.

Cute little guy(or girl) wonder if it the season.

06-20-2011, 08:50 PM
Got one on the handle bar of atv last year at Moose hunting camp:)

06-20-2011, 09:18 PM
A few years ago before I got my first bird hunting dog I was in the woods hunting Ruffed grouse ( our Partridge) and I got snookered by one. I was stomping through the brush and flushed a group of them out and never got a shot off but right there a few feet away was one that decided to follow me around the rest of the day. Couldnt bring myself to make that one dinner for the night. Weird I asked a few other hunters if they ever seen that and all said I was nuts.

06-20-2011, 09:22 PM
I really wonder about you guys.Next thing you will be having trees follow you home.

06-21-2011, 05:17 AM
two years ago I was working on a remote woodlot in Groton NH with my feller-buncher (timberjack 608s) and over the course of the winter I had one roughed grouse who kept following me around. I lay down a bunch of wood, and he/she would pop up and sit on a stump then scurry off in to the brush. Happened about every other day for most of the winter. He was a funny bird. He was sort of my Lorax...

Thad Blaisdell
06-21-2011, 05:36 AM
I think it was saying..... "Are you my mother?"

06-21-2011, 12:45 PM
Ha I know someone who started chasing some down in the wood and when he steped over a log he stepped right on one and didn't even have to waste a bullet

06-21-2011, 01:21 PM
Pats are a strange bird - clever and dumb rolled into one. In the Winter when its to cold to roost in a tree - they will dive into fluff snow and spend the night - hardly know they were there except for a little dimple in the snow. Yet - they will sit along a road edge and do their dang best to figger out a way to best fly into the side of your car or pickup............

Father & Son
06-22-2011, 04:19 AM
Is it hanging out in your "Pear Tree"?
Sorry, couldn't resist :)

A few years back I had one that followed me around for a couple of months. It had no problem perching right beside you.


06-22-2011, 09:37 AM
My father-in-law had a ruffed grouse like this in his woods a few years ago. Followed him all over while cutting wood. At break time, it would stay near by while he sat on a log & drank his coffee. During deer season that year while I was sitting in one of the tree stands I saw a grouse come walking past. Not unusual. the next tihing I know it flew up and sat on a branch within a few feet of me. It hopped on the top rail of the stand and kept working closer to me. It eventually was right in front of my head and pecked at the brim of my hat, then at the corner of my eyeglasses. When it got still more curious and started looking at my nose I finally had to move enough for it to back away. I stayed around for another 15-20 minutes, just not quite as close.

06-22-2011, 11:37 AM
we had one that would follow any thing with a motor we actually got pics of my dad with his shot gun in his hand and the partridge on his shoulder. It was pretty funny everyone that came to hunting camp that year would show up and start telling us about the partridge that was following them down the road. we asume some ting ate it the way it just numbed around.

06-22-2011, 12:03 PM
Just back for lunch after a morning in the bush, and once again my friend the partridge is back. Going to take the camera after lunch and see if i can get a shot of him (with the camera of course) .

06-29-2011, 05:42 PM
I have seen this phenomena myself. Working at a corr. facility on a perimeter patrol job, we had a partridge actually fly beside our vehicle for several weeks. He/she would actually peck at any shiny part of our vehicle. I'm ashamed to say that I would do laps back and forth to try and tire it out.

06-29-2011, 09:13 PM
What kind of partridge are these things.We had what we called fools grouse up here actual name spruce grouse that were pretty dumb.The partridge I have out in the shed wouldn't follow anybody.They are too busy beating up everything.

06-29-2011, 09:21 PM
Kenw you are everto being spot on. They are actually ruffed grouse, spruce is another relative of the ruffed grouse. The spruce grouse is a protected bird in NY not many around. Old school was to call a grouse a partridge here and I never knew why guess because of the similarity.

02-17-2012, 11:17 AM
Update on my friend! He is still around! My daughter had Conversation with him/her last night while hanging buckets!