View Full Version : can i use 1/2" mainline in my woods

06-09-2011, 07:40 PM
i have a bush of about 40 trees that are in a gutt,there's about 15 on a steep side around 50% grade and the rest on the other side with around 3% grade i wanna run a mainline down the stream bed at the bottom about 300' max. run.i wanna use 1/2"because i have extra 1/2" saddles this will be gravity but i can only get about 3% on my main according to laser level and feeding a main from a steep side and a low side is this gonna be problems,if so how can this be done.thanks

06-09-2011, 11:32 PM
i have a bush of about 40 trees that are in a gutt,there's about 15 on a steep side around 50% grade and the rest on the other side with around 3% grade i wanna run a mainline down the stream bed at the bottom about 300' max. run.i wanna use 1/2"because i have extra 1/2" saddles this will be gravity but i can only get about 3% on my main according to laser level and feeding a main from a steep side and a low side is this gonna be problems,if so how can this be done.thanks

Is this going to be tied into another mainline or a seperate run? At only 40 trees I say go for it especially since you already have the supplies. What I dont understand however is you only being able to get a 3% slope. Why not just raise the one end up higher and just put the taps higher in the tree. I have some taps on my mainline that are 6 feet up the tree. Not ideal but its better than skipping them. Cant get sap from a tree that you dont tap. When you say feeding the main from the high side and then the low side on the main Im guessing you are refering to your laterals entering your mainline? If so as long as the lats are sloped down to the mainline your good. Remember on gravity dont be shy on the taps per lat.

06-10-2011, 07:08 AM
I agree wth 3rdgen.maple. Get that main line up as high a possible on the top side. I have one of my main lines up 5 feet with the taps 7 feet up on a couple of trees. I keep a ladder beside these trees to tap/untap. 3/4 inch line is always best; however, if you have the 1/2 inch connectors that is what I would go with - should you ever put vacuum I would expect that you would not have more than 60 taps.

Haynes Forest Products
06-10-2011, 11:49 AM
I depend on the good fortune of using a friends woods for all my sap production. It was an established gravity system. Of the 950 taps all of it is 1/2" mains. Over time I went with vacuum and upgraded to 3/4-1" when possible. I do have a section that is 1/2" and has about 275 trees on it and it is my best producer. So I say go with what you can do and upgrade when possible BUT don't feel you cant do something because the book says it wont work. I have some sections that have 30 taps per 5/16 tubing. Some day as time allows it will change but it is what it is. Have fun.

06-11-2011, 06:40 AM
i cant get more than 3% percent on main without lowside taps and lats.being about 10' in the trees at 3% my mainlines end is at 7' to clear the top of a small waterfalls in the stream bed.i really want this bush on gravity because they are big mature trees and once winter hits it impossible to get into it with anything except snowshoes and the nearest power is about a mile and half away so to me vacuums out of the question without burning gas(im only a hobbiest with 23 taps and with this bush maybe 70 something so gas is expensive for this operation).this will be my second time running tubing,my first attempt at it 23 taps works great so im hoping i can get this bush open so i can have future expansion.thanks everyone

Rossell's Sugar Camp
06-11-2011, 08:54 AM
You can drive yourself crazy if you are too critical about the slope of your lines. Just follow the rule for how many taps per 1/2, 3/4, and 1 etc. I would use 1/2 in your situation. I do live in a rather hilly area though so mine all go downhill.